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Vender (to sell) conjugation

149 examples

Conjugation of vender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I sell
you sell
he/she/it sells
we sell
you all sell
they sell
Present perfect tense
he vendido
I have sold
has vendido
you have sold
ha vendido
he/she/it has sold
hemos vendido
we have sold
habéis vendido
you all have sold
han vendido
they have sold
Past preterite tense
I sold
you sold
he/she/it sold
we sold
you all sold
they sold
Future tense
I will sell
you will sell
he/she/it will sell
we will sell
you all will sell
they will sell
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would sell
you would sell
he/she/it would sell
we would sell
you all would sell
they would sell
Past imperfect tense
I used to sell
you used to sell
he/she/it used to sell
we used to sell
you all used to sell
they used to sell
Past perfect tense
había vendido
I had sold
habías vendido
you had sold
había vendido
he/she/it had sold
habíamos vendido
we had sold
habíais vendido
you all had sold
habían vendido
they had sold
Future perfect tense
habré vendido
I will have sold
habrás vendido
you will have sold
habrá vendido
he/she/it will have sold
habremos vendido
we will have sold
habréis vendido
you all will have sold
habrán vendido
they will have sold
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sell
(if/so that) you sell
(if/so that) he/she/it sell
(if/so that) we sell
(if/so that) you all sell
(if/so that) they sell
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya vendido
I have sold
hayas vendido
you have sold
haya vendido
he/she/it has sold
hayamos vendido
we have sold
hayáis vendido
you all have sold
hayan vendido
they have sold
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have sold
(if/so that) you have sold
(if/so that) he/she/it have sold
(if/so that) we have sold
(if/so that) you all have sold
(if/so that) they have sold
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have sold
(if/so that) you have sold
(if/so that) he/she/it have sold
(if/so that) we have sold
(if/so that) you all have sold
(if/so that) they have sold
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera vendido
I had sold
hubieras vendido
you had sold
hubiera vendido
he/she/it had sold
hubiéramos vendido
we had sold
hubierais vendido
you all had sold
hubieran vendido
they had sold
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese vendido
I had sold
hubieses vendido
you had sold
hubiese vendido
he/she/it had sold
hubiésemos vendido
we had sold
hubieseis vendido
you all had sold
hubiesen vendido
they had sold
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have sold
(if/so that) you will have sold
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sold
(if/so that) we will have sold
(if/so that) you all will have sold
(if/so that) they will have sold
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere vendido
I will have sold
hubieres vendido
you will have sold
hubiere vendido
he/she/it will have sold
hubiéremos vendido
we will have sold
hubiereis vendido
you all will have sold
hubieren vendido
they will have sold
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's sell!
Imperative negative mood
no vendas
do not sell!
no venda
let him/her/it sell!
no vendamos
let us not sell!
no vendáis
do not sell!
no vendan
do not sell!

Examples of vender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Nos estrellamos, pero nos duele y somos humildes. Y estamos listos para vender boletos". Gracias!"Hey, we crashed, but we're hurting... and we're humble, and, uh, we're ready to sell some tickets."
"'Hola, tenemos algo que vender.""Hey, we have something to sell."
"Al final tuvimos que vender también la casa"Finally we had to sell our house too.
"Almas gemelas" lo inventaron escritores de mierda para vender libros malos a gente estúpida."Soul mates" was invented by crappy writers to sell bad books to stupid people.
"Aquí ha un muy talentoso joven que sabe cómo vender un número, pero que está vacío de complejidad y profundidad.""Here's a very talented young man "who knows how to sell a number, but who is devoid of complexity and depth."
"Ahí vendo paños de lana, En la plaza, jovencito"" Woolen cloth l'm sellin' there at the square, laddie"
"Los vendo porque me traicionaron ".I'm selling them because they have betrayed me
"No puedo forzarte a comprar lo que vendo"I can't compel you to buy what I'd sell you
"No vendo la tienda".Not selling' the store Stop
"No vendo mis tejidos para uso cosmético. ""do not sell my tissue for cosmetic use."
"Grandullón ¿dices que vendes nociones?Big boy you say you're selling notions?
"La Hora Feliz." Verás cada día, durante una hora, vendes dos tragos por el precio de uno.- 'Happy hour.' See every day, ya have an hour. Ya sell two drinks for the price of one!
"Oye, ¿por qué no lo vendes?"Look, why don't you sell it?
"Tú los vendes por orgullo. Es todo."In fact, you're selling out of pride.
, ¿vendes planchas? - Sí, señor.- What, is it irons you're selling?
" Que compra y quién vende su cultivo."Who buys and who sells your crop."
"Bruno Bonomo vende, concede y transfiere sus derechos..." "de la mitad de todo..." para Paola Zamorani, portadora de los derechos usufructuarios...""Bruno Bonomo sells, concedes and transfers his rights amounting to half of everything to Paola Zamorani, holder of the remaining rights who thus becomes the sole proprietor... "
"Escuché que el mariachi vende autos en Thoreau Chevrolet en el valle""I heard the mariachi guy sells cars "at thoreau chevrolet in the valley
"Hay un restaurante en alguna parte que vende penes para comer.""There is a restaurant somewhere that sells knobs to eat."
"Guérfanos", si. ¡Y no los vendemos!'Warphans', yes. And we're not selling them!
"La ciudad de la paleta": vendemos paletas y nada más.Spatula City We sell spatulas, and that's all.
"No vendemos zapatos, sino imagen personal"."We're not selling shoes, we're selling self-image."
"Tendremos suerte si vendemos 300," le dije."I'll be lucky if I sell 300," I said.
*Los vendemos en TelAmeriCorp*♪ We sell them at TelAmeriCorp ♪
- ¿A quién le vendéis a los niños?- Who do you sell the children to?
- ¿Por qué vendéis esto en mi territorio?Why are you selling these on my turf?
Así que no vendéis hierbas o especias.- You don't sell plants of spices?
Compráis el poder, negociáis con él y lo vendéis.You buy the power, you trade it, you sell it. And you know what?
Dios mío, ¿vosotras vendéis estas camisetas?OMG, you sell these T-shirts?
"Aquellos que se quedaron aquí... "guardaron una idea mejor de los valores franceses que los... "inmigrantes que se venden...Those who have stayed here have retained a better idea of French values than the immigrants who sell themselves and auction off their country.
"Con razón venden tantos autos.""No wonder they sell a lot of cars."
"Estimados Doritos: ¿por qué no venden paquetes sólo con el polvo?""what about just selling bags full of your dust?
"Lily y Marshall venden sus cosas punto com.""Lily-and-Marshall-sell- their-stuff-dot-com."
"Los vendedores de Bangkok venden pájaros con este fin".A number of vendors around Bangkok sell birds for this purpose.
"Absolument non", vendí a mi especie por mucho efectivo.Absolutement non! I sold out my kind for a large amount of cash.
"Anoche vendí $100 en cosméticos a Barry Crocker.Last night I sold a hundred dollars worth of cosmetics... to Barry Crocker.
"Murió hace cuatro años," "vendí y regresé a Inglaterra con mi nuevo nombre,"He died four years ago, so I sold up and returned to England with my new name,
"Yo te vendí, y tú me vendiste.""I sold you, you sold me. "
"Yo te vendí...""I sold you...
""el día en que le vendiste el Agua Azul al agente del Maharajah..."the day you sold the Blue Water to the Maharajah's agent
"Los vendi." "¿los vendiste?""I sold them." "You sold them?"
"Me vendiste un reloj de basura y quiero mi dinero"."You sold me a crummy watch. I want my money back."
"Yo te vendí, y tú me vendiste.""I sold you, you sold me. "
"tú me vendiste.""you sold me."
"... llamado Andy Bernard vendió su Xterra...""named Andy Bernard sold his Xterra
"Adiós a la Atlántida" ¿Qué posibilidades hay de que un escritor desconocido que mal vendió 500 copias logre subir a este avión?What do you think the chances are of an unknown writer who barely sold 500 copies making it aboard this plane?
"Ah, Nelson vendió la música"."Nelson sold that song".
"Así que Ono vendió la granja de 125 acres del padre de Kameda a través de Kayama."Kameda's father had left him a large ranch, which Ono sold through Kayama. "
"Fridhems Livs le vendió la langosta a los Haartman. "The corner shop sold the lobster to the Haartmans.
- Dijiste que la vendimos.- I thought you said we sold it.
- El año pasado vendimos sólo 3 o 4.In the past year we've only sold a few.
- Espera. ¿Lo vendimos todo?- Wait. We sold out?
- Hoy vendimos cuatro ediciones.- We sold out four editions today.
Chicos, cuando me vendisteis los diamantes no teníais ni idea de su valor.The guys who sold me the diamonds had no idea of their value.
Cuando Andy y tú vendisteis "En la lata" a Roger, había una clausula en vuestro contrato que os beneficiaba en todos los ingresos en el extranjero. ¡Guau!When you and Andy sold Penny Can to Roger, there was a clause in your contract that gave you points on all overseas revenue.
Deberíais haberlo esperado desde el momento en que le vendisteis vuestras almas a Conrad.You all had it coming the moment you sold your souls to Conrad.
El abuelo y tú, para darme estudios lo vendisteis todo, la casa y la tienda de Azamgadh.For my education and my future, grandpa and you sold all the property, house and shop in Azamgadh.
La que tú y Heather la vendisteis como madre de alquiler a tres parejas diferentes a la vez.Oh, the one where you and Heather sold her as a surrogate mother to three different couples at the same time.
""...se vendieron a casi 1300 dolares cada una."""were sold for prices as high as $1,300 each."
"El año pasado se fabricaron y vendieron 25.000 máquinas de coser de Elias Howes en América".Mother' listen to this: "Last year 25.000 of Elias Howell's" ""sewing machine with wheel were produced and sold"" ""In America."" Doesn't mother want a sewing machine?
"Esos bastardos vendieron el partido por 5 Mercedes!""Those bastards sold the match for 5 Mercedes!"
#Escuché que tú y tus amigos vendieron sus guitarras#I hear that you and your friends have sold your guitars
#Escuché que tú y tus amigos... # #... vendieron el tocadiscos y compraron guitarras#I hear that you and your friends have sold your turntables and you bought guitars
- Cuando lleguemos a América me venderé como esclavo.-Then I will sell myself as a slave.
- Te lo venderé a ti.- I will sell it to you.
- le venderé mi título, pero por una suma razonable.I will sell him my title but only for its proper sum.
Ahora para volver a Pakistán venderé el cuerpo que me quedó.Now I will sell this remaining body to go to Pakistan.
BBI, CBI, TBI los venderé."BBI, CBI, TBI I will sell them off.
Di que venderás la granja y se lo cuento ahora mismo.Say that you will sell the farm, and I'll tell her.
Las venderás para juntar dinero para la banda que marcha.You will sell it to raise money for the marching band.
Las venderás un día antes del colapso de la burbuja inmobiliaria.You will sell them, one day before the mortgage recession.
Lo que sea que estés planeando robar, lo venderás una vez.Whatever it is you're planning to steal, you will sell, once.
- Frank te venderá los caballos.- Frank will sell you those horses.
- No. Gustará y se venderá.It will sell like hot cakes.
- Padre venderá las estrellas del cielo.- Father will sell the stars above...
- Verás que venderá de primera, ahora.- You'll see he will sell the first, right now.
- Y el mío te venderá sus perlas y sus diamantes.- Mine will sell you his pearls and diamonds.
"Pero le diré una cosa, le venderemos un auto""But I'll tell you what. We will sell you a car.
"Y así lo venderemos""And we will sell it that way."
- estoy seguro de que venderemos millones, ¿vale?- I'm confident we will sell millions, okay?
-¡La venderemos!-we will sell It!
Como decimos en Fort Meade, venderemos este impresionante y hermoso trabajo a ustedes por un santiamén.As we told in Fort Meade we will sell this dreamy little Thing of magic to you... For a song...
¡Así venderéis menos caballos a los austríacos!Go away, or we're going to start shooting. Every horse we kill will be one less horse you will sell to the Austrians.
- Se venderán. - Pero, Otto, son...They will sell, I know.
- Si quieren, cuando sean grandes... ellos la venderán.If they want to when they are adults, they will sell it.
Con "Arizona Jim", sus píldoras se venderán en todo el mundo.With "Arizona Jim" your pills will sell all around the world
Duplica el precio, las KG-9 se venderán solas.Double the price, KG-9's will sell themselves.
- Nunca creí que se vendería esta casa.- I never thought this house would sell. - DELIA:
- Parecen cosas que yo vendería.- It looks like stuff I would sell.
- Sophia es una perrita necesitada que vendería crack para su madre solo por ser popular.- Sophia is a needy little bitch that would sell crack to her mother just so she could be popular.
- Su mamá me vendería si supiera.MAUM MARIA: Your mama would sell me if she knew.
- Y usted está tan loca por mí... que vendería el blindaje por un mechón de mis cabellos.And you're still so crazy about me that you would sell the armor plating for a very small lock of my hair.
- ¿Que tú venderías?-Which you would sell?
Betty, eres adicta. Si él fuese crack venderías a tú sobrino por una bolsa de él.If he was crack,you would sellyour nephew for a bag of him.
Bueno, venderías mucha menos porcelana, cristal, y ¿qué es esto?Well, you would sell a lot less china, crystal, and what is it? Cookware!
Gaby, acordamos que después de la boda venderías la casa.Gabby, we agreed that after we got married you would sell the house.
No es un ruido delicioso, pero te hace ser tan ambicioso, que venderías a tu hija por muy poco dinero.The noise is not delicious, but it makes you so ambitious. You would sell your wife and daughter, for just one Latin quarter.
Ni en mis sueños más extravagantes se me ocurrió que venderíamos 100 millones de âIbumes y estar aquí hoy para verlo.In our wildest, wildest dreams I never thought that we would sell 100 million albums and still be here to talk about it.
¿Cómo venderíamos esto en la entrada a nuestros clientes?What would selling this in the doorway say to our customers?
Creo que se venderían a cualquier religión, por una jarra de cerveza.I believe they would sell any religion for a jug of beer.
El Arca y el medallón se venderían por millones en el mercado negro.The Ark and the medallion would sell for millions on the black market.
En la Internet profunda, esos números se venderían por ocho cifras, fácilmente.On the Dark Web, those numbers would sell for eight figures, easy.
Esta aldea está llena de traidores simpatizantes del gobierno, que nos venderían por un pariente por dinero, por privilegios!This village is filled with traitors! Government sympathizers that would sell us out for a relative for money, for privilege!
La mayoría de mi gente vive ese ritmo dinámico de vida pero... venderían su alma por vivir la vida más despacio.Most of my people who live that fast a life would sell their souls to slow it down.
"Aquel que venda milagros tendrá al diablo tocando a su puerta".He who sells miracles will have the devil knockin' at his door.
"Están hablando de miembros de mi familia y no es fácil que venda a miembros de mi familia"."You're discussing members of my family, and I'm hardly about to sell members of my family."
"Si me muero venda mi mejor caballo y mi mejor silla y mis armas y compre un juego de té para la Srta. Barlow."If I die, please sell my good horse and my good saddle and my guns to buy a tea set for Miss Barlow. "
"que puede que venda unos cientos de miles de copias"and they might sell a few hundred thousand records
"Harry, quiero que me vendas un condón."Harry, I want you to sell me a condom.
"Lottie, no vendas a los niños"."Lottie, don't sell the children."
"Nunca te vendas."Never sell out.
"Shirley, pase lo que pase, nunca vendas el Granada.""Shirley, no matter what happens, don't you ever sell the Granada."
"¡Cariño, vendamos a los niños, nos mudamos a Zanzíbar y empezamos a tomar opio por vía rectal!"Honey, let's sell the children, move to Zanzibar and begin taking opium rectally.
- Calculémoslo ... y vendamos todo esto.- Let's calculate... and sell all this
- Espero que al menos vendamos éste.- We just sell this purple olds.
- Incluso si eso pasa. No tendremos suficiente dinero aunque vendamos la casa.- Even if that happens, we making more money, we still won't have enough money to sell this house.
- Propongo... que nos lo dividamos y lo vendamos en nuestras respectivas ciudades.- I propose we split up and sell it in our respective towns.
-El dinero me lo pagaréis, vendáis más o menos.I get paid whether you sell or not!
Antes de que vendáis a United Airlines lo que os vamos a enseñar, tendréis que dar seis años de vuestras vidas, queridos.Before you get to sell what we teach you over at United Airlines, got to give the Navy six years of your life, sweet pea.
Es para que la vendáis.This is for you to sell.
Evitad a los estadounidenses, no les vendáis nada.A void the Americans, sell them nothing.
Jamás os vendáis, cuando veáis a una persona por primera vez no la juzguéis por la situación en la que está, porque quien sabeDon't ever sell out. When you meet a person for the first time please don't judge them by their station in life. Because who knows?
"Escriba guiones que se vendan."Write scripts that sell.
"¿Cuánto les tomaría conseguir que me vendan todo lo que hagan?"What would it take to get you guys to sell me everything you could make?
- Antes que vendan a los Warleggan.~ Before selling to the Warleggans.
- Entonces el dinero no es nuestro hasta que vendan la tierra que nos han quitado, que es nuestra.- The money is not ours, then, until you sell the land you have taken that is ours.
De acuerdo, puede que vendiera a Santiago algo de ayuda recreacional... gran cosa.Okay, so, I may have sold Santiago a few recreational aids-- big deal.
Bien, vended algo, algo de grano, una vaca, un abuelo, no me importa.Well, sell something - some grain, a cow, a grandparent - I don't care.
Comprad o vended.Buy and sell.
Comprad, vended, divertios. ¡Divertios!Buy, sell, enjoy yourselves.
Mira, vended Ojai o no vendais Ojai.Look, sell Ojai or don't sell Ojai.
Simplemente vended la casa y marchaos lo más lejos el uno del otro que podaisJust sell the house and get as far away from each other As you possibly can,
" ...fue secuestrado y vendido como esclavo."he was kidnapped and sold as a slave.
! Soda¡ Alguien vendiendo soda."Soda. " Somebody's selling soda.
Tugay, vendé ese jeep.Tugay, you sell that jeep.
- Esto es lo que vamos a hacer... vendés vos misma la publicidad y después te asociás a otra compañía para obtener el softwareYou sell the ads yourself. And then you're partner with the tech company for the software.
"2, 4-D Amina 500." Solo vendido comercialmente"2, 4-D Amine 500." Only sold commercially.
"Bisous Privacs." Puede que podamos localizar donde fue vendido."Bisous Privés." Maybe we can trace where it was sold.
"Ehi, Lala ha abierto la boca y los ha vendido"."Hey, if Lala and 'made in and sold you.
"Entradas agotadas". No hemos vendido nada en 30 años."Sold out." Like we've sold out a show in 30 years.
" Yo podría estar vendiendo pollos asados ​​ pero he elegido los libros en su lugar. ""I could be selling roast chickens but I chose books instead."
"El tipo de la remera, vendiendo remeras...""The...the T- shirt guy selling the T-shirts."
"Este, ustedes están vendiendo sistemas, el software es gratuito. Eso da miedo."Gee, you are selling systems the software is free.
"Estoy vendiendo, no podré comprarlos más..."I'm selling, because now I couldn't buy them...
Vendé. vendé.Sell, sell.
- ¿Las vendés acá?You sell any place else?
Así que me hacés el favor, vendés todo... y me das la parte que me corresponde.So sell everything. Give me what's mine.
Entonces, ¿por qué no vendés tu cuerpo?Then why don't you sell your own body?
Las vendés en Miami...You sell them in Miami...

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