- Det är kul att filma när vi super. | I just thought it'd be more fun if I just filmed all of us getting wasted tonight. |
- Din man anlitade mig att filma honom. | - Your husband hired me to film him. |
- Har ni tillstånd att filma? | Do you have a film permit? |
- Här är för mörkt för att filma. | Thank you, Herman. It's too dark here. We can't film anything. |
- Staden har gått med på att filma oss? | The City signed off on filming us? |
"En talesman sa att mr Allen var mycket upprörd" "och funderade på att sluta filma i New York." | A spokeswoman for the legendary filmmaker said that Mr. Allen was extremely agitated and wondered if his days of shooting movies in New York were over." |
"Enrique Goded fortsätter filma med samma passion" | "Enrique Goded continues filming with the same passion" |
"Fortsätt filma." | "Keep filming." |
"Jag vill filma mitt liv"? | "I want to film my life"? |
"Ni kan inte filma en skolskjutning." | The fact that the film does not have a school attack could go? |
- De filmar det. | - Yeah, they film it. - I heard that. |
- Den filmar bara när något rör sig. | It will film when it feels some movement. |
- Den filmar inte. | It's not filming. I mean... yeah... |
- Du filmar henne? | - You film her? |
- Du filmar visst med Joannon? | You're filming with Joannon, right? |
"Supernatural" är filmad inför publik. | "supernatural" is filmed before a live studio audience. |
- Vill du bli filmad? | You want to be filmed? |
Att vara gåtfull och samtidigt bli filmad gick ju inte ihop. | Being the man of mystery and being filmed at the same time is a slight oxymoron, I think. It's a very dangerous thing. |
David, om din mamma inte vill bli filmad filma henne inte | David, if your mother doesn't want to be filmed don't film her. |
Det måste ha liknat denna avrättning filmad vid samma tid på sanddynerna vid Liepaja i Lettland. | The sight must have been similar to this execution, filmed around the same time on the sand-dunes of Liepaja in Latvia. |
"Det var smart att du filmade det och att du hade telefonen på snabbringning till polisen." | 'Okay, it was smart that you filmed it, 'and it was smart that you put your phone on speed dial for the cops.' |
"Enligt väktarna filmade rånarna allt" "inklusive skadorna efter sprängladdningarna." | "According to the guards, the robbers filmed everything... " "including the damage from explosives. " |
- Den som filmade kidnappningen var nog samma person som knuffade ut professorn. | - Anyone who filmed the kidnapping Was probably the same person that pushed the professor. |
- Du vet väl att vi blir filmade? | - You know we is bein' filmed. |
- Han filmade allt. | -He filmed it all. |
- Inget filmande här. | No filming here. |
Det blir inget mer filmande idag. | Fortunately, filming is over for the day. |
Jag känner att allt ditt filmande inte är hälsosamt. Du behöver hjälp. | And it says all this filming isn't healthy, and that you need help. |
Samarbete blev grunden för tre års filmande världen över. | Collaborations like this would be the foundation of the whole three years of filming across the world. |
Äggens tyngd sänker palmbladet och avslutar ynglandet och teamets filmande. | The weight of the eggs sinks the palm frond and puts an end to the spawning and to the crew's filming. |
- Filmen på nätet var filmat högt uppe. | From the posting on the Internet The attack was filmed from a high vantage point |
-Har du filmat så länge? | - Have you filmed like this for a long time? |
-Jag har filmat lejon i Tanzania. | - I just filmed some lions in Tanzania. |
-Nej, Trey har filmat. | You know what? Trey will have filmed it. |
13 oktober 2008 fick Filmkameratene AS en anonym försändelse med två hårddiskar som innehöll 283 minuter filmat material. | On October 13, 2008, Filmkameratene AS received an anonymous package with two hard disks containing 283 minutes of filmed material. |