Restaurar (to restore) conjugation

93 examples

Conjugation of restaurar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I restore
you restore
he/she/it restores
we restore
you all restore
they restore
Present perfect tense
he restaurado
I have restored
has restaurado
you have restored
ha restaurado
he/she/it has restored
hemos restaurado
we have restored
habéis restaurado
you all have restored
han restaurado
they have restored
Past preterite tense
I restored
you restored
he/she/it restored
we restored
you all restored
they restored
Future tense
I will restore
you will restore
he/she/it will restore
we will restore
you all will restore
they will restore
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would restore
you would restore
he/she/it would restore
we would restore
you all would restore
they would restore
Past imperfect tense
I used to restore
you used to restore
he/she/it used to restore
we used to restore
you all used to restore
they used to restore
Past perfect tense
había restaurado
I had restored
habías restaurado
you had restored
había restaurado
he/she/it had restored
habíamos restaurado
we had restored
habíais restaurado
you all had restored
habían restaurado
they had restored
Future perfect tense
habré restaurado
I will have restored
habrás restaurado
you will have restored
habrá restaurado
he/she/it will have restored
habremos restaurado
we will have restored
habréis restaurado
you all will have restored
habrán restaurado
they will have restored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I restore
(if/so that) you restore
(if/so that) he/she/it restore
(if/so that) we restore
(if/so that) you all restore
(if/so that) they restore
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya restaurado
I have restored
hayas restaurado
you have restored
haya restaurado
he/she/it has restored
hayamos restaurado
we have restored
hayáis restaurado
you all have restored
hayan restaurado
they have restored
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have restored
(if/so that) you have restored
(if/so that) he/she/it have restored
(if/so that) we have restored
(if/so that) you all have restored
(if/so that) they have restored
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have restored
(if/so that) you have restored
(if/so that) he/she/it have restored
(if/so that) we have restored
(if/so that) you all have restored
(if/so that) they have restored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera restaurado
I had restored
hubieras restaurado
you had restored
hubiera restaurado
he/she/it had restored
hubiéramos restaurado
we had restored
hubierais restaurado
you all had restored
hubieran restaurado
they had restored
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese restaurado
I had restored
hubieses restaurado
you had restored
hubiese restaurado
he/she/it had restored
hubiésemos restaurado
we had restored
hubieseis restaurado
you all had restored
hubiesen restaurado
they had restored
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have restored
(if/so that) you will have restored
(if/so that) he/she/it will have restored
(if/so that) we will have restored
(if/so that) you all will have restored
(if/so that) they will have restored
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere restaurado
I will have restored
hubieres restaurado
you will have restored
hubiere restaurado
he/she/it will have restored
hubiéremos restaurado
we will have restored
hubiereis restaurado
you all will have restored
hubieren restaurado
they will have restored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's restore!
Imperative negative mood
no restaures
do not restore!
no restaure
let him/her/it restore!
no restauremos
let us not restore!
no restauréis
do not restore!
no restauren
do not restore!

Examples of restaurar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Conmigo, estirpe fecunda que te aprestas de nuevo a restaurar el surco antiguo,"With me, you fruitful aprestas with your lineage, back to restore the old groove,
"No se puede restaurar la condición sin la firma refuerzo :."Unable to restore the situation without reinforcement.
"Queremos que sepan que no tenemos intención ahora o en el futuro, de restaurar las primeras versiones.""We want you to know we have no intention Now or in the future, to restore earlier versions. "
"Usa tu influencia para restaurar mi libertad y fortuna.'Use your influence to restore my freedom and fortune.
$550 000 para Nueva York, para restaurar la casa de Susan B. Anthony.$550,000 for New York to restore the home of Susan B. Anthony.
- Y yo restauro películas.- And I'm a film restorer. - JIMMY:
- Yo restauro mosaicos.- I restore mosaics.
Antes que lo olvide, ¿quien restauro aquella cinta?Before l forget, who restored that video file for you?
Antes que lo olvide, ¿quien restauro esa cinta?Before l forget. Who restored that video file for you?
Cumplo con lo mío, ¡restauro muebles antigüos!I'm playing my role, I restore antique furniture !
No veo porqué no querrias restauras tus tankas.- Ohh! I can't see why you wouldn't want your tankas restored.
¿Es verdad que restauras la vista a los ciegos?Is it true that you restore sight to the blind?
"La oscuridad restaura lo que la luz no puede reparar"."For darkness restores what light cannot repair."
Aquel amigo que tiene una lancha y restaura muebles antiguos.You know, that friend of mine who restores antique furniture.
Aquí es donde Linderman restaura su arte.It's where Linderman restores his art.
Conozco a alguien que restaura pinturas.I know someone who restores paintings.
Cuando la dulce dama del dolor oscuro me lo saca dos veces durante la temporada de los Oscars cada mordisco restaura el balance, me hace más real.When sweet mistress dark pain takes it all away from me, sometimes twice during oscar season, every bite somehow restores the balance, keeps me real, you know?
A cortar y afilar cañas de bambú e instalar trampas en las carreteras, para que las patrullas japonesas, al ser atacadas por sorpresa, cayeran en ellas y fueran empaladas. En resumen, creamos un ejército, restauramos un gobierno, y, sobre todo, nos esforzamos en imbuir a la gente una fe inquebrantable en una inevitable victoria.In short, we built an army, restored a government and, over and above everything else, sought to imbue the people with an unconquerable faith in an inevitable victory.
Ahora restauramos, revivimos. Ven acá.Now we restore, we revive.
Al fin llevamos al Líder ante la justicia, restauramos nuestro buen nombre, y nos instalamos en un buen merecido descanso en nuestro cuartel Hulk, que quizá duro cinco minutos.We finally brought the Leader to justice, restored our good names, and settled into a well-deserved rest in our Hulk quarters, which maybe lasted five minutes.
Cuando la luz del mundo titila nosotros, la Orden Dorada de los Caballeros, restauramos el bien.When the light of the world flickers, we, the Golden Order of Knights, restore the rule of good.
Cuando mi hermano y yo restauramos el Luncheonette, no tratábamos de ser guays.But when my brother and I restored the luncheonette, we weren't trying to be cool.
A medio segundo en el futuro, los casquetes polares se restauran al tamaño que tenían en el siglo XIX, y el pronóstico es apacible y placentero para el próximo minuto y medio cósmico... 40.000 años.A half-second from now, the polar ice caps are restored to the way they were in the 19th century, and the forecast is mild and pleasant for the next cosmic minute and a half-- 40,000 years.
Corté piezas de mí que no se restauran.I cut pieces from myself that aren't restored.
Debo entrar allí para ver un cuadro que restauran.I got to get into this room... to see a painting that's being restored.
Después restauran el original.Then restore the original.
Dos puertas más allá, ahí restauran.Two doors down, they restore.
- Chuck... - La limpie y le restauré el sistema...- I cleaned it up, restored all the original settings...
- Durante los último meses, he estado remodelando el tercer piso... los cables, calefacción y aire acondicionado, restauré este piso a su gloria original.- Over the last few months, I've remodeled the entire third floor... wiring, heating and cooling, restored this red pine back to its original glory.
Aislé el audio de la cinta del DJ Scorpious, la restauré, y la convertí a digital, y entonces, la transferí a la computadora.So I took the audio tape of DJ Scorpious, I restored it, I transferred it to digital, and then, I brought it up on the computer.
Conduces el hermoso Cutlass 442 que restauré.That's my beautifully restored Cutlass 442 you're driving.
Cuando llegué estaba deteriorada. La restauré e hice que funcionara como recordatorio de lo que debería ser.When I came to Gateway, I had it restored to remind me of how things ought to be.
Al resucitar, restauraste nuestra vida.Rising, you restored our life.
El no necesita hacerlo Zuko, hoy tu mismo restauraste tu honor.He doesn't need to Zuko. Today, you restored your own honor.
Parece que restauraste la paz en la franja de gaza, aquí.Looks like you might have restored peace in the gaza strip there.
Ya veo, restauraste la estantería. Sí.I see you restored the shelving.
¿La otra flor herida a la que restauraste ofreciéndole una nueva vida?The other wounded flower you restored by offering her a new life?
Ah, la mano que restauró la reliquia de Reverte.Ah, the hands that restored the Reverte altarpiece.
Ahora, el Presidente Castelo Branco... realizó realmente esa política conservadora... que era del agrado de las clases dirigentes del país en aquella época... y él restauró... el alineamiento automático do Brasil con los Estados Unidos.President Castelo Branco did, indeed... carry out a conservative policy... which pleased the country's ruling classes... and restored... Brazil's automatic alignment with the United States.
Al igual que Nehemías, que restauró los muros de Jerusalén, yo soy un hombre de acción.Like Nehemiah, who restored the walls of Jerusalem, I also am a man of action.
Algo de esto se restauró hace poco.Some of it's been recently restored.
Amando y yo vamos a zarpar en el barco que cuidadosamente restauró para nosotros.Amanda and I will be leaving on the boat that he painstakingly restored for us.
(RÍE) Y después de la reunificación, en el 91, restauraron la cuadriga....and after reunification, in '91, they restored the chariot.
30 ó 40 años después de la deportación... se restauraron las relaciones entre chechenos y rusos.0-40 years after the deportation relations were restored between Chechens and Russians.
Además los de Documentación restauraron este recibo.Further, Q. D. restored this receipt for me.
Cuando restauraron el castillo hace unos años, hallaron varias habitaciones ocultas.When the castle was restored a few years ago, they found several hidden rooms.
Esta fue la escena en el tribunal hoy en la que los alguaciles restauraron rápidamente el oren y efectuaron varios arrestos por agresión después de que Luis Navarro fuera encontrado no culpable del asesinato de Curtis Wyatt, aquí pueden ver aquí su foto de graduación del instituto.That was the scene at the courthouse today as sheriff's deputies quickly restored order and made several arrests for assault after Luis Navarro was found not guilty of murdering Curtis Wyatt, seen here in his high-school graduation picture.
- Sólo un glamour, sí, pero te aseguro, mi dulce, que en este mismo momento sostengo la real en las palmas de mis muy corpóreas manos, y la restauraré si no te comportas.Only a glamour, yes. But I assure you, my sweet, this very moment I hold the real thing in the palms of my very corporeal hands and I will restore it if you don 't behave.
Anuncio a los señores, que con la Reina Cleopatra fecundaré la dinastía Julio-Ptolomeica y restauraré el antiguo Imperio de Alejandro.I declare that, with Queen Cleopatra... I shall beget the Julian-Ptolemaic Dynasty... which will restore Alexander's once great Empire.
Cuando mi padre recupere su posición, y toda Italia esté unida detrás de él, restaurará la paz.When my father regains his position, and all of Italy are united behind him, he will restore peace.
Dios restaurará la promesa graciasGod will restore Promise Thank you
Este plan nos restaurará y eliminará a los observadores del mundo.This plan will restore us and rid the world of the Observers.
Esto restaurará el circuito camaleón, doctor.This will restore your chameleon circuit, Doctor.
Esto restaurará sus sentidos bastante rápido, señor.This will restore his wits quick enough, sir.
Acabaremos con el tirano, y restauraremos la ley de Alá en estas tierras.We will remove this tyrant, and we will restore God's law in this land.
Por los Vapores de Magmarath, lo restauraremos.By the Vapors of Magmarath, we will restore it.
Creo que restauraría mi comisión y que me daría un retiro honorable.I believe he would restore my commission and give me honourable retirement, but, what he means by "honourable retirement"
Pensé que restauraría el honor de mi familia.I thought would restore my family's honor.
Un gran ataque en Europa restauraría su prestigio... después que lo dejaron fuera de los bombardeos de Londres y Madrid.A major attack in Europe would restore his prestige... after he was shut out of the London and Madrid bombings.
Y así, si puedo darle una blanca Navidad aquí en California, que restauraría su creencia.And so, if I can give him a white Christmas here in California, that would restore his belief.
Al menos eso puede que restaure la imagen pública de ColsonAt the least, it may restore Colson's public image.
Asi que cuando restaure el aliento del Sr. Dumbar, ehh, estaba bien.So then I restored Mr. Dunbar's breathing, and, uh... He was fine.
Bueno, con un solo Crichton y Stark desaparecido, quizás eso restaure algo la cordura a la naveWell, with a single Crichton and Stark missing, perhaps it will restore some sanity to the ship.
Como vasaIIos suyos, deseamos pedir al ""shogunato"" que restaure esta Casa.As his vassals, we plan to appeal to the Shogun to restore his clan. We have sworn our allegiance.
Debemos frenar el desarrollo de este deterioro, paralizar todo tal como está hasta que se restaure la confianza del pueblo.We need to hold the line on this erosion, freeze things in place until public confidence has been restored.
- Sí, Cam necesita que los restaures.Yeah,Cam needs you to restore them.
Chloe merece una vida libre de la carga de mi secreto, cuando restaures su memoria, no quiero que recuerde nada de Krypton... o mis habilidades.Chloe deserves a life free from the burden of my secret. When you restore her memory, I don't want her to remember anything about Krypton... or my abilities.
Cuando restaures su memoria, no quiero que recuerde mis habilidades.When you restore her memory, i don't want her to remember my abilities.
Espero que restaures nuestro rango como el Centro de Trauma nivel 1 y reabras la Sala de Emergencias y el Centro de Cuidados IntensivosI hope you restore our rating as a level one Trauma Center and reopen the E.R. and the ICU immediately.
Necesito que restaures el honor de nuestra familia.I need you to restore our family's honor.
Así que cuando restauremos la presión las puertas deberán abrirse.Soon as we plug it and restore the pressure, door should open.
Empujen a Sean Ramsey de vuelta al mar, y restauremos esta gran nación juntos.Push Sean Ramsey back to the sea, and let's restore this great nation together.
Quiere que el gobernador y yo restauremos el orden.He's ordered me to restore order. I shall carry out his wishes.
Recomendaré que restauremos la ayuda militar.l'll recommend that we restore all military aid.
Será mejor que nos restauremos cosas a la forma en que estaban.We better restore things to the way they were.
Al menos que las comunicaciones se restauren totalmente en el laboratorio,Unless communication is restored fully to the lab,
Alemania necesitará que restauren el orden.Germany's gonna need someone to restore order.
Así que les miro a ustedes 12... para que restauren nuestro orgullo del sistema judicial... y la fe del pueblo en los juicios con jurado.So I look to the 12 of you to restore all our pride in the judicial system and the public's faith in trial by jury.
Envía un equipo de rescate Diles que suban al tanque y restauren el control de navegaciónAway rescue team, tell them to board the tanker and restore navigational control.
Esperamos que los adelantados de Preparatoria restauren el honor en sus segundas pruebas."To restore our school's honor..." "...the high school seniors must redouble their efforts. "
Puede que restaurara la fortuna de tu familia, pero no es lo correcto.It may have restored the family's fortune but that doesn't make it the right thing to do.
Devolved el poder a la gente honrada, cantad victoria sobre la tierra y restaurad la paz bajo el cielo.Return the righteous to power. Sing victory o'er the land and restore peace under Heaven.
"Macunaíma (1969) fue restaurado a partir de los negativos originales de imagen y sonido."Macunaima (1969) was restored from the original picture and... sound negatives.
(Jean) la presión atmosférica está siendo restaurado.Standard atmospheric pressure is being restored.
- Completamente restaurado.- Completely restored.
- Control de vuelo restaurado.Flight control restored.
- El campo magnético contenedor está restaurado.- Magnetic field restored.
- Están restaurando mal mis obras.-They are restoring my works wrong!
- Mi esposo está restaurando esta iglesia.- My husband's restoring this church.
- ¿Estás restaurando tú la casa, Enrico?- Are you restoring this house, Enrico?
Ahora le voy a confiar un nuevo caso... ¡restaurando su dignidad!Now I'm giving you a new case... restoring your dignity!
Algo pasa con la escultura El Pensador que está restaurando Bichri.Something's up with that Thinker sculpture Bichri's restoring.
¡Y vos por qué no te restaurás...!Go restore your own...!

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