Et endale meelde tuletada, et ma olen eksisteerin. | Anything to remind me that I exist. |
James, ma eksisteerin! | James, I exist! |
Kas oled mõelnud võimalusele... et ma eksisteerin sinu peas... olemata hallutsinatsioon? | Have you considered the possibility that I can very well exist only in your head without being a hallucination? |
- Sa eksisteerid siin. | - You exist here. |
Ainus põhjus, miks sa eksisteerid on see, et mina ergutan sind. | The only reason that you even exist is because I kick you |
"Et Pariis eksisteerib ja igaüks võib elada ükskõik kus mujal maailmas, jääb alati mulle mõistatuseks. | "That Paris exists, and anyone could choose to live" "anywhere else in the world, will always be a mystery to me". |
"Et Pariis eksisteerib ja igaüks võib elada... ükskõik kus mujal maailmas, jääb alati mulle mõistatuseks. | "That Paris exists, and anyone could choose to live" "anywhere else in the world, will always be a mystery to me." |
"Ma südamest usun, et paralleeluniversum eksisteerib meie omaga koos. Maastiketäis hingi, keda me ei näe, nutavad, et saaks rääkida lugusid, mida peab rääkima. | "I believe with all my heart that a parallel universe coexists with ours a landscape of souls which we cannot see crying out with stories that must be told that must never be forgotten, else their awful deaths"... |
"Paul Giamatti... on maailma parim superspioon, kes eksisteerib ainult ülekaalulise agorafoobist dþässmuusiku peas, keda kehastab Martin Lawrence paksukostüümis." | "Paul Giamatti... "is the world's greatest superspy... "who only exists "in the mind of an overweight agoraphobic "jazz musician... played by Martin Lawrence in a fat suit." |
"Me eksisteerime - olenemata rahvusest, nahavärvist või usust. | 'We exist without nationality, skin colour or religious bias. |
"Me eksisteerime olenemata rahvusest, nahavärvist või usust. | 'We exist without nationality, skin colour or religious bias. |
- Me eksisteerime koos, Ray. | We co-exist, Ray. |
Kogu oma austuse ja teravate asjade hirmu juures, te eksisteerite ainult Tema Jumaliku Õilsuse tahtest. | With all due respect and fear of sharp objects, you exist, sir, only because of Her Divine Greatness. |
Ma pole isegi kindel, et te eksisteerite. | I'm not even sure you exist. |
Nad annavad mulle enamuse toetusest, mis järel on... Nende järgi on ebatõenäoline, et te üldse eksisteerite. | They provide most of my funding, what's left of it... according to them, it's highly unlikely you even exist. |
Te eksisteerite, et jätkata oma eksistentsi. | You exist to continue your existence. |
- Kui nad eksisteerivad, siis jah. | - If they exist, yes. |
- Loomulikult UFO-d eksisteerivad. | - Of course UFOs exist. |
- See on fakt, et Jumal ja Saatan on olemas ning koletised eksisteerivad. | The fact is, people, is that God is real, the Devil is real, and monsters exist. |
- Täiesti teine probleem. M-teooria kohaselt ühendab see viite superseeria teooriat, kus on mitmeid ruumilisi dimensioone. Tegelikult üksteist, mis eksisteerivad paralleelselt meie füüsilise reaalsusega. | See, according to M-theory, that unites the five superstring theories, there are several spatial dimensions... eleven, actually, that exist in parallel with our physical reality. |
"Erapooletust ei eksisteeri mõrvamisel". | "Neutrality does not exist in the face of murder. |
- Headus ei eksisteeri ilma kurjuseta. | - Good cannot exist without evil |
- Kohtades Gjendesheim ei eksisteeri. | - The destination Gjendesheim does not exist. |
Aega ei eksisteeri. Teisi mängijaid ei eksisteeri. | Time, other players do not exist any more. |
Agentuur lihtsalt unustas, et ma üldse eksisteerisin. | The agency conveniently forgot I existed. |
Pimedat tühjust, milles enne kehata eksisteerisin. | The dark void that I existed in... before I had a body. |
Aga kui Höss 1940 aasta aprillis saabus, eksisteerisid ainult vähesed hooned. | But when Höss first arrived in April 1940 few of these buildings existed. |
Jess! Need filmid eksisteerisid. | Those shows existed! |
Kui Unased olid esimesed,.. ..siis pidi olema aeg, kui eksisteerisid mõlemat tüüpi Goa'uld peremeesloomad. | If the Unas were the first ones, there had to have been a time when both forms of Goa'uld host coexisted. |
Kui nad üldse eksisteerisid. | If they ever existed at all. |
Ainus moodus nende aitamiseks, nende elushoidmiseks, oli Piirini jõuda, kui see üldse eksisteeris. | The only way to help them, to keep them alive, was to get to the boundary. If it even existed. |
Bast¸y kool eksisteeris aastatel 1900 - 1953. | The School of Bastøy existed from 1900 - 1953 |
Bastžy kool eksisteeris aastatel 1900 - 1953. | The School of Bastøy existed from 1900 - 1953 |
CIA-l aga polnud halli aimugi, et see tuumaprogramm eksisteeris. | Not a single person in the CIA had the slightest clue that such a program even existed. |
Varsti ei usu enam keegi, et me üldse eksisteerisime? | "Pretty soon, no one will believe you even existed." No, Jake! |
Maailm ei saa kunagi teadma, et te üldse eksisteerisite. | The world will never know you existed at all. |
Varsti ei usu enam keegi, et te üldse kunagi eksisteerisite. | Pretty soon, no one will believe you even existed. |
AEGA ei eksisteerinud. Aeg on paisuva universumi enda mõõde. Aga mis juhtub siis, kui universum paisumise lõpetab? | TlME did not exist. time is a result of the expansion of universe itself but what will happen when the Universe has finished expanding? and the movement is reversed what will be the nature of time? |
AEGA ei eksisteerinud. | Time did not exist |
Einstein ütles, et varem polnud midagi, sest aega veel ei eksisteerinud. | Einstein, we would say that there is a "before" because time itself did not exist. |
See lause ei eksisteerinud siis, kui ma viimasele eksemplarile oma allkirja andsin. | That sentence did not exist when I signed off on the final copy. |
Kui see kergelt varieeruks, siis elu kui sellist ei eksisteeriks. | If it varied slightly, life as we know it would not exist. |
Sest kui Jumal poleks kättemaksu- himuline, siis mind ei eksisteeriks. | Because if he was not vengeful, I would not exist, now, would I? |
Sind ei eksisteeriks. | You would not exist. |
"Arvati, et seda ei eksisteeri." | "It was concluded that it never existed." |
"Ei eksisteeri"? | - That he doesn't exist ?? |
"Õigus peab eksisteerima sõltumatult tema tarvitamisest." | "A right must exist independently of its exercise." |
- Mu poiss, ma ei ole isegi mitte selles kindel, et me kõik eksisteerima samal teadvustasemel. | My boy, I'm not even sure that we all exist on the same plane of consciousness. |
Arthjur, maailm, mille eest sa võitled, ei hakka kunagi eksisteerima. | Arthur, you fight for a world that will never exist. |
Arthur, maailma, mille eest sa võitled, ei hakka kunagi eksisteerima. | Arthur, you fight for a world that will never exist. |
- Ja mina armastan sind. Sest mõistsin, et platooniline armastus saab eksisteerida kahe täiskasvanud mehe vahel. | -And I love you, because I've learned that platonic love can exist between two grown men. |
- Mul on raske seda seletada, kuidas saavad jumal ja tulnukad samas maailmas eksisteerida? | I'm at a loss to explain How god and aliens exist in the same world. |
... intsidente, kus footonite tihedus on nii suur, et osakesed võivad eksisteerida kahes kohas korraga suure vahemaa taga. | ...we have found incidents of photon intensity so great that particles can exist simultaneously in two spaces over great distances. |
Aga ma usun, et kui me sirutume üksteise poole, saame koos eksisteerida ja isegi koos edeneda. | But I believe if we reach out to one another that we can coexist and even thrive together. |
"Kui suren mina, ja surevad need, kes mind on tundnud..." "Siis ma nagu polekski eksisteerinud." | Once I am dead and everyone who knew me dies too it will be as though I never even existed. |
"Siis ma nagu polekski eksisteerinud." | - be as though I never even existed |
- ...ja vabadus on alati eksisteerinud-- ebakindlal tasapinnal, ja kui ehitised hakkavad kerkima, kalduvad inimeste prioriteedid muutuma. | - ...and freedom have always existed in a-- in a very precarious balance, and when buildings start blowing up, people's priorities tend to change. |
- Selle universumi, mis eksisteerib või selle, mis on kunagi eksisteerinud. | - Any universe that exists or ever existed. |
Aga Võimud on eksisteerinud vaid mõnisada aastat. | But the Authority has existed for only a few hundred years. |
Meenuta mulle, kuidas sa lahendad konflikti, mis on eksisteerinud inimkonna algusest peale. | Remind me how you resolve a conflict That has existed since the beginning of mankind. |
Me oleme eksisteerinud sell viisil tunandeid aastaid. | We have existed this way for thousands of years. |
Oleme ettevaatus abinõud kasutusele võtnud peale 412 juhtunut, aga ei saa testida viirust, mida ma ei tea eksisteerivat. | I approved their clearance, yes. We've been taking extra precautions since the outbreak on 412, but you can't test for a virus that you don't know exists. |
On üks vaikne ja tühi koht, kus puudub n-ö turvateenistus, ning seda vaikset, tühja kohta ei tea keegi eksisteerivat. | There's this quiet, empty place with no security to speak of, and this quiet, empty place no one really knows exists. |
Üks selle oletus on, et universum, kõik, mida me teame eksisteerivat, eksisteerib mingil tasandil. | One of its proposition is that the universe, everything we know that exist, exists on one plane. |
Kas see tundub sulle nagu eksisteeriks päriselt sinu jaoks? | Does that seem like something that would exist in the real world to you? |