Peale industriaalajastut olid meil suured kohtuprotsessid ja boikotid. | After our industrial era we had big trials and boycotts. |
Me boikotime Yasguri piima. | We're gonna boycott Yasgur's milk. MAN: |
Kui te ei saa oma poiss mänguasi ballile, I viib kooli hõlmava boikoti ja kui nad ei vasta minu, Ma mõtlen meie, nõudmiste, siis ma Lihtsalt Host minu jahedam alterna-prom. | If you can't take your boy toy to prom, I will lead a school-wide boycott, and if they don't meet my, I mean our, demands, then I will just host my own cooler alterna-prom. |
Me teeme boikoti. | Then we'll boycott, and we'll organize. |
Sellepärast NAACP on nõudnud üleriigilist boikoti Woolworthsis. | That is why the NAACP is calling for a nationwide boycott of Woolworths. That's right! That's right! |