No pots voler la mort de la Kara. | You cannot want Kara to die. |
Va ser Jesús qui va voler que jo tingués aquesta camioneta. | It was Jesus who wanted me to have that truck. |
Mai va voler intentar-ho. | He never wanted to try. |
Estàs segur de voler fer això, col·lega? | You sure you want to do this, man? |
Al mateix temps, la Nadine Bakdash @NadineBek confirma el suport del libanesos a la revolució dient: Perquè la solidaritat amb el poble i els individus és més forta i important que no les declaracions i posicions dels règims, dels dirigents sectaris i dels partits polítics, vam voler expressar el nostre suport a la revolució del poble sirià. | Beirut Walls also wrote about the revolution morning including a video entitled: "From Beirut with love": Because the people's and individuals' solidarity is stronger and more important than official statements and the stance of politicians and sect and parties heads, we wanted to express our support to the Syrian revolution. |
No vull altres dones. | I don't want other women. |
Michael, vull anar a la ciutat. | -Michael, I do want to go to the city. |
La meva clau... vull que tu la tinguis. | My key-- I want you to have it. |
Ara no en vull parlar. | l don't want to talk about it. |
- No jugava. I no vull ser una dama. | And I don't want to be a lady. |
- Que vols que faci què? | - You want me to do what ? |
Però, per què ens vols ajudar? | But, why do you want to help us? |
En vols una mica d'això? | You want some of that? |
Què vols que digui? | What do you want me to say? |
Tu no vols furgar en el cervell d'aquest paio. | You do not want to pick this man's brain. |
Això és el que la núvia vol sentir. | That's what the bride wants to hear. |
Ella vol els seus dits a la sorra. | She wants her toes in the sand. |
El viatger vol estirar les cames. | Travelerwants to work the ropes. |
he de dur els meus nebot al centre comercial que li digui a Santa què vol per Nadal. | Gonna take my nephew over to the mall so he can let Santa know what he wants for Christmas. |
El director el vol veure. | The boss wants you. Oh. |
No volem sortir. | We don't want to get out. |
No volem que ningú ho sàpiga encara. | We don't want anyone to know yet. |
No hi fa res, volem intentar-ho. | It doesn't matter. we want to try. |
Per què collons el volem? | Why on earth would we want him back? |
Només per a que ho sàpigues, un cop que aconseguim el que volem agafaré un ganivet, i degollaré aquest marit teu cap del Gabinet. | Just so you know, once we get what we want, I am going to take a knife, and I am going to gut that Chief of Staff husband of yours. |
Mirant-la ara, és tot el que en Tom i jo podríem haver volgut que fos. | [ Sighs ] I mean, looking at her now, she's everything I could've wanted Tom's and my child to be. |
Han volgut una zona sencera per ús exclusiu del tripijoc a cel obert. | They wanted a whole area for the exclusive use of skullduggery open. |
Mas ai pas jamai volgut aquò per tu. | But I never wanted this for you. |
Mira, vaig entrar al Servei Secret perquè... sempre he volgut protegir la gent. | You know, I joined the Secret Service because... I always wanted to protect people. |
Si hagués volgut els vostres dracs, ja us els hauria pres. | If I wanted your dragons, I would have taken them. |
Sense endevinalles, ni històries... Digueu-me, què voleu? | No riddles, no stories-- tell me, what do you want? |
Què voleu de nosaltres? | What do you want from us? |
Sé el que voleu. | I know what you want. |
Qué voleu que... | You want me to-- |
És això el que voleu algú de vosaltres? | Is this what any of you want? |
L'estat no està interessat en dinàmiques ni perfils. L'únic que volen es acabar amb el cas. | The state isn't interested in dynamics or profiles, they just want this case to go away. |
És com... deu minuts i ja volen veure una foto dels meus pits o així. | It's like... ten minutes in and they want to see a picture of my boobs or something. |
Carinyo... ..E-scape volen fer una part amb tu... ..aquesta tarda amb el fet dels encalçadors. | Darling, E- scape wants to do a segment on you this evening on the stalking event. I told them yes. |
- No en volen cap del 1r Escamot? | - They want anyone from 1 st? - No. |
I ara em volen destruir perquè no hi poden haver monstres al país, oi? | They want to destroy me because we can't have monsters... ...roaming the countryside, now can we? |
Cap entrenador seriós voldrà treballar amb mi. | No decent coach will want to work with me. |
En Mance voldrà interrogar aquest. | Mance will want to question this one. |
Sé que voldrà una bona mort. | I know he will want to die well. Man 1: (murmurs loudly) man 2: (laughs) (blade rings) |
Sa Altesa voldrà sentir això. | His Grace will want to hear this. |
En Mance el voldrà. | Mance will want him. |
Perquè qualsevol persona que es preocupa d'algú voldria que fos feliç. Fins i tot si la raó de la seva felicitat fes la primera persona infeliç. | Because anyone who cared for someone would want them to be happy... ...even if the reason for their happiness made the first person unhappy. |
T'ho creguis o no, sóc l'última persona que voldria mantenir una mare allunyada de la seva filla. | Believe it or not, I am the last person that would want to keep a mother from her child. |
Qui del nostre costat us voldria morts? | So who on our side would want you dead? |
- Ell què creus que voldria? | - What do you think Neelix would want? |
Bé, sabem el que en Barney voldria que féssim. | Well, we know what Barney would want us to do. |
Vull dir, si fóra jo, ho voldries saber. | I mean, if it were me, you would want to know. |
Si poguessis recordar, si encara fossis tu, voldries que fes qualsevol cosa per salvar en Chuck. | If you could remember, if you were still you, you would want me to do anything I could to save Chuck. |
Era una llar el que jo volia. | It was home I was wanting. |
Agafa el que vulgues. | Take everything you want. |
Si et quedes, tindràs tot el que vulgues. | If you stay here, you can have whatever you want. |
Després volgueren dar una mirada escales amunt. | Next they wanted to look upstairs. |
Pot fer el que vulgui amb mi, no té importancia. Però a ells no els guanyara. | You can do what you want with me, that's not important, but you'll never conquer them |
Jo l’hi puc fer, major, puc fer el que vulgui. | I can paint whatever you want, Herr Sturmbannführer. |
Pot fer el que vulgui amb mi, no té importancia. | You can do what you want with me. That's not important. |
Jo l'hi puc fer, major, puc fer el que vulgui. | - I'll paint, Sir. What ever you want. |
I això és perquè dubto que vulgui seguir vivint. | Because I feeI doubt, I want to go on Iiving... |
Bé, quan vulguis tornar a la feina, només diga'm-ho. | You know, whenever you want to come back to work, just let me know. |
¿T'agradaria retirar-te ïaquí a un any i viure en un palau amb piscina, cavalls, iots... amb tot el que vulguis, de franc? | Newt, how would you like to retire in about a year and live on a big estate with a swimming pool, horses, yachts, anything you want, free, |
Pots fer el que vulguis, però creu-me, perdras el temps. | You do what you want to do but believe me, you're wasting your time. |
Qualsevol que vulguis. | Whatever you want it to |
- Digues-li com vulguis. | Call it whatever you want. |
Pots posar-te la teva i podem tenir una lluita de espasetes quan vulguem. | You can wear yours and we can have little sword fights whenever we want. |
Podem ser qui vulguem sense ningú que s'interposi al nostre camí. | We can be whoever we want to... without anyone getting in our way. |
Encara podem aconseguir tot el que vulguem. | We can still get everything we wanted. |
El que vulguem. | What you want. |
Que Doug i jo ja no vulguem estar junts, no significa que ja no vulguem estar amb vosaltres | Well, just because Doug and I don't wanna be together anymore doesn't mean that we don't want to be with you. |
El que vulgueu! Està bé? | Anything you want! |
Deixeu-nos marxar. Mon pare us pagarà el que vulgueu. | Let us go, my father will pay you whatever you want. |
Vosaltres feu el que vulgueu, però jo no vull perdre als meus amics per un treball fix. | Oh, you do what you want, but I don't want to lose my friends over tenure. |
Preneu totes les fotografies que vulgueu, totes les que pugueu, però el més important, vull que crideu i crideu perquè aquesta puta sàpiga que hi sou. | Take as many photographs as you want, take as many photographs as you can, but most importantly, what I need from you is to shout and scream and let that bitch know that youse are out here. |
Després ho podeu portar a on vulgueu. | From here you can lead it to wherever you want. |
Es poden convertir en llops quan vulguin o només durant la lluna plena? | Can they, like, turn into wolves whenever they want, or just during a full moon? |
Es la nostra feina fer-ho com ho vulguin vostès. | It's our job to do this thing the way you want it done. |
Facin-me a mi el que vulguin, però suéltenla a ella. | I'm asking you this, please. Ain't this what you want? I'm keeping it funny for you. |
@Sandmonkey: Està prohibit el tràfic de dones i aquells que vulguin casar-se amb xiquetes seran empresonats i començaran un tractament psicològic. | @Sandmonkey: Trading in women is banned and those who want to get married to children should be jailed and taken for psychological treatment |
Potser vulguin parlar amb el xèrif Bilson abans de començar a deixar anar acusacions sense ordre ni concert. | You might want to talk to Sheriff Bilson 'fore you start tossin' accusations around. |
El meu somni era ser una música, no passar-me tots els dies tenint atacs de pànic asseient-me darrere d'un escriptori de recepció per 8 hores volent volarme el cap. | My dream was to be a musician, not... spend every day having panic attacks and sitting behind a reception desk for eight hours wanting to blow my brains out. |