- Me contrataron para vendar tu dedo. | They hired me to bandage your finger. |
Debémos vendar ese brazo. | We need to bandage that arm. |
Dónde aprendiste a vendar así? | - Where'd you learn to bandage like this? |
El asesino usó la manga para vendar la herida. | The shooter used the sleeve to bandage a wound. |
Intento vendar a tu hijo. | I'm trying to bandage your son. |
-¿Te lo vendo? | - Shall I bandage it up? |
Cuando me vendo no me duele. | When I bandage myself it doesn't hurt. |
¿Por qué no solo me vendo el pie y cojeo por ahí? | Why don't I just bandage my foot up and limp on in there? |
"Fruta, verduras, alimentos varios... combustible, mantas, vendas... ropa blanca, papel higiénico". | "Fruit, vegetables, assorted food, "fuel oil, blankets, bandages, - linen replacements, toilet paper." |
- Ahí no hay vendas. | There're no bandages in there? |
- Aquí hay sábanas para hacer vendas... | - Here's sheets for bandages... |
- Aquí tiene las vendas. - Gracias, eso es todo. | - Here are the bandages, doctor. |
- Bob, trae vendas. - Un poco de whisky. | Get some bandages and whiskey. |
- ¿Tienes alguna venda? | - Do you have any bandages? |
-Pero una venda no prueba nada. | - But a few bandages prove nothing. |
Ahora voy a quitarle la última venda. | All right, miss tyler, i'm going to remove the last of the bandages now. |
Cuando me quité la venda y me di cuenta de que era diferente al resto de ustedes empecé a recordar. | When I removed my bandages and realised I was unlike the rest of you I began to remember. |
Es como si me hubieran quitado la venda de los ojos. | It's like bandages have been removed from my eyes. |
Antes de hacerlos subir les vendamos los ojos a todos. | Before making them assemble, one bandaged the eyes with all to them. |
Estaré bien si vendamos esto para que deje de sangrar y completamos el reto. | no,notat all. soi 'mquitehappytojust soi 'mquitehappytojust bandage this up and then Bandage this up and then complete the challenge. |
Le vendamos y condujimos al hospital. | We bandaged him and took him to hospital |
Mejor lo vendamos. | Let's get a bandage on that. |
Hoy en día no se vendan los pies. | They don't bandage their feet nowadays. |
- Lo vendé yo mismo. | - I bandaged it myself. |
Así que se las vendé. | So I bandaged them up. |
Le vendé el pie y dejé que se quedara a comer. | I bandaged him up and let him come for lunch. |
Yo paré el sangrado y lo vendé. | I stopped the bleeding and bandaged him. |
¿Y lo que me dijo a mí cuando le vendé la mano? | Then what did you say to me when I bandaged up your hand? |
¿Recuerdas la otra noche cuando me vendaste la rodilla? | Remember the other night when you bandaged my knee? |
- El psiquiatra lo vendó. | The saturnine psychiatrist bandaged him up. |
- Me lastimé la pierna y ella me vendó. | - I injured my leg and she bandaged it up. |
- ¿Quién vendó tu dedo? | Who bandaged your finger? |
El cliente que entró, le vendó la cabeza y llamó al 911 . | That's the customer who came in, bandaged her head and called 911. |
El mundo nos teme y nos odia pero ella nos acogió, lavó nuestra piel putrefacta y nos vendó. | The world hates and fears us, but she took us in and washed our rotting flesh and bandaged us. |
- Me vendaron y me dieron comida. | They bandaged me up and gave me some food. |
- No ha sido nada. Le vendaron en el hospital. | I brought him bandaged in the hospital. |
El doctor me lo quitó cuando me vendaron. | The doctor took it off when they bandaged me. |
En el campo, le vendaron los ojos y había una parte que aún colgaba. | They had bandaged, in the field, his eyes, and some of it was still hanging down. |
La vendaron. | You bandaged her up. |
El agente de bienes raices, vende todas las casas de Pine Valley. | The real estates agent, bandage Pine Valley all houses. |
Le vende un tobillo, Leo. | I put a bandage around her ankle, Leo. |
Lo sé, saque la bala y vende la herida. | I know. But can you just take out the bullet and bandage the wound? |
Oh, pobrecito, ¿quieres que te vende? | Oh, poor boy. Do you want me to put a bandage? |
Verás que el dolor desaparece pronto, como vende la herida | Watch how the pain disappears soon as I bandage the wound. |
Al menos deje que me venden. | At least let me get it bandaged. |
Necesita que la desinfecten y que la venden. | Disinfect and bandage it. |
¿Y has dejado que te venden toda la pierna? | And you had yourself all bandaged up. Afraid you'll lose your leg? |
Estaba vendad. | I was bandaged. |
"Y fue vendado por la compañía médica. | "And was bandaged by the company medic. |
Badjo llegó a casa todo vendado. | Badjo gets home all bandaged up. |
Bueno, ahora que estás todo vendado debería dejarte descansar. | Okay, well, now that you're all bandaged up l should let you rest. |
Deberías haberte vendado las muñecas. | You should've had your wrists bandaged. |
El brazo está casi vendado, ahora vamos a irnos al otro ¿de acuerdo? | This arm's almost bandaged,then we're gonna move to the other one,okay? |
Le estaba vendando la pata. | I was bandaging the horse's leg. |
Lo tenías contigo mientras estaba vendando el brazo. | You had it with you while I was bandaging her arm. |
Lo último que recuerdo es que estaba vendando la cabeza de un soldado y sentí un dolor agudo lo siguiente que recuerdo es que estaba flotando rodeado de Luces Blancas. | The last thing I remember, I was bandaging a soldier's head wound, then I felt a sharp pain, and then the next thing I know I was floating, surrounded by whitelighters. |
Pasan casi todo su tiempo vendando a los Carniceros. | They spend most of their time bandaging up the slicers. |
Puedo necesitar tu ayuda vendando a los nuevos admitidos. | I may need your help bandaging the new intakes. |