"¿Será capaz de vencer a Rusty Finkelstein?" | Will he be able to defeat Rusty Finkelstein? |
- Si vamos a vencer a Anna... debemos tomar riesgos. | - Lf we're going to defeat Anna we need to take risks. |
A menos que tenga un cuñado con las habilidades matemáticas necesarias para vencer las barreras de seguridad para las que el generador fue diseñado. | Unless, of course, you happened to have a brother-in-law with the mathematical, skills necessary to defeat the security safeguards that the pass code generator was designed to protect. |
A ti te voy a vencer. | You... I'm going to defeat. |
Afirman vencer al Diablo y sostener la justicia. | They claim to defeat the devil and uphold justice |
Perdona, si no te venzo Suzuran nunca será mía. | Sorry but.. if I don't defeat you I don't have Suzuran. |
Sin embargo, si yo te venzo... serás mi paje. | However... should I defeat you... you are my chamber boy. |
Aunque eso sea verdad, esa batalla nunca ocurrió. Si no vences al guardián primero | Even if that's true, that battle will never happen if I don't defeat the Keeper first. |
Como cuando vences al Rey de Obsidiana con el Orco Llameante. | Like when you defeat the Obsidian King on Flaming Orc. |
No, pero lo vences y lo verás de primera mano. | No, but defeat him and you'll see it firsthand. |
O vences el miedo, o no puedes hacer este trabajo. | We have to defeat our fear or we can't do this work. |
Pero si no vences al Señor del Fuego antes de que el cometa llegue. No habrá ningún mundo que salvar. | But if you don't defeat the Firelord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore. |
"Sólo un poblado" vence al Fango. | "Just one village" defeats the Mire. |
- El bien siempre vence al mal. | Good always defeats evil. |
Aqui, en un Romance, el héroe descubre su identidad, y vence al maligno, a traves de una milagrosa suspensión de las leyes naturales | It is at this point in a Romance, that the hero discovers their identity, and defeats evil, through a miraculous suspension of natural law |
Contra el Flamengo, en Maracaná, el Santos vence por 4x1. | Santos defeats flamengo 4-1 at Maracan'. |
El bien siempre vence al mal. | Good always defeats evil. |
Bien, esta es la parte en la que vencemos a los soldados de Chaotica robaremos sus uniformes y entraremos a la caverna subterránea. | This is the part where we defeat Chaotica's soldiers, steal their uniforms, and make our way through the underground caverns. |
Ella podría ser la primer víctima de la guerra que podemos terminar si los vencemos ahora, antes de que se hagan más fuertes. | She could be one of the first victims of the war that we can end if we defeat them now, before they grow stronger. |
Entonces, ¿cómo vencemos a este Reactron? | So, how do we defeat this Reactron? |
Entonces, ¿cómo vencemos estos impulsos maléficos? | So how do we defeat these evil urges? |
Incluso si vencemos a los cazadores de brujas, los Ancianos nunca permitirán que eso suceda. | Even if we defeat the witch hunters, The Elders will never allow that to happen. |
Si nos vencéis en este juego cancelaré además del "lagaan" de este año, el del año que viene. | If you defeat us in this game I'll cancel not only this year's lagaan, but next year's as well. |
Decía que vencen la disentería, el tifus, el cólera,... también luego basta un escorpión o un mosquito... | I was saying ... defeat typhoid, cholera, dysentery ... Even though ... |
En un combate, le vencen y abandona su profesión. | He is defeated and abandons his career. |
Las que no se vencen mediante acciones en el mundo físico sino por un cambio mental. | Which may not be defeated by actions in the physical world, but by a change of temper in the mind. |
Los chupatintas vencen a los reclutas. | Pencil pushers defeat the doughboys. |
Me temo que los Dorocha no se vencen con espadas y flechas, señor. | I fear the Dorocha cannot be defeated by swords and arrows, sire. |
Conseguí lo que era mío por casar a mi hermana... y también te vencí. | I got what I was owed for marrying my sister into your family and I also defeated you. |
Después de una dura lucha, vencí a Ao-Bye, el traidor para que la Reina Madre esté a salvo. | After the hard fighting. I defeated Ao-Bye, the traitor to keep Queen Mother safe. |
Entonces, con la ayuda de mis invalorables servidores, vencí a los turcos y obtuve la victoria. | And so, with the help of my inestimable servants, - - I defeated the Turks and saved the day. |
Finalmente vencí al Rey Toro y entonces | Finally I defeated that Bull Demon King and then |
Le vencí. | I defeated him. |
- Me venciste. | You defeated me. |
-¡Tú lo venciste! | - You defeated him ! |
Además, lo venciste porque confiabas en la gente. | Besides, you defeated him because you trusted in people. |
Como estás vivo, eso significa que venciste a mis amigos y liberaste a mis enemigos. | Since you're alive, that means you defeated my friends and freed my enemies. |
La forma en que venciste a mis hombres animal prueba que necesito algo más fuerte e inteligente que proteja este mundo. | The way you defeated my animal men Proved I need a creature more powerful and intelligent To guard this world. |
- Cesar venció a los enemigos. | - "Caesar defeated the enemy. " |
- Entonces el que venció a Ixta debería ser comandante. | Then he who defeated Ixta should be our commander... |
-¡Merrin te venció! | - Merrin defeated you. |
... ya superó la prueba de habilidad, cuando venció aquel Oscuro Asesino en la cuarta luna de Yavin. Y sintió mucho dolor cuando combatió contra el Conde Dooku. | Surely he passed a trial of skill... when he defeated that dark assassin on the fourth moon of Yavin... and he endured an atrocious trial of the flesh at the hands of Count Dooku. |
A los ojos del mundo, Manny Pacquiao venció a su oponente. | In the eyes of the world, Manny Pacquiao defeated his opponent. |
Cuando vencimos a los traidores juramos como Nación, que no volveríamos a ver esa traición. | And the traitors were defeated. We swore as a nation we would never know this treason again. |
Desde que los dejamos, los Gigantes del Norte se rindieron incondicionalmente, después vencimos a los Calormen en el Gran Desierto. | Since you've left, the Giants in the North had surrendered unconditionally. And we defeated the Calormen army of the great desert. |
Finalmente vencimos a Francia. | The French are defeated at last. |
La próxima vez que estés a punto de usar tu Agiel, espero que recuerdes que vencimos a todo un ejército sin que cayera ni una gota de sangre. | The next time you're about to use your Agiel, I hope you'll remember that we defeated a whole army without spilling a raindrop's worth of blood. |
Los vencimos a todos, hace mil años. | We defeated them all, a thousand years ago. |
Cuando vencisteis a los antiguos, ¿Cómo conseguisteis un MPC? | Back when you defeated the ancients, how did you get your hands on a zpm? |
"Las Golondrinas de Tokio vencieron a los Dragones de Chunichi ayer... con una sorprendente corrida con dos fuera en la novena". | "The Tokyo Swallows defeated the Chunichi Dragons yesterday with a surprising rally with two out in the ninth." |
- Les vencieron rápidamente. | Each time, the Borg were defeated swiftly. |
A los indios los vencieron. | I mean, Indians were defeated. |
Desde que vencieron a los Peregrinos no se ha cartografiado ni un solo quásar. | Since the Pilgrims were defeated... not a single new quasar has been charted. |
Después de una persecución desesperada y un duelo con el villano Anakin y sus tropas vencieron a Bane pero se vieron forzados a evacuar su condenada nave sin el holocrón. | After a desperate chase and duel with the villain, Anakin and his troops defeated Bane but were forced to evacuate his doomed vessel without the holocron. |
Eres el mismo viejo Ron Swanson y te venceré. | You're still the same old Ron Swanson, and I will defeat you. |
La Profecía dice que venceré a Rahl. | The prophecy says I will defeat Rahl. |
Los venceré a todos ellos. | l will defeat them all. |
Mario Ozawa, hoy te venceré delante de todo el mundo. | Mario Ozawa, today I will defeat you in front of everyone. |
Pero te venceré. | But I will defeat you. |
Tu momento llegará te enfrentarás a la misma maldad y tú la vencerás. | Your time will come. You will face the same evil. And you will defeat it. |
Algo os vencerá. | Something will defeat you. |
Con su talento, si practica tres meses vencerá a Gao Shing. | With her talent, if she practices for three months, she will defeat Gao Shing. |
De una cosa estoy seguro: vencerá a ese tabernero ferengi. | One thing l am certain about - she will defeat the bartender. |
El enemigo domina el kung fu, pero nuestro dragón vencerá. | Their tiger-style kung fu is strong. But our dragon-style will defeat it. |
La humanidad los vencerá. | Humanity will defeat you. |
-Pronto, ambos venceremos al Viet Cong. | Soon, you and I will defeat the Vietcong. |
Con ese aliado los venceremos. | With that ally we will defeat you. |
Junto a nuestros otros amigos que se nos sumarán venceremos a nuestros enemigos... | Together with our other friends who will join us, we will defeat our enemies as we defeated them on Triacus. |
También les venceremos esta vez. | We will defeats them this time as well. |
nosotros los venceremos. | we will defeat you. |
"los griegos vencerán a Troya. | "the Greeks will defeat Troy. |
Ellos vencerán a sus mejores luchadores uno a uno en ese momento. | They will defeat their best fighters ...one by one at that time. |
La rebelión de los generales ayudados por Hitler y Mussolini debía restablecer los privilegios de los grandes propietarios, pero los Obreros y Campesinos de España vencerán a Franco y sus cómplices. | The military rebellion backed by Hitler and Mussolini seeks to bring back the privileges of the rich. But the workers and peasants of Spain will defeat Franco and his cronies. |
Nos vencerían igual que en España. | That would defeat us. Look at your Spanish! |
Ahora, una conjura de brujas me ha atraído hasta aquí, esperando que venza a un tirano, un vampiro que yo creé. | Now a plot by witches has lured me back, hopping that I will defeat a tyrant, a vampire I created. |
Cuando te venza aquí, tu mente y tu cuerpo serán míos. | When I defeat you here, your mind and body will be mine. |
Después de que te venza y sea el león alfa, pasarás más tiempo con tu patético hijo. | After I defeat you and become alpha lion, you'll have more time to spend with your pathetic son. |
Haría lo que sea para que el ejército de Roma venza a este Aníbal... de una vez por todas. | I would the Roman army to do anything -- - Hannibal to this once and for all defeat. |
La civilización occidental debe arrancar de raíz esta perversidad de dondequiera que se oculte. De otra forma se arriesga a que el terror global la venza en una era nuclear. Es inimaginable. | Western civilization must root out this evil, wherever it hides, or she risks defeat at the hands of global terror in a nuclear age. |
No tendrás suficiente poder hasta qe venzas al señor oscuro. | You won't have your full powers until you defeat the dark lord. |
Te veré una vez por cada persona que venzas. | I'll meet you once for everyone you defeat |
Los demás lucharán con la muerte a mi lado hasta que la venzamos. | The rest will battle death by my side until... we defeat it. |
Pero al final, el trabajo duro tendrá su recompensa cuando venzamos a Noah Werner, y eso será divertido. | But in the end, the hard work will pay off when we defeat Noah Werner, and that'll be fun. |
E Italia es un país muy moral. Por eso volveremos a estar en la cima, si conseguimos que nos venzan. | That's why we will certainly come out on top again, if we succeed in being defeated. |
El segundo paso es más difícil pero nunca permitas que tus carceleros te venzan ya que son sólo tus propios miedos y tu orgullo." | The second step is more difficult but never allow yourself to be defeated by your gaolers who are only your own fear and your own pride." |
No dejaré que me venzan. | I will not let them defeat me. |
Ojalá lo venzan. | I hope you defeat it. |
Que me permita servirla tenerla en mi corazón y que a ella pueda yo dedicar cada victoria y clamar su nombre cuando me venzan. | That I may be allowed to serve her... that I may hold her in my heart... that to her I may dedicate each victory... and call upon her in defeat. |
¡Levantaos y venced a nuestros enemigos ! | Rise up and defeat our enemies! |
"Barbarroja, vencido en Legnano por la Liga Lombarda. ¿Se acuerda?" | Barbarossa, defeated at Legnano by the Lombard League. Do you remember? |
"Después de que huimos de Elba... en 100 días él formó un ejército. Ganó, incendió, mató... fue vencido y enviado a una isla lejana. Esperamos que esta vez para siempre. | After we fled from Elba... in 100 days he formed an army... he wono torchedo killed... he was defeatedo and sent to a remote island... let's hope it's forever this time. |
"El mayor enemigo puede ser vencido con esfuerzo y aprovechando cada chance". | The most powerful enemy can be defeated only by the utmost effort and by seizing every opportunity. |
"Este film intenta probar que el ejército fue vencido" | This footage intends to prove that the army was defeated. |
"supuestamente les dan el poder de los guerreros que han vencido". | "supposedly giving them the power of the warriors they've defeated." |
Eso sería como Vietnam venciendo a Estados Unidos en una guerra. | That would be like vietnam defeating the United States In a ground war. |
La verdad, Alfredo, ya soy bueno venciendo a sistemas de seguridad. | Well, the truth is, Alfredo, I'm already quite adept at defeating security systems. |
Los intrusos nos están venciendo. | The intruders are defeating us. |
¿Remataremos nuestra victoria sobre el fascismo venciendo a nuestros enemigos de antes de la guerra, la pobreza y el paro? | Will we, the people who have won the war, drive home our victory against fascism By defeating our pre-war enemies of poverty and unemployment? |