Menghormati (to respect) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghormati

Present tense
I respect
Past tense
sudah menghormati
I respected
Present perfect tense
sudah menghormati
I have respected
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghormati
I will have respected
Future recent tense
menghormati nanti
I will respect
Future distant tense
menghormati kelak
I am going to respect
Present continuous tense
sedang menghormati
I respect
Past distant tense
dulu menghormati
I (a long time ago) respected
Past recent tense
menghormati tadi
I (recently) respected
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghormati
I (just now) respected

Examples of menghormati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Wadlow mulai mengirimiku pesan yang tidak pantas, dan ia tidak menghormati batas selama sesi kami, jadi aku membuatnya istirahat dan membatasi dia hanya seminggu sekali, hanya pada siang hari.Wadlow started leaving me inappropriate messages, and he wasn't respecting boundaries during our sessions, so I made him take a break and restricted him to once a week, during daytime hours.
Mereka tidak menghormati...They have no respect for...
Kami benar-benar bernama itu Cathy, dan itu murni untuk menghormati Ric O'Barry.We actually named it Cathy, and that was purely out of respect for Ric O'Barry.
Tidak menghormati, itu akan.Be disrespectful, it would.
Namun demikian, kita harus menghormati keinginannya.Even so, we must respect his wishes.

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