Reducir (to reduce) conjugation

111 examples

Conjugation of reducir

Present tense
I reduce
you reduce
he/she/it reduces
we reduce
you all reduce
they reduce
Present perfect tense
he reducido
I have reduced
has reducido
you have reduced
ha reducido
he/she/it has reduced
hemos reducido
we have reduced
habéis reducido
you all have reduced
han reducido
they have reduced
Past preterite tense
I reduced
you reduced
he/she/it reduced
we reduced
you all reduced
they reduced
Future tense
I will reduce
you will reduce
he/she/it will reduce
we will reduce
you all will reduce
they will reduce
Conditional mood
I would reduce
you would reduce
he/she/it would reduce
we would reduce
you all would reduce
they would reduce
Past imperfect tense
I used to to reduce
you used to to reduce
he/she/it used to to reduce
we used to to reduce
you all used to to reduce
they used to to reduce
Past perfect tense
había reducido
I had reduced
habías reducido
you had reduced
había reducido
he/she/it had reduced
habíamos reducido
we had reduced
habíais reducido
you all had reduced
habían reducido
they had reduced
Future perfect tense
habré reducido
I will have reduced
habrás reducido
you will have reduced
habrá reducido
he/she/it will have reduced
habremos reducido
we will have reduced
habréis reducido
you all will have reduced
habrán reducido
they will have reduced
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reduce
(if/so that) you reduce
(if/so that) he/she/it reduce
(if/so that) we reduce
(if/so that) you all reduce
(if/so that) they reduce
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reducido
I have reduced
hayas reducido
you have reduced
haya reducido
he/she/it has reduced
hayamos reducido
we have reduced
hayáis reducido
you all have reduced
hayan reducido
they have reduced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reduced
(if/so that) you have reduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have reduced
(if/so that) we have reduced
(if/so that) you all have reduced
(if/so that) they have reduced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reduced
(if/so that) you have reduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have reduced
(if/so that) we have reduced
(if/so that) you all have reduced
(if/so that) they have reduced
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reducido
I had reduced
hubieras reducido
you had reduced
hubiera reducido
he/she/it had reduced
hubiéramos reducido
we had reduced
hubierais reducido
you all had reduced
hubieran reducido
they had reduced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reducido
I had reduced
hubieses reducido
you had reduced
hubiese reducido
he/she/it had reduced
hubiésemos reducido
we had reduced
hubieseis reducido
you all had reduced
hubiesen reducido
they had reduced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reduced
(if/so that) you will have reduced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reduced
(if/so that) we will have reduced
(if/so that) you all will have reduced
(if/so that) they will have reduced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reducido
I will have reduced
hubieres reducido
you will have reduced
hubiere reducido
he/she/it will have reduced
hubiéremos reducido
we will have reduced
hubiereis reducido
you all will have reduced
hubieren reducido
they will have reduced
Imperative mood
let's reduce!
Imperative negative mood
no reduzcas
do not reduce!
no reduzca
don't let him/her/it reduce!
no reduzcamos
let us not reduce!
no reduzcáis
do not reduce!
no reduzcan
do not reduce!

Examples of reducir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Hipnotismo: el medio para reducir el estrés a través del pensamiento confrontacional"."Hypnotism: the way to reduce stress by confrontational thinking."
"Uno nunca conoce la capacidad de una bolsa de mano ordinaria hasta que la extrema necesidad le obliga a uno a usar toda la ingenuidad de la que dispone para reducir todo a la mínima expresión."One never knows the capacity of an ordinary hand satchel until dire necessity compels the exercise of all one's ingenuity to reduce everything to the smallest possible compass.
- Exactamente. Porque el fiscal está dispuesto a reducir el cargo y dejarte salir con liberación condicional.Which is why the DA's willing to reduce the charge, let you walk out with a conditional discharge.
- Fernando, ahora nos toca encontrar maneras legales de reducir aún más mi tiempo de condena.- Fernando... now it's time for us to find legal means to reduce my sentence even more.
- Les expliqué que los misiles eran sembradoras de nubes, no municiones, parte de un programa internacional para reducir la contaminación.I explained The missiles were cloud seeders, not munitions at all, Part of an international research program to reduce smog.
Ahora, si reduzco el talle promedio de pecho de una D a una B ¿piensas que puedo hacer entrar diez?Now, If I reduced the average breast size from a D to a B... ...doyouthinkIcould fitten?
Aparente cruzada justiciera, y reduzco en casa las malas posturas Premio dobleKeyboardl Apparent crusade for justice, reduced risk of RSI at home.
El único motivo por el que no te reduzco a cenizas con mi fuego es porque Rama no me lo ha ordenado.The only reason I do not reduce you to ashes with my own blazing power is because Rama has not ordered me to do so.
Minimizo la subvocalización de las imágenes y reduzco la carga cognitiva...I minimize subvocalization of the images and reduce cognitive load by--
¿Y si reduzco el monto?But what if I reduce the amount a little bit?
- Me encanta cómo reduces todo a...I love how you reduce everything in life to...
Changing gears at lower revs reduces your C02 emissions and saves you money.Changing gears at lower revs reduces your C02 emissions and saves you money.
Dios, en serio reduces a la mujer a partes de su cuerpo.God, you really do reduce a woman to body parts.
Entonces apareces, tocas unas cuantas teclas, y reduces nuestro posible motivo a un montón de bits digitales.You come along, you tap a few keys, and then you reduce our motive to a bunch of digital bits.
Hodgins es un héroe, tú reduces tus horas y yo...Hodgins gets to be a hero, you get reduced hours, and I get...
"Conduce un automóvil que reduce nuestra dependencia de la OPPP.""Drive the car that reduces our dependence on OPEC."
"Si la flecha se reduce a50, podrás responsable de un 'boom' .. ""If the arrow reduces to 50, you'll be responsible for a 'boom' .."
"Y después se reduce a ellos.""And later reduces into it."
"Yo soy Sam" reduce a Penn a un vergonzoso idiota, afirmó Mike Clark de USA Today."I am sam reduces penn to a mugging embarrassment," Raves mike clark of usa today.
- El ejercicio reduce la baja por enfermedad.-Jogging reduces sick leave.
- Si reducimos...- If we reduce...
Antes de reciclar, reducimos.Before we recycle, we reduce.
Así que lo reducimos.So we reduce it.
Así que reducimos las bajas.So you reduce the losses.
Como verá, doctor, si reducimos el voltaje un poco, su condición es más estable.As you will see. Doctor. If we reduce some of the tension.
"Durante este periodo cuando se reducen los estímulos exteriores, se pueden producir problemas en el comportamiento del grupo.""During this period, reduced external stimuli may produce problems of group behaviour."
- El Valium y el Xanax reducen realmente el estrés.Valium or Xanax actually reduce stress.
- Los reducen a ceros y unos.They reduce them to ones and zeroes.
Afortunadamente, hay alternativas deslumbrantes - los métodos sin tierra de la hidroponía y aeroponía que también reducen los requerimientos de nutrientes y agua hasta en un 75% de nuestro consumo actual.Fortunately, there is a glaring alternative - the soilless mediums of hydroponics and aeroponics which also reduce nutrient and water requirements by up to 75 % of our current usage.
Al final, las aspiraciones románticas de nuestra juventud se reducen a lo que sea que sirva.In the end, the romantic aspirations of our youth are reduced to whatever works. Okay?
- Su Alteza, no tengo pretexto para mi terrible conducta, pero en mi defensa me estaba dando una terrible migraña y me reduje a esto.- Gielgud... - Your Highness, I have no excuse for my terrible behaviour. But, in my defence, I was getting one of my migraines at the time, and I was reduced to this.
Al reducir sus cerebros, reduje su deseo de oponerse a mí.By reducing their brains, I have reduced their will to oppose me.
Ania, ya reduje la dosis.Ania, I already reduced dose.
Cuando reduje tu equipo a arrestos encubiertos... fue porque el jefe estaba evaluando unidades especiales en toda la ciudad... para ver qué ocurriría.When I reduced your team to buy-busts it was because the chief was evaluating special units throughout the city to see what would happen
Descarté dos aperitivos, suspendí la fuente de champaña... y reduje el personal a seis camareros, sin contar el encargado.I cut two appetizers, I canceled the champagne fountain... and I reduced the catering staff to six servers, not counting the point man.
- Por qué te redujiste a esto, bebes?- Why were you reduced to this, do you drink?
Le dije a la agencia como redujiste nuestros atrasos.I told the agency how you reduced our backlog
Lo ahogaste y redujiste sus signos vitales... la temperatura del cuerpo, no debía estar muerto.You drugged him and reduced his vital signs you lowered his body temperature. He couldn't have been dead!
Quizás redujiste su poder ahora pero está ahí afuera, juntando fuerzas. Y volverá.You may have reduced her to vapor now, but she is out there, gathering her strength, and she will be back.
Te redujiste a un pedazo de trasero. Así que ¡bien!You've reduced yourself to a little piece of ass so, bravo!
"Sé que la salsa se redujo de más.""I know the sauce over-reduced."
"aunque el alza inicial de 3 dólares en Londres" "se redujo finalmente a 0.85," "para quedar en 33. 7 dólares."However, the initial hike of 3 $ on Brent crude was finally reduced to, 0.85 leaving the barrel at 33, 7 dollars.
- Esta bien Así que la red informante de Solo Ojos se redujo a estoSo this is what the Eyes Only Informant Net has been reduced to, huh?
- ¿Quién redujo los cargos?- Who got my charges reduced?
Algunos judíos sorprendidos contrabandeando fueron asesinados, como consecuencia se redujo el mercado negro.A number of Jews caught smuggling were shot, as a consequence, the smuggling was reduced.
Cortamos sus llamadas telefónicas, redujimos sus visitantes.We cut out his phone calls, we reduced his visitors.
Diles que las redujimos.Tell them they got them reduced.
La redujimos y le hicimos un yeso pequeño.We reduced it, and we gave him a small cast.
La secuencia de Dolphin Watch, cuando los turistas van a ver los delfines... salir de la bahía al comienzo de la tarde, la redujimos en el filme... justamente porque teníamos que mostrar los delfines en alto mar... buscando alimento... y optamos por dejarla muy corta... mostrar sólo la salida de los delfines, entrando en la proa de los barcos... y siguiendo los barcos por un determinado tempo.The Dolphin Watch sequence, when tourist come to see the dolphins... exiting the bay in the afternoon, was reduced in the film... because we had to show the dolphins in the open sea... looking for food... so we decided to shorten it considerably... showing just the dolphins' exit, when they approach the boats... and swim along them for some time.
Meses desde que redujimos un gobierno de 2 billones a trivialidades.Months since we reduced a $2-trillion government to poll-tested bromides.
- Luego redujeron mi mysoline y aumentaron mi valproato de sodio.- Then they reduced my Mysoline and increased my sodium valproate.
- ¿Cuándo le redujeron la sentencia?When was the sentence reduced?
Adivina a cuántos les redujeron sus penas a cadena perpetua.Guess how many got their sentence reduced to life.
Confía en la velocidad para su defensa y, para mejorar su eficacia como corredor, los dedos de sus pies se redujeron a dos.It relies for its defence on speed and, in the interests of its efficiency as a runner, its toes have been reduced to two.
Cuando Josh lleva a cabo ese experimento con oficiales que aplican la ley, encuentra que su entrenamiento experto redujeron significativamente la ocurrencia de errores fatales.When Josh performs this experiment with law-enforcement officers, he finds that their expert training significantly reduced the occurrence of fatal mistakes.
Majestad, le reduciré el texto.Majesty, I will reduce the text.
Si arrestamos al Sr. Anderson, reduciré la condena de Jake.We arrest Mr. Anderson, and I will reduce Jake's sentence.
¿Así reducirás la bebida de todos los días?So you will reduce drinking every day?
Afortunadamente esto reducirá la inflamación de terminaciones nerviosas.Hopefully this will reduce the nerve route inflammation.
Ahora, también podríamos estar equivocados acerca de nuestra dirección y si no hicimos bien la investigación, tal vez nuestra acciòn intensificaría a Kathrina y incluso matara a más personas en Nueva Orleans y así esta cuestión de ¿cómo desarrollar la confianza de saber, que tu intervención reducirá el daño general y, a continuación ¿Cómo te manejas con la idea, que podrías estar dañando a algunas personas, ... que no hubieran sido dañadas antes, mientras que salvas gente en general.Now, also we might be wrong about our steering and if we didn´t do the research right, maybe our steering would intensify Kathrina and it even would kill more people in New Orleans and so this question of how do you develop the confidence to know, that your intervention will reduce overall damage and then how do you deal with the understanding, that you might be damaging some people, who wouldn´t have been damaged before, while saving people overall.
Algo que reducirá a los monstruosos Cosacos a tamaño humano.Something that will reduce this monstrous Cossack to human size.
Além dijo, del decrecimiento de los casquetes glaciares del Ártico a el Antártico reducirá la cantidad de energía solar que es refractada para el espacio y aumentará, mucho mas, la temperatura.In addition, the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets will reduce the amount of solar energy reflected back into space and so increase the temperature further.
Así reducirá algo de mi trabajo.It will reduce some of my work.
Con permiso de la fiscalía, reduciremos la multa a 25 marcos.With the permission of the office of the prosecutor, we will reduce the penalty to 25 D-Mark.
Pero si alguien intenta encender una chispa. Los reduciremos a cenizas.But if anyone tries to kindle a spark... we will reduce them to ashes!
Y dile a esa dama que si no me obedece reduciremos su fortaleza a polvo y la arrastraremos en cadenas a través de las calles de Roma.And you tell that lady that if she does not obey us, we will reduce her fortress to dust and drag her in chains through the streets of Rome.
reduciremos tu medicamente lentamente.We will reduce your medication slowly over time.
Cree que hay una muy buena posibilidad que estas medicinas reducirán la frecuencia y severidad de tus convulsiones.He thinks there's a very good chance that these meds will reduce the frequency and the severity of your seizures.
En vez de eso, mis rayos omega te reducirán a cenizas.Instead, my omega beams will reduce you to ashes.
He pensado que si alguien vive conmigo .. .. no sólo acabaré con mi soledad .. .. sino que incluso los gastos de la casa se reduciránI'm thinking that if i have somebody staying with me then not only will the loneliness vanish but even the house expenses will reduce.
Los hornos de fuel reducirán el número de trabajadores.Oil kilns will reduce the workforce.
No son medidas que reducirán la deuda.They are not measures which will reduce the debt.
Al inundar las líneas de suministros de Vietnam del Norte y el Viet Cong, se reduciría su utilidad y debilitaría el suministro para las guerrillas en el Sur.By flooding the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong supply lines, it would reduce their utility and choke off supplies to guerillas in the south.
Como poco, podría apartar el peligro de ti y que le disparen a él, lo que reduciría la posibilidad de convertirme en madre soltera.At the very least, he could draw fire away from you and get shot himself, which would reduce the likelihood of me becoming a single parent.
Cuando ocupé por primera vez mi puesto hace 4 años nadie creía que reduciría el crimen.When I first came into office four years ago... people didn't think that I would reduce crime.
De todos modos... Tío, recuerdo a mi padre cuando te miro. Creí que si lo compartía contigo mi pena se reduciría.Any how... l remember my father on seeing you, uncle, l felt sharing with you would reduce my burden.
El aumento del precio reduciría el número de adolescentes que fuman.Increase the price of tobacco, would reduce teenage smoking.
Así que, lo que estaba pensando es si combinamos nuestros recursos... reduciríamos nuestros gastos.So, what l was thinking is if we were to combine our resources, we would reduce our expenses.
Dijeron que si les ayudaba, reducirían mi tiempo en prisión.They said if I helped them, they would reduce my time in prison.
Abra la válvula y reduzca la presiónOpen the valve and reduce the pressure.
Ahora reduzca sus viajes aquí.Now reduce your trips here.
Ayúdanos, y pediremos que se reduzca tu condena.Help us. We'll apply to reduce your sentence
Bien, proceda, oficial Riker y reduzca velocidad.Well, make it so, Number One, and reduce speed.
Bien, supongo que debería alegrarme de que mi número de sospechosos no se reduzca más.Well, I suppose I ought to be glad that my suspects haven't been reduced still further.
Así que por favor, no lo reduzcas a un recuerdo...So please don't reduce it to a memory
Escucha, no reduzcas nuestra relación a lo que piensas de mí porque lo que veo en una pintura.Listen, you don't reduce our relationship to what you think about me because of what I see in a painting.
Hazme un favor, Danny-- No me reduzcas a una superficial, y pegajosa novia que comienza a sofocarte, ¿bien?Do me a favor, Danny-- don't reduce me to some shallow, clingy girlfriend that's starting to suffocate you,okay?
Me alarma que reduzcas a esta gente a un estereotipo cultural.I am alarmed that you would reduce these people to a cultural stereotype.
Me alarma que reduzcas a este hombre a un estereotipo literario, "el científico loco".I'm alarmed that you would reduce this man... To a literary stereotype, a "mad scientist."
"No puede haber un trato a menos que ustedes reduzcan su presión al pedir que nosotros reduzcamos la nuestra"."There can be no deal unless you somewhat reduce the pressure on us when you ask us to reduce the pressure on you."
Así que tal vez reduzcamos tu sentencia un par de años.So maybe we'll reduce your sentence by a couple of years or so.
Los rusos quieren que nosotros reduzcamos nuestra comisión.The Russians want us to reduce our commission.
O que reduzcamos la agricultura francesa a la categoría del "koljós",...Or to reduce French agriculture to the category of 'kolkhozes',...
Yo diría que si tratan de invadirnos... les demos una dosis de rayos gama y los reduzcamos a neutrones.I say that, if they try to invade, we give them a dose of their own gamma rays and reduce them to neutrons.
"No puede haber un trato a menos que ustedes reduzcan su presión al pedir que nosotros reduzcamos la nuestra"."There can be no deal unless you somewhat reduce the pressure on us when you ask us to reduce the pressure on you."
- Voy a hacer que me los reduzcan.- I'm going to get them reduced.
Al usar los desechos del consumo, reBurger permite que los nutrientes sean ofrecidos a países en vías de desarrollo para que reduzcan costos.By using post-consumer waste, reBurger allows essential nutrients to be offered to developing countries for greatly reduced cost.
El peligro de que las 2.000 ciudades más grandes de la Tierra se reduzcan a escombros en el lapso de una tarde ya no es uno de ellos.The danger that the 2,000 largest cities on Earth would be reduced to rubble in the space of an afternoon is no longer one of them.
En agradecimiento. He hecho que te reduzcan la sentencia.In gratitude, I've had your sentence reduced.
"El amor les ha reducido a estos amantes a qué estado...?""What state has love reduced this crazy lovers to...?"
"La feminidad la ha reducido a esto.""Femininity reduced her to this."
"No hay placer noble que no pueda ser reducido a la prostitución"."that cannot be reduced to prostitution."
"Todo el que se tope conmigo, será reducido a cenizas."Anyone locks horns with me, will be reduced to ashes.
"Tus anhelos me han reducido a esto""Your longing has reduced me to this"
"Querida, esta distancia entre nosotros me está reduciendo a cenizas..."My dear, this distance between us is reducing me to ashes...
"Un terremoto de magnitud 8,2 asola Pasadena, reduciendo a polvo los principales edificios, sumiendo la ciudad en llamas."An 8.2 magnitude earthquake devastates Pasadena, "reducing mighty edifices to dust, "engulfing the city in flames.
'Rumbo 1-4-7, velocidad Mach 5, reduciendo rápidamente.''Bearing 147, speed Mach 5, reducing fast.'
'Velocidad ahora 0-decimal-8-5 y reduciendo.''Speed now 0,85 and reducing.'
- Ha estado pagando deudas pecados pasados de vidas pasadas reduciendo su carga de una vida a la siguiente.- It's been paying off debts-- past sins from past lives, reducing its burden from one life to the next.
Pero un día vos reducís el costo.But one day you reduce the cost.
Si reducís la velocidad por debajo de 60m/hr, la bomba estallará.If you reduce your speed to less than 60m/hr the bomb will go off.

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