Berlayar (to sail) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berlayar

Present tense
I sail
Past tense
sudah berlayar
I sailed
Present perfect tense
sudah berlayar
I have sailed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berlayar
I will have sailed
Future recent tense
berlayar nanti
I will sail
Future distant tense
berlayar kelak
I am going to sail
Present continuous tense
sedang berlayar
I sail
Past distant tense
dulu berlayar
I (a long time ago) sailed
Past recent tense
berlayar tadi
I (recently) sailed
Past very recent tense
baru saja berlayar
I (just now) sailed

Examples of berlayar

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia akan berlayar mengelilingi dunia.She's about to sail around the world.
Bukan aku yang bersekutu dengan si licik itu untuk membawa kita berlayar ke Barat, menuju kekosongan, menuju arah tak pasti.It wasn't me who joined forces with The Sly One to get us to sail west into nothing, into nowhere.
Angkat berlayar!Lift the sail!
Kami ikuti jalan ini sampai mati beku, Sedangkan Spartacus berlayar menuju daerah hangat di Sicilia.We follow path to frozen death, while Spartacus sails towards warm embrace of Sicilia.
Penjaga pantai bilang dia berlayar malam ini, meninggalkan negara. Tunggui di dermaga.Coast Guard says he sails tonight, leaving the country.

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