Activa (to activate) conjugation

44 examples

Conjugation of activa

Present tense
I activate
you activate
he/she/it activates
we activate
you all activate
they activate
Present perfect tense
am activat
I have activated
ai activat
you have activated
a activat
he/she/it has activated
am activat
we have activated
ați activat
you all have activated
au activat
they have activated
Past preterite tense
I activated
you activated
he/she/it activated
we activated
you all activated
they activated
Future tense
voi activa
I will activate
vei activa
you will activate
va activa
he/she/it will activate
vom activa
we will activate
veți activa
you all will activate
vor activa
they will activate
Conditional mood
aș activa
I would activate
ai activa
you would activate
ar activa
he/she/it would activate
am activa
we would activate
ați activa
you all would activate
ar activa
they would activate
Subjunctive present tense
să activez
(so that/if) I activate
să activezi
(so that/if) you activate
să activeze
(so that/if) he/she/it activate
să activăm
(so that/if) we activate
să activați
(so that/if) you all activate
să activeze
(so that/if) they activate
Subjunctive past tense
să fi activat
(so that/if) I have activated
să fi activat
(so that/if) you have activated
să fi activat
(so that/if) he/she/it have activated
să fi activat
(so that/if) we have activated
să fi activat
(so that/if) you all have activated
să fi activat
(so that/if) they have activated
Past impf. tense
I was activating
you were activating
he/she/it was activating
we were activating
you all were activating
they were activating
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu activa
do not activate!
nu activați
do not activate!
Past pluperfect tense
I had activated
you had activated
he/she/it had activated
we had activated
you all had activated
they had activated
Future alternative 1 tense
am să activez
I am going to activate
ai să activezi
you are going to activate
are să activeze
he/she/it is going to activate
avem să activăm
we are going to activate
aveți să activați
you all are going to activate
au să activeze
they are going to activate
Future alternative 2 tense
o să activez
I am going to activate
o să activezi
you are going to activate
o să activeze
he/she/it is going to activate
o să activăm
we are going to activate
o să activați
you all are going to activate
o să activeze
they are going to activate
Future perfect tense
voi fi activat
I will have activated
vei fi activat
you will have activated
va fi activat
he/she/it will have activated
vom fi activat
we will have activated
veți fi activat
you all will have activated
vor fi activat
they will have activated
Future in the past tense
aveam să activez
I was going to activate
aveai să activezi
you were going to activate
avea să activeze
he/she/it was going to activate
aveam să activăm
we were going to activate
aveați să activați
you all were going to activate
aveau să activeze
they were going to activate
Conditional past tense
aș fi activat
I would have activated
ai fi activat
you would have activated
ar fi activat
he/she/it would have activated
am fi activat
we would have activated
ați fi activat
you all would have activated
ar fi activat
they would have activated
Presumptive tense
oi activa
I might activate
oi activa
you might activate
o activa
he/she/it might activate
om activa
we might activate
oți activa
you all might activate
or activa
they might activate
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi activând
I might be activating
oi fi activând
you might be activating
o fi activând
he/she/it might be activating
om fi activând
we might be activating
oți fi activând
you all might be activating
or fi activând
they might be activating
Presumptive past tense
oi fi activat
I might have activated
oi fi activat
you might have activated
o fi activat
he/she/it might have activated
om fi activat
we might have activated
oți fi activat
you all might have activated
or fi activat
they might have activated

Examples of activa

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"toate încercările convenţionale de a dezactiva jz33 vor activa alarmele Scyllei.""all conventional attempts to dismantle the jz33 Will activate the scylla alarms."
- Asta ar activa bomba.- That would activate the bomb.
- Da, Liam. Acum voi activa anularea radiaţiei.I've got you, Liam, now I'm going to activate the radiation scoop.
- Da, înţeleg. Crezi că mi-aş putea activa aliasul Rydell ca să scot ceva din ţară, cum ar fi comoara furată a naziştilor?You think I might activate my Rydell alias in order to sneak something out of the country, something like a stolen Nazi treasure?
- E nevoie de un Vizionar cu o mare putere pentru a activa aceasta camera.- It takes a Seer of great ability to activate this chamber.
- Aproape. Sunt pe cale să activez transmiţătorul.I'm just about to activate the relay's transmission array.
- Da. ÎI activez acum.I'm about to activate it.
- Daca-i dai drumul o sa-l activez pentru tine.- Lf you let her go I'll activate it for you.
- O să activez ceainicul.- I will activate the kettle.
- Raman aici sa le activez.- I'll stay and activate.
"Poate, ai uitat sa-l activezi."Perhaps you forgot to activate it.
- Cum activezi motoarele ?How do you activate the drives? Like this.
- După aia simplu, activezi închiderea semnalului şi eşti pregătit pentru data următoare.-And then quite simply, activate the music terminator and you`re ready for the next time. Very simple. Straightforward.
- Poti sa activezi inelele de transport?- Can you activate those transport rings?
- Trebuie să activezi scanerul.I need you to activate the scan.
"Deschiderea acestei uşiţe activează ceasul detonatorului procedura de dezamorsare trebuie efectuată imediat.""the opening of this door activates the timing mechanism. disconnection procedure must be carried out forthwith."
- Asta activează autodistrugerea.Fuhgetaboutit! That activates the auto-destruct.
- Dacă o deschizi şi închizi, se activează.Why not? Opening and closing the latch. That's what activates it.
- Nu poţi folosi uşa din faţă, sistemul de alarmă se activează după ora 10.- You can't use the front door, the alarm system activates after 10:00.
-Formezi numărul şi se activează.You dial the number, and the device activates.
- Ca să activăm scuturile.- To activate the shields.
- Dacă o activăm cu ingrediente tari.If we activate it with powerful ingredients.
- Mai bine activăm reţeaua de apărare.- Let's activate the defense grid.
A spus să nu-l activăm.He said not to activate it!
Acum să o activăm și să plecăm de aici.Now let's activate it and get out of here.
"Cu senzorii noștri cu laser activat, am pornit de la 30 de secunde intervale. "'With our laser sensors activated, we set off at 30-second intervals.'
"Extrem de periculos când e activat.""Extremely dangerous when activated.
"Oul de Paşte" din dosar a fost activat.Easter Egg in the file has been activated.
"Protocolul Strigătul Muribundului a fost activat. "Dead man's protocol activated.
100 de miliarde de neuroni pe fiecare om, din care doar 15% sunt activați.100 billion neurons per human, of which only 15% are activated.
Aceasta a fost o scanare a unui ateu - am avut de fapt, le medita sau contemplarea lui Dumnezeu - aratã cã lobilor frontali nu activați , spre deosebire de cel care se roagã care face.This was a scan of an atheist -- we actually had them meditating or contemplating God -- showing that the frontal lobes don't activate as opposed to the person praying who does.
Am fost antrenat când un automobilist a fost excesul de viteză, Pentru a obține foarte aproape și apoi activați luminile roșii și albastre.We were trained when a motorist was speeding, to get real close and then activate the red and blue lights.
Jones, activați sulurile de ancorare.Jones, you activate the anchor scrolls.
La semnalul meu, activați comunicațiile și tracker.On my mark, activate comms and tracker.
"Sperma nu e activă sub apă.""Sperm cannot underwater be activated."
- Auto-repararea e încă activă ?ls self-repair still activated?
Ai devenit activă pentru prima ta operaţiune.You've been activated for your first op.
Nimic, domnule. Procedura de auto distrugere este încă activă.The self-Destruct sequence is still activated.
O parte a creierului tău a rămas activă.Part of your brain remains activated.
Cronometrul s-a oprit, activând motorul care a închis hornul şi a lăsat praful de cărbune să cadă în foc, rezultând monoxid de carbon.The timer goes off, activating the motor, which closes the flue and drops powdered charcoal onto the flames, producing carbon monoxide.
Când cineva încearcă să găurească uşa, o placă de sticlă din interior se sparge, activând alte sisteme de închidere, ceea ce face ca safe-ul să fie impenetrabil.When someone attempts to drill the door, a glass plate inside the safe breaks, activating additional locking bolts, which render the safe practically impervious.
După ce bila loveşte popicele, o cameră CCD face poze, activând senzorii maşinii care aranjează popicele, spunându-i care popice au fost dărâmate, şi care trebuie luate de acolo.After the ball hits, a CCD camera snaps an image, activating the sensors in the pinsetter, telling it which pins have been knocked down and which need to be picked up.
Oricine intra în turn declanşa un ochi electronic invizibil activând fantoma.Anyone entering the tower would have set off an invisible electric eye... activating the ghost.
Ozzie, dacă mă auzi, voi încerca să restabilesc legătura cu laboratorul activând o celulă electromagnetică auxiliară.Ozzie, if you can hear me, I'll try to restore contact from your end by activating one of the electromagnetic booster cells. Stand by.

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