Vestir (to dress) conjugation

118 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to adorn, to wear, to embellish, to make clothes for, to disguise, wear, to bedeck, adorn, to attire, disguise, make, to clothe, to cover up

Conjugation of vestir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I dress
you dress
he/she/it dresses
we dress
you all dress
they dress
Present perfect tense
he vestido
I have dressed
has vestido
you have dressed
ha vestido
he/she/it has dressed
hemos vestido
we have dressed
habéis vestido
you all have dressed
han vestido
they have dressed
Past preterite tense
I dressed
you dressed
he/she/it dressed
we dressed
you all dressed
they dressed
Future tense
I will dress
you will dress
he/she/it will dress
we will dress
you all will dress
they will dress
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would dress
you would dress
he/she/it would dress
we would dress
you all would dress
they would dress
Past imperfect tense
I used to dress
you used to dress
he/she/it used to dress
we used to dress
you all used to dress
they used to dress
Past perfect tense
había vestido
I had dressed
habías vestido
you had dressed
había vestido
he/she/it had dressed
habíamos vestido
we had dressed
habíais vestido
you all had dressed
habían vestido
they had dressed
Future perfect tense
habré vestido
I will have dressed
habrás vestido
you will have dressed
habrá vestido
he/she/it will have dressed
habremos vestido
we will have dressed
habréis vestido
you all will have dressed
habrán vestido
they will have dressed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I dress
(if/so that) you dress
(if/so that) he/she/it dress
(if/so that) we dress
(if/so that) you all dress
(if/so that) they dress
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya vestido
I have dressed
hayas vestido
you have dressed
haya vestido
he/she/it has dressed
hayamos vestido
we have dressed
hayáis vestido
you all have dressed
hayan vestido
they have dressed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have dressed
(if/so that) you have dressed
(if/so that) he/she/it have dressed
(if/so that) we have dressed
(if/so that) you all have dressed
(if/so that) they have dressed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have dressed
(if/so that) you have dressed
(if/so that) he/she/it have dressed
(if/so that) we have dressed
(if/so that) you all have dressed
(if/so that) they have dressed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera vestido
I had dressed
hubieras vestido
you had dressed
hubiera vestido
he/she/it had dressed
hubiéramos vestido
we had dressed
hubierais vestido
you all had dressed
hubieran vestido
they had dressed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese vestido
I had dressed
hubieses vestido
you had dressed
hubiese vestido
he/she/it had dressed
hubiésemos vestido
we had dressed
hubieseis vestido
you all had dressed
hubiesen vestido
they had dressed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have dressed
(if/so that) you will have dressed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have dressed
(if/so that) we will have dressed
(if/so that) you all will have dressed
(if/so that) they will have dressed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere vestido
I will have dressed
hubieres vestido
you will have dressed
hubiere vestido
he/she/it will have dressed
hubiéremos vestido
we will have dressed
hubiereis vestido
you all will have dressed
hubieren vestido
they will have dressed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's dress!
Imperative negative mood
no vistas
do not dress!
no vista
let him/her/it dress!
no vistamos
let us not dress!
no vistáis
do not dress!
no vistan
do not dress!

Examples of vestir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Al Rey le gustaba vestir bien y encantar a las mujeres cuando podía, pero el chico podía oler la sangre en las ropas de ese hombre"."The King liked to dress up fine "and charm the ladies when he could, "but the boy had smelt the blood
"Lo que es inusual sobre la Srta. Carpenter... es que le gusta vestir sus hombres como novio para la boda antes de devorarlos."What is unusual about Miss Carpenter... is that she likes to dress her men up as grooms before she devours them."
*Y tu forma de vestir*♪ And the way you like to dress ♪
- Debo vestir a Lady Brackenbury para la cena.I have to dress Lady Brackenbury for dinner.
"Me visto de la cabeza a los pies por diseñadores prefiero platino que oro blanco y frecuento los mejores restaurantes de San Francisco."'I'm always dressed in head-to-toe designer... prefer platinum to white gold... and frequent all the best restaurants in San Francisco.'
"Me visto deprisa... bebo el café..."l dress quickly... drink my coffee...
"No los hemos visto dirigirse a la plaga del SIDA ...y pensamos que sería mejor mandar un mensaje votando en las calles.we have not seen them actively address the AIDS plague, and we thought it would be best to send a message by voting with our feet in the streets.
"Voy al gimnasio mucho, me visto así."I'm going to the gym a lot, I dress well.
# Me visto como chica para probar que eres gay #¤ I only dress like a girl to prove that you're gay ¤
"Danielle, vistes como una mujer de la calle""Danielle, you dress like a streetwalker."
"Me vistes con corset"You dress me up in peek-a-boos
"Si te vistes mal, se fijan en tu ropa."Dress shabbily, they notice the dress.
- Ahora, cuando te vistes así, envias señales.Now when you dress like that, you send signals.
- Bien, te vistes muy informal. ¿Verdad?- We are dressing informally.
"¿Mangas largas? Cuellos abotonados y colores apagados." Nadie se viste así."Sleeves down to the wrists, buttoned-up collars, and muted colors." Nobody dresses like that.
*Tiene fuego en su barba* *y se viste muy raro*♪ He's got fire in his beard ♪ ♪ and he dresses really weird ♪
- Ella viste sin decoro.She dresses immodestly.
- Hola. Le preguntaba a Penny cómo podría mantener mi mente en la música si ella se viste de esa forma.I was just asking Penny how can I keep my mind on the music... if she dresses like that.
- Mi mamá se viste como callejera.Life? mymomdresseslikeatamp?
- Mira como nos vestimos.- Look at the way we dress.
- Nos vestimos bien.We dress all right.
- Nos vestimos como superhéroes.- We dress like superheroes when we do it.
- Nosotros los artistas nos vestimos así.. we artists so we dress .
- Si nos vestimos,If we get dressed, we can talk...
- Y los vestís.- And you dress them up.
- ¿Por qué no os vestís?- Why dont you dress?
- ¿Todas os vestís así? - No.Do you all dress up?
Aparentemente si eres limpio, te vestís bien y estás medianamente educado ahora eres super gay.Apparently if you're clean, well-dressed And mildly cultured you're super gay now.
Bueno, si... le vestís de amarillo y blanco con un sombrero alto y tal vez una pluma y yo visto de oscuro, tal vez de negro, así... quedaría un poco compensado, ¿no?Well, if you... dress him in yellow and white - hmm - with a tallish hat and perhaps a feather, and I'm dressed darkish, maybe in black, like this, that would compensate a little, don't you think?
"El rancho del viejo oeste Espalda de diamante es un centro turístico lleno de vida en el que tanto el personal como los huéspedes se visten con ropa del viejo oeste y participan en actividades dignas de un vaquero.""Diamondback Old West Ranch is a living history resort "where both staff and guests dress in old west attire and engage in cowboy activities."
"Los poetas nunca se visten para el invierno."Poets never dress for winter.
# Por eso las "ducas" del cante andaluz son de menta, canela y azúcar, # y aunque hablen de penas se visten de luz.¤ But the "ducas" of Andalusian song are peppermint, cinnamon, and sugar,... ¤ and even if they speak of pains they're dressed up in light.
- Me encanta como se visten todos.- I just love how everybody's dressed.
- Muchas personas se visten así.- A lot of people dress like this.
- Creo que no me vestí bien.- Maybe I ain't dressed appropriate.
- Emil, gracias por venir, pero todo está bien ahora, me vestí y...- Oh, Emil, thank you for coming, but, uh, everything is fine now and I get dressed...
- Es posible, me vestí apurado esta mañana.- It's possible I dressed in a hurry
- Hoy me vestí elegante.I have neatly dressed.
- Justo en la noche que me vestí elegante...- one night I dressed up.
"Tom, ¿por qué vestiste a mi abuela como un ladrón?""Tom how come you dressed my grandmother up as a mugger?"
- Hoy te vestiste muy madura. - Tengo una cita.You're dressed very maturely today.
- No te vestiste para la inauguración.Why aren't you dressed for the opening?
- Tú vestiste al león como Adam Ant.- You dressed up the lion as Adam Ant.
- Veo que te vestiste para la ocasión.I see you dressed for the occasion.
"Así que vistió a Norcliffe con su ropa " "Y se paró y observó" "Mientras Jameson le volaba la cabeza."So you dressed Norcliffe in your clothes and stood and watched while Jameson blew his head off.
"Carahueca se vistió de hombre y regresó a la casa del niño.""Hollowface dressed up as a man" "and went back to the boy's house."
"Vi a mi madre cuando se vistió esta mañana."I was with Mother when she got dressed this morning.
# Me vistió con un traje y un chaleco #He dressed me up in a suit and a vest
- Alguien se vistió para trabajar.Someone's dressed for business.
OS vestisteis rápido.You get dressed fast.
¿Os vestisteis todos?Did you all get dressed?
- Las chicas me vistieron.- The girls dressed me.
Creo que la vistieron después de matarla.I think she was dressed after she was killed.
Cuando la TV convirtió la historia en seriales, contrataron a actores Shakespearanos y los vistieron con fieltros.When TV turned history into drama, it cast Shakespearean actors and dressed them like tapestries.
Cuando le vistieron para el entierro, el anillo aún estaba en su dedo.He was dressed in his burial clothes, the ring still on his finger.
Desde ese día cuando yo tenía 5 años y me vistieron de zanahoria.From that Halloween l was 5 and dressed as a carrot.
"Me vestiré en el otro dormitorio".I will dress in the other room."
Con esta esperanza vestiré a mi pequeña como una novia. . y la enviaré al altar de bodaIt is in this hope that I will dress my little girl as a bride... and send her to the wedding altar
Los vestiré.I will dress.
Me vestiré como esa mujer. Me presentaré en público.I will dress as Wonder Woman and appear in public.
Me vestiré y portaré como me plazca.I will dress and act the way I want.
La llevarás de paseo y le enseñarás y la vestirás.You will take her on a ride-along, and you will teach her and you will dress her.
Me vestirás por la mañana y me desvestirás por la noche.In the morning you will dress me and you will dress me in the evening.
Mientras tanto vestirás a Lady Francesca en uno de tus mejores trajes.Meanwhile, you will dress the Lady Francesca in one of your finest gowns.
Te vestirás como una chica porque eres una chica, Samantha.You will dress like a girl because you're a girl.samantha
¡Me vestirás con él en mi funeral!You will dress me up with this, at my funeral !
- Y alguien te vestirá.Then somebody else will dress you.
Al empezar la maniobra de distracción que hemos planeado, usted se vestirá.When the time draws near for our diversion to occur, you will dress.
El reno lo vestirá.Reindeer will dress you.
Todo el mundo vestirá como tú.Everyone will dress like you.
Topaz obsesionada por la idea de las bofetadas e insultos de Rose ...ha decretado que se vestirá como una muñeca y se comportará como una dama.Topaz, haunted by the thought of Rose's slaps and insults has decreed she will dress like a doll and behave like a lady.
En esta colmena de acero y hormigón es donde nacen las ideas que deciden lo que las personas comerán, beberán, conducirán y fumarán, cómo nos vestiremos, dormiremos, afeitaremos y oleremos.In these steel and concrete beehives are born the ideas that decide what we will eat, drink, drive and smoke, and how we will dress, sleep, shave and smell.
Les vestiremos como holandeses.We will dress you in Dutch clothes.
Nos vestiremos bien.- We will all be there? - Yes, we will dress up.
Los campesinos se vestirán como la gente de la ciudad y la gente de la ciudad será como monos.The peasants will dress like towns people and the towns people will be like apes.
Los miembros de los equipos se vestirán en osadas vestimentas de carnaval y aprenderán a bailar samba.Team members will dress in wild carnival costumes and learn to dance the Samba.
Se vestirán bien.They will dress nice.
Te vestirán como un calcetín de franela.They will dress you like a flannel sock.
- Bien, lo haré lo mejor que pueda, pero en día de partido, cuando venga con sus estúpidos modelitos con los que un gay ecuatoriano vestiría a su perro, entonces no sé que haré.Fine, I'll do the best I can, but on game day, when he comes walking in in some stupid outfit that an Ecuadorean gay man would dress his dog up in, then I don't know what I'm gonna do. Mm.
El director de tránsito vestiría bien.The Traffic Commissioner would dress in dignified clothes.
Eres la primera mujer aquí que se viste como una mujer, no como una mujer cree que un hombre se vestiría si fuera mujer.You're the first woman I've seen in one of these damn things that dresses like a woman, not like a woman thinks a man would dress if he was a woman.
Me vestiría como un niño de 10 años.I-I would dress up like a ten-year-old boy.
Si la dejara, vestiría a los esclavos con seda.She would dress her slaves in silk if I would let her.
Me vestirías, desnudarías, darías de comer... como a un niño pequeño.You would dress me, undress me, cut up my food, wait on me like a little child.
Recuerdo que justo antes de ese debate... habíamos tenido muchas conversaciones, Harvey y yo, acerca de cómo vestiríamos... y habíamos acordado que la imagen a proyectar era una especie de "mamá y papá U.S.A.": lo más limpio y conservador como nos fuera posible.[Gearhart] I remember that just before that debate... we had had a lot of talk, Harvey and I, about how we would dress... and we had agreed that the image to project was sort of "Mama and Papa U.S.A.":
"No vista elegante la primera noche". Ahora me lo dice."Don't dress first night out. " Now she tells me.
"¿Hace falta que me vista del todo?""Do I really have to get dressed for this?"
"¿Yya no quiere que se vista así?" "¡No! ¿Está loco?- "She can't dress that way now?" - "No, you crazy?
- "Que la mujer no vista como hombre ni el hombre como mujer", así dice la Biblia. "Quien lo haga es abominable... a los ojos de Dios""Let woman not dress as man nor man as woman," says the Bible. "Who doth so is an afbomination before the everlasting God".
- Deja que me vista.- Just let me get dressed.
"Dos personas vestidas de negro fueron vistas abandonando el lugar."Two people dressed in black were seen leaving the scene."
"No te vistas así" ..."Don't dress like that"..
- Dije que te vistas.- I said, finish dressing!
- Entonces mejor que te vistas.- Then you'd better get dressed.
- Habré terminado cuando te vistas.- I'll be through when you're dressed.
- Decurión dijo que vistamos así.- The Decurion said dress like civilians.
- Nos pide que nos vistamos.He asks us to get dressed.
- Será mejor que nos vistamos.- We better get dressed.
-No quiero que vistamos como gemelos.- I don't wanna dress like twins.
Bueno, entonces cuando lo vistamos a él como una muñeca, él no va a ser un imbécil al respecto.Well, then when we dress him up as a doll, he won't be an asshole about it.
- Será mejor que os vistáis.-Oh, dear, you´d both better dress.
Para evitar cualquier complicación, quiero que os vistáis de marines.To avoid any other complications, I want you dressed as marines.
Quizá aquí vistáis mejor, pero el café es tan malo como en Syracuse.Okay, you guys may dress better here, but the coffee is just as bad as Syracuse.
- a que sus mujeres se vistan.- for their wives to get dressed.
- ¿Consigue que se vistan cuando se los dice?- Get dressed when they're told?
A algunas damas nos les interesan pero creo que son más que agradables. Siempre y cuando se vistan con elegancia y se comporten cortésmente.Some young ladies don't care for them, but I think they're vastly agreeable, provided they dress smart and behave civil.
Además, no importa cómo vistan, hay lobos en casi todas las paradas estos días.Besides, no matter how they dress, there are wolves in almost every lane these days.
Asegurese de que lo vistan y le den una habitación.Make sure he gets dressed and give him a room in the officers' quarters.
! por que estas vestido de esa manera?Why on Earth are you dressed up like that?
"'... todo vestido de negro."...dressedallinblack
"Cuando haga mucho dinero allí, Volveré vestido de un traje....""When I make a lot of money there, come back dressed in a proper suit..."
"De ninguna manera un hombre vestido así podría ser un hombre de letras. ""No way a man dressed like that could be a man of letters."
"Después, apareció un samurai vestido de negro"Then a tall samurai dressed in black appeared.
# Y el Buen Samaritano, se está vistiendo # # preparándose para el espectáculo ## And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing # # He's getting ready for the show #
- Estaba vistiendo a la señora.- I was dressing madame.
- Está adentro. - Se está vistiendo.- She's dressing.
- La señorita se está vistiendo.- Miss Bonner is dressing.
- Me estoy vistiendo.- I'm dressing. - Ah, c'mon.

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