Kodus nagunii ainult norutad. | You're just probably gonna go home and mope around anyway. |
Miks sa ootad ja norutad? | Why do you wait and mope? |
Ma tean, et see kõlab natuke liiga otsekoheselt, aga ma pole sellist tüüpi, kes peale lahkuminekut kaua norutab. | Listen, I know this is gonna sound forward, but, uh, I'm not a guy who sits and mopes after a break-up. |
Ta ainult norutab kodus. Vahib uudiseid, loodab ennast näka. Või helistab kellelegi ADM-i, et kõlakaid kuulda. | Well, he just mopes around here all day... ...watching the news, looking for a glimpse of himself. or he's calling someone from ADM, trying to get the latest gossip. |
Ta ainult norutab kodus. Vahib uudiseid, loodab ennast näka. | Well, he just mopes around here all day watching the news, looking for a glimpse of himself. |
Nad on nii norutavad. | They're so mopey. |