Ma armastan lapsest saati loomi. | I am fond of animals since childhood. |
Ma armastan sind, Stahma, kuid me pole meeskond. | I am fond of you, Stahma, but we are not a team. |
Sul on õigus. Ma armastan teda väga. | You are right, I am fond of that girl. |
Aga tema, vaeseke, arvab, et ta armastab teda. | While Gloria, poor thing, is fond of her. |
Jah, kuid ma ei tea, miks. Arvan, et tüdruk armastab sind, miks ta muidu igal ööl tagasi tuleb. Seda arvan minagi. | Yes. but l don't know why.... l think the girl is fond of you, otherwise she won't come to your dream every night l think so. but she'll leave soon look at you! |
Olen aru saanud, et armastate muusikat ja samamoodi ka mängimist. Oh ei. | I understand that you are fond of music, and play very well. |
Mehed armastavad raha, nende naised aga... | The men are fond of money. And their wives... are fond of Europeans. |
Need kolm armastasid esitada valitud publikule väikesi draamasid. | Now, these three were fond of performing little dramas for select audiences. |
Paul ei meeldinud neile eriti, kuid mind nad armastasid. Ja Buddyt. | They were not Paul, but were fond of me and Buddy. |
Mu isa armastas ja austas teda kõrgelt. | My own father was fond of him and held him in high esteem. |
Ta armastas teda, kuid tüdruk oli noor ja tuulepea ning murdis ta südame. | He was fond of her, but she was young and fickle and broke his heart. |