Esculpir (to carve) conjugation

57 examples

Conjugation of esculpir

Present tense
I carve
you carve
he/she carves
we carve
you all carve
they carve
Present perfect tense
tenho esculpido
I have carved
tens esculpido
you have carved
tem esculpido
he/she has carved
temos esculpido
we have carved
tendes esculpido
you all have carved
têm esculpido
they have carved
Past preterite tense
I carved
you carved
he/she carved
we carved
you all carved
they carved
Future tense
I will carve
you will carve
he/she will carve
we will carve
you all will carve
they will carve
Conditional mood
I would carve
you would carve
he/she would carve
we would carve
you all would carve
they would carve
Past imperfect tense
I used to carve
you used to carve
he/she used to carve
we used to carve
you all used to carve
they used to carve
Past perfect tense
tinha esculpido
I had carved
tinhas esculpido
you had carved
tinha esculpido
he/she had carved
tínhamos esculpido
we had carved
tínheis esculpido
you all had carved
tinham esculpido
they had carved
Future perfect tense
terei esculpido
I will have carved
terás esculpido
you will have carved
terá esculpido
he/she will have carved
teremos esculpido
we will have carved
tereis esculpido
you all will have carved
terão esculpido
they will have carved
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha esculpido
I have carved
tenhas esculpido
you have carved
tenha esculpido
he/she has carved
tenhamos esculpido
we have carved
tenhais esculpido
you all have carved
tenham esculpido
they have carved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have carved
(if/so that) you will have carved
(if/so that) he/she will have carved
(if/so that) we will have carved
(if/so that) you all will have carved
(if/so that) they will have carved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver esculpido
I will have carved
tiveres esculpido
you will have carved
tiver esculpido
he/she will have carved
tivermos esculpido
we will have carved
tiverdes esculpido
you all will have carved
tiverem esculpido
they will have carved
Imperative mood
let's carve!
Imperative negative mood
não esculpas
do not carve!
não esculpa
let him/her/it not carve!
não esculpamos
let us not carve!
não esculpais
do not carve!
não esculpam
do not carve!

Examples of esculpir

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Halloween, 2007. Disse à Abby que não ia esculpir a abóbora.Halloween, 2007, I told Abby I didn't want to carve a pumpkin.
...esculpir no meu tempo livre, e ensinar à nossa filha as tradições do grande Mississípi? carve in my spare time, and teach our daughter the lore of the great Mississippi?
A minha história preferida é a de Lorenzo de Medici orientando Michelangelo a esculpir a sua estátua de Cupido "all'antica", podendo assim vendê-la por um preço mais alto.My own favorite story is of Lorenzo de Medici instructing Michelangelo... to carve his statue of Cupid, all'antica... so it would fetch a better price.
Ainda estou à espera de esculpir a minha poesia naquele rochedo.I am still waiting to carve my poetry onto that cliff
Bem, esta faca tem que esculpir algo.Well, this knife's got to carve something.
Apenas esculpo os bocados que não preciso e já está.I just carve away the pieces I don't need and there it is.
Quando a esculpo, ela diz-me onde devo parti-la.When I carve it, it tells me where to cut it.
Se contas seja o que for a alguém, esculpo as minhas iniciais no teu tecido cerebral... despedaço-te o crânio, como uma couve podre... e faço uma festa na tua cabeça!You tell anybody anything and I will carve my initials in your brain tissue. - Let me rephrase- - I'll bash your skull in like a bad cabbage, and I'll have a party on your head!
Alfred, tu esculpes.Alfred, you carve.
Dás-lhe forma com as mãos, esculpes com carne e osso.You shape it with your own hands, carve it from flesh and bone.
"Como Hemingway, ele esculpe as sentenças... com... com o apuro de um lapidário de diamantes... deixando só o melhor e o mais brilhante.""Like Hemingway, he carves his sentences... with a... with a diamond cutter's eye... Leaving the best and the brightest."
A sua força bruta esculpe a costa.Their brute force carves the coastline.
Cada homem esculpe-se fora da eternidade e para isso, geralmente morre pela sua própria mão.Each man carves himself out of eternity and for that, usually dies by his own hand.
Isto é o que Rumpelstiltskin esculpe para ti após teres prometido o teu primogénito.This is what Rumpelstiltskin carves for you after you promise him your firstborn.
O calor do Sol pode ser gentil nestas latitudes, mas é contínuo durante 24 horas por dia, e esculpe o gelo em formas mágicas.The sun's heat may be gentle at these latitudes, but it is continuous for 24 hours a day, and it carves the ice into magical shapes.
E nós a esculpimos juntos.- We carved it together.
E se nos derem a rapariga e esculpimos os rostos dos presidentes no vosso monte?What if you give her up and we carve presidents in your mountain?
Lembram-se de quando esculpimos isto?Remember when we carved these?
Nós moldamos, esculpimos, damos forma, pintamos e autenticamos.We mold, carve, shape, paint and authenticate.
- Sim, esculpido das presas do elefante Frederick, morto no ano passado, durante um safari.Yes, it's carved from the tusk of the elephant Frederick shot on safari last year.
- Um olho esculpido numa árvore.It's an eye carved in a tree.
- É esculpido à mão.- That is hand-carved.
E não foi esculpido à mão, como uma escultura.It wasn't hand-carved so much as it was hand-sculpted.
E o papá fez este urso pardo esculpido e este tiki.And Daddy made this cool hand-carved grizzly bear and this tiki.
A chuva alimenta os rios, que esculpem vales na paisagem, tal como na Terra.The rain feeds rivers which carve valleys into the landscape, just like on Earth.
Ao recuarem, os glaciares esculpem lagos, rios e baías.As the glaciers recede, they carve out lakes, rivers, and bays.
Eles esculpem ilegalmente ossos de baleia.They carve it out of illegal whalebone.
Os Polinésios esculpem estátuas em pedra, com ferramentas da Idade da Pedra.Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean. Polynesians carve statues from rock with stone age tools.
Porque é que as pessoas esculpem estátuas dos Deuses?Why do people carve Gods idol?
E dou-te de brinde esta palheta, que esculpi a partir de um dente de carnossauro.And I'll throw in this pick, which I painstakingly carved from a Carno's tooth.
E esculpi em metal o que mais tarde se tornou um suporte de sabonetes.And I carved the design of what later became the AMC Pacer out of a bar of soap.
E só para ser um imbecil, esculpi "Brooks esteve aqui" na parede.And just to be a jerk, I carved "Brooks was here" in the wall.
Então eu tirei a minha faca e esculpi "Montanha Sarah" na rocha.So I took out my knife and I carved "Mount Sarah" into the rock.
Eu esculpi isto numa barra de sabão e pintei com uma caneta.I carved it out of a bar of soap And colored it in with a marker.
Existe uma árvore encantada, parecida aquela de onde esculpiste o Pinóquio.There is an enchanted tree, much like the one you carved Pinocchio from.
Muito obrigado, Margaret. não acredito que esculpiste um crucifixo sozinha.Thank you so much, Margaret. I can't believe you carved that crucifix yourself. So talented.
A energia é transformada numa força poderosa que esculpiu a costa de todos os continentes.The energy is turned into a powerful force that has carved the coastline of every continent.
A minha família lutou por esta terra, Sr. Bohannon, esculpiu este lugar de um deserto que ninguém queria.My family bled for this land, Mr. Bohannon, carved this place out of a wilderness nobody wanted.
Andrew esculpiu isto aqui.Andrew carved these.
Assim como os antigos reis, John esculpiu sua pegada, unindo-o à terra, que ele governaria.Just like the ancient kings, John stepped into a carved rock footprint, joining him to the land he was to rule over.
Basicamente, estou no meio de um monte de rocha e alguém a esculpiu, e é espantoso.I'm basically in the middle of a load of rock, and someone's carved it out, and it is amazing.
"Selvagens nunca esculpiram estas pedras.""Savages never carved these stones.
Durante milênios, a chuva e o gelo esculpiram a pedra numa paisagem de pináculos e desfiladeiros.Over millennia, rain and ice carved the rock into a landscape of spires and canyons.
Eles esculpiram o número em cima da caixa dele.They carved the number on top of his box.
Formaram-se glaciares e os seus movimentos lentos mas incessantes esculpiram a terra em novas formas.Glaciers formed, and their slow but relentless movements carved the land into new shapes.
Nesta mina, quase que há mais sal do que se consegue escoar. Tanto que até esculpiram uma capela em sal, 200 metros abaixo do solo.For this mine, there's almost more than they know what to do with, so much so, that they've even carved their own chapel out of salt,
Queres que a esculpa na forma de uma lanterna do halloween?You want me to carve it into a thank-o'-lantern?
Quero que ma esculpas no tecto do meu quarto... Se eu fosse Deus esculpia-a no céu azul e brilhante.I want you to carve her across the roof of my room... but if I was god, I'd carve her across the bright blue sky.
Trevor... quero que esculpas um "C" do canto do olho até ao canto da boca dele.Trevor... I want you to carve a C from the corner of him eye to the corner of him mouth.
"e escrevendo e esculpindo na casca das árvores""and writing and carving on the bark of the trees"
- Matar homens esculpindo as caras deles?- To kill men by carving up their faces?
Agora está a compreender, estes vermes passam a época da chuva esculpindo estátuas que se parecem com eles.Now you're catching on these vermins spend the rainy-season carving statues that look like them
Aquela bizarra que você faz quando está esculpindo.The grimace thing you do when you're carving.
E com o tempo em suas mãos, começaram a trabalhar, esculpindo enormes estátuas de pedra conhecidas como Moais.And with time on their hands, they set to work carving huge stone statues known as moai.
Disseram alguma coisa? Sim, ouve algo que lhes fez voltar para me esculpirem.Yeah, there was some back and forth on how bad to carve me up.
Eu acho que... se não esculpires aquela abóbora com ele amanhã, ele vai cortar relações contigo.I think, if you don't carve that pumpkin with him tomorrow, he's going to disown you.
Depois de esculpirmos a abóbora, mas tens de ficar calado.After we carve the jack-o'- lantern, but you have to be quiet.

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