Aion vuolla irti koko naamasi... | I am gonna carve your face up... |
Luut voidaan vuolla veitsiksi. | Her leg bones we can carve into knives. |
Raaka-ainetta piti vain tutkia hetkinen - kunnes selvisi paras tapa vuolla se - pikkuneidin pikkunisäkäsmaun mukaiseksi. | One did nothing more than study the raw material for a time until one came to understand how best to carve it into a shape that would appeal to Little Miss' love of tiny mammals. |
Voisin vuolla numeroita hänen rintaansa! | I would carve numbers into his chest! |
Madchen vuoli kasvot. | Georgia Madchen carved up her victim's face. |
Tuck vuoli kirjaimen "T" runkoon, merkiksi missä olemme olleet. | Tuck carved a "T" in the trunk, to mark where we'd been. |
Kuin hänen poikansa vuolema. | It's made to look like her son carved it. |