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Haluta (to want) conjugation

145 examples
This verb can also mean the following: crave, do, desire kotus type 75/selvitä, no gradation

Conjugation of haluta

Present tense
I want
you want
he/she wants
we want
you all want
they want
is wanted
Past tense
I wanted
you wanted
he/she wanted
we wanted
you all wanted
they wanted
was wanted
Conditional mood
I would want
you would want
he/she would want
we would want
you all would want
they would want
would be wanted
Imperative mood
let's want!
be wanted!
Potential tense
I probably want
you probably want
he/she probably wants
we probably want
you all probably want
they probably want
probably is wanted
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to want
to want
while wanting
while wanting
just about to want
Passive infinitives
while not wanting
not wanting
Passive participles
not wanted
not wanted
Present negative tense
en halua
I do not want
et halua
you do not want
ei halua
he/she do not want
emme halua
we do not want
ette halua
you all do not want
eivät halua
they do not want
ei haluta
is not wanted
Past negative tense
en halunnut
I did not want
et halunnut
you did not want
ei halunnut
he/she did not want
emme halunneet
we did not want
ette halunneet
you all did not want
eivät halunneet
they did not want
oli haluttu
had been wanted
Conditional negative tense
en haluaisi
I would not want
et haluaisi
you would not want
ei haluaisi
he/she would not want
emme haluaisi
we would not want
ette haluaisi
you all would not want
eivät haluaisi
they would not want
Imperative negative mood
älä halua
do not want!
älköön halutko
let him/her/it not want!
älkäämme halutko
let's not want!
älkää halutko
do not want!
älkööt halutko
do not want!
Potential negative tense
en halunne
I probably do not want
et halunne
you probably do not want
ei halunne
he/she probably does not want
emme halunne
we probably do not want
ette halunne
you all probably do not want
eivät halunne
they probably do not want
Present perfect tense
olen halunnut
I have wanted
olet halunnut
you have wanted
on halunnut
he/she has wanted
olemme halunneet
we have wanted
olette halunneet
you all have wanted
ovat halunneet
they have wanted
on haluttu
has been wanted
Past perfect tense
olin halunnut
I had wanted
olit halunnut
you had wanted
oli halunnut
he/she had wanted
olimme halunneet
we had wanted
olitte halunneet
you all had wanted
olivat halunneet
they had wanted
Conditional perfect tense
olisin halunnut
I would have wanted
olisit halunnut
you would have wanted
olisi halunnut
he/she would have wanted
olisimme halunneet
we would have wanted
olisitte halunneet
you all would have wanted
olisivat halunneet
they would have wanted
olisi haluttu
would has been wanted
Imperative perfect tense
ole halunnut
you have wanted!
olkoon halunnut
he/she have wanted!
olkaamme halunneet
we have wanted!
olkaa halunneet
you all have wanted!
olkoot halunneet
they have wanted!
olkoon haluttu
has been wanted!
Potential perfect tense
lienen halunnut
I probably have wanted
lienet halunnut
you probably have wanted
lienee halunnut
he/she probably has wanted
lienemme halunneet
we probably have wanted
lienette halunneet
you all probably have wanted
lienevät halunneet
they probably have wanted
lienee haluttu
probably has been wanted
Present perfect negative tense
en ole halunnut
I have not wanted
et ole halunnut
you have not wanted
ei ole halunnut
he/she has not wanted
emme ole halunneet
we have not wanted
ette ole halunneet
you all have not wanted
eivät ole halunneet
they have not wanted
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut halunnut
I had not wanted
et ollut halunnut
you had not wanted
ei ollut halunnut
he/she had not wanted
emme olleet halunneet
we had not wanted
ette olleet halunneet
you all had not wanted
eivät olleet halunneet
they had not wanted
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi halunnut
I would not have wanted
et olisi halunnut
you would not have wanted
ei olisi halunnut
he/she would not have wanted
emme olisi halunneet
we would not have wanted
ette olisi halunneet
you all would not have wanted
eivät olisi halunneet
they would not have wanted
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole halunnut
you have wanted!
olkoon halunnut
he/she have wanted!
olkaamme halunneet
we have wanted!
olkaa halunneet
you all have wanted!
olkoot halunneet
they have wanted!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene halunnut
I probably have not wanted
et liene halunnut
you probably have not wanted
ei liene halunnut
he/she probably has not wanted
emme liene halunneet
we probably have not wanted
ette liene halunneet
you all probably have not wanted
eivät liene halunneet
they probably have not wanted

Examples of haluta

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"En halunnut haluta sitä, mutta halusin silti!"And I didn't want to want it, but, oh, I did!
"Jos ketään kiinnostaa, niin taidan haluta jäätelöä 16 kilometrin päästä." Älä vittu imitoi minua!"Hey man, think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles."
"On luonnollista haluta olla omiensa parissa" – Mohammad AliAnd I'm sure no intelligent white person watching this show, or no intelligent white man in his or her right white mind, want black boys and black girls marrying their white sons and daughters, and in return introducing their grandchildren as half brown
- Aivan, voimme haluta katsella uudestaan.-Exactly, we may want to watch it again.
- Annoimme sinulle kaiken mitä voit haluta.We gave you everything. Everything you could want.
! Minä haluan hänet!I want him!
! Voin katsoa laukkuun, jos haluan.I can look in the bag if I want to.
"...haluan kaikkien sanovan, Katsokaa, S-car-go!""I want everybody to say 'Look at that S-car-go."'
"Ai laik okteivia kom skai kru!" Teillä on jotain, mitä haluan.Ai laik okteivia kom skal kru, and you have something I want.
"Allen, haluan elää kanssasi syyskuusta kesäkuuhun," -"Allen, this is straight. "What I truly want is to live with you from September to June,
" Mitä haluat, poikani?"what is it that you want, my son?
"'Oletko varma että haluat ehtiä lennollesi?"'Are you sure you want to catch that flight?
"Anna väsyneille ja köyhille." tyylistä - niin että se olisi pesäpallomaila kädessä ja sanoisi: "Tätäkö sinä haluat?"Instead of "Give me your tired and your poor," it would be her with a baseball bat going "You want a piece of me"?
"Annan sinulle kaikkeni" "jotta sinusta voi tulla mitä vain haluat.""To provide you with every advantage "so you may become whatever you want to be...
"Carl, voit työntää tuon työsi minne haluat!""Carl, you can push that your work wherever you want! "
"...ja haluaa vain elää rauhassa naapureidensa rinnalla.""a shining example of democracy and fairness, - which simply wants to live in--" - "in peace." "In peace with its neighbors."
"A" haluaa meidän uskovan Shanaa ja lopettavan etsinnän.So, "A" wants us to believe Shana's story so we stop looking for Ali and he can find her.
"A" haluaa, että tunnistat hänet."a" wants you to identify him.
"A" on kieltänyt etsimästä Alia, koska haluaa hänet kotiin.Does she even know how to text? "A" has been telling us to stop going after Alison probably because "A" wants to bring her home.
"Abdul Murat haluaa vaihtaa meidät poikaansa."Abdul Murat wants to trade us for his son.
"17. syyskuuta haluamme nähdä 20000 henkeä"On September 17th, we want to see 20,000 flood
"Ai tässä on vain 24 feideriä? Me haluamme 32."People were saying, "You only have 24 faders, and we want 32,
"Ensimmäinen asia jota haluamme on, että lapset alkavat polttamaan.""The first thing we want is to get kids to start smoking. "
"Haluamme 64." "Me haluamme 72." Mahtavaa.64. We want 72". Whoop-de-doo.
"Herra Kingdom, haluamme...""Dear Mr Kingdom, we want a..." What's that say?
"50 miljoonaa pieninä seteleinä, jos haluatte paperinne."Provide 50 million francs in small bills... if you want your papers back. Further instructions to follow.
"Hyvä Ensimmäinen, jos haluatte tuojanne... yllätymme, koska teillä on heitä kolme miljoonaa.""Dear Mr First, if you want your Bringer back... we'll be surprised because you got three million of them."
"Jos haluatte epäillyn, ehdotan, että tarkkailette häntä.""Yes. If you want a suspect, I suggest you keep an eye on him, Lieutenant. Must go now.
"Jos haluatte hyvää ruokaa, etsikää toinen paikka."But if it's good food you want, find a wider berth."
"Jos haluatte kirjoittaa meistä - ehdottakaa sitä meille, niin harkitsemme sitä.""You know, you want to do a story about us, you call us up, propose it, you know, we'll think about it."
"17-vuotiaana Mia Crossilla on kaikkea, mitä useimmat tytöt haluavat."Here it goes. "At 17, mia cross has everything most girls want."
"Aika varmasti"? Kapinalliset haluavat vaihtaa panttivangit johonkin.The radicals will want something in exchange for the hostages.
"Anna heille mitä he haluavat.""Give them what they want."
"Anna kansalle sitä mitä he haluavat. Kyllä he sitten tulevat."'Give the audience what they want and they'll come."'
Sinut halutaan kuultavaksi Dale Morrisin murhasta.You are wanted for questioning on the murder of Dale Morris.
Sinut halutaan yläkertaan kuultavaksi.- Call me Jemma. Jemma, you are wanted upstairs for questioning.
Sinut halutaan.Thanks. You are wanted.
"Charlotte's Web", Juuri, kuten halusin.CharI0tte's Web. Just what I wanted.
"Hyvä Robert, halusin vain kertoa - että lähtöni ei liittynyt sinuun."Dear Robert: Just wanted to tell you that me leaving has nothing to do with you.
"Kun aloitin tämän kolumnin, halusin tehdä seurustelun virheitä."When I started this column, I wanted to commit those silly dating faux pas.
"Kuulin kaunista musiikkia ja halusin tietää, mistä se tulee.""'I heard the beautiful music and wanted to see where it was coming from."'
"Menin metsään, koska halusin elää syvästi ja imeä elämästä ydinmehun"."I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."
"Jos lopputulos on kuitenkin sama" "olet ainakin nauttinut viimeisistä päivistäsi" "ja olet ollut paikassa, jossa halusit olla."And if you end up in the same place at the end of it all, at least you will have had some comfort in your last months on this earth... and being in a place that you really, really wanted to be in."
"Kukapa ei olisi?" Niinkö halusit sanoa?"But who isn't?" Was that what you wanted to say?
"Muistele, mikä halusit olla lapsena.""Go back and remember what you wanted to be as a kid.
"Myrsky on tulossa." Tätähän halusit.There's a storm coming, remember? This is what you wanted.
"Olisit mennyt, jos halusit" ei ole vastaus."If you wanted to go, you should have gone," is not an answer.
"...tyttö nimeltä Jillian." "Jillian halusi olla kaikkien aikojen suurin sankari."There was a girl name Jillian who wanted to be the greatest hero of all time.
"15-vuotias Julie Criscoll halusi muuttaa maailman.""Julie Criscoll, aged 15, wanted "nothing more than to change the world.
"A" halusi, että näytämme kuolleilta. Viestiksi perheillemme.♪Hey, guys, I think A wanted to make us look dead to send a message to our families.
"Aave, joka astuu sisään ja kieltäytyy lähtemästä elävästä isännästä koska epäonnistui elävänä, siinä mitä halusi olla.""A ghost that enters and refuses to leave a living host because it failed in the living world to be what it wanted to be."
"Ei ihmekään, että äiti halusi pois."No wonder Mom wanted out so bad. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.
"Kaikki olivat varmoja, että voittaisimme - ja me halusimme todistaa heidän olevan oikeassa.""Everyone was convinced that we were going to win. And we wanted to prove them right.
"Päivää, halusimme vain kertoa, että FBI kuuntelee puhelinlinjojanne.""Hello, we just wanted to let you know that the FBI is tapping your phone lines. "
- Aamen. Kerro heille myös, että vaikka halusimme alistaa ritarikunnan - vihollisen, kukaan meistä ei aloittanut väkivaltaa Jurandia vastaan.And tell him that although we wanted to subdue an enemy of the Order yet none here was the first to draw sword against Jurand
- Aivan kuten halusimme.Just like we wanted.
- Charlie, halusimme sinun tietävän - ennen kuin saat sen selville muualta. Se vain tuntui oikealta tehdä.Charlie, we wanted to let you know before you found out somewhere else.
- Ehkä kävitte supermarketissa, - tapasitte jonkun söpön kaverin ja halusitte olla hiukan tuhma, - joten halusitte kertoa siitä ystävällenne Sophialle.About what? Maybe you were at a supermarket one time, and you met a cute guy, and you were feeling saucy, and then you wanted to go back and talk to your friend, Sophia.
- Eikö tämä ole juuri mitä halusitte?Isn't this just what you always wanted?
- Hei, halusitte nähdä minut?Hey, you wanted to see me?
- Herra St. Pierre, halusitte nähdä minut.[Knocks sharply] Mr. St. Pierre, you wanted to see me?
- Herra Woolsey, halusitte nähdä meidät.- You wanted to see us.
"He halusivat päästä Tosasta eroon"!They wanted to get rid of Tosa!
"He halusivat vauvan."They wanted a baby.
"Miehet halusivat minua ja naiset halusivat olla minä.""Every woman wanted to be me."
"Tervetuloa koneeseen." He halusivat - mitä tahansa kuvia konsertin taustalle.They just wanted bits of ad-hoc animation bunged into the show willy nilly. And, of course,
- Annoin ihmisille sitä, mitä he halusivat.I gave folks what they wanted.
'Jos voisin syntyä uudestaan - vaikka se uhmaisi itse Jumalan tahtoa - haluaisin olla sinun rinnallasi - sinun kanssasi."lf I could be reborn... ..even though it violate the will of God himself... ..I would want to be at your side... ..with you."
- En väitä, että haluaisin.I'm not saying I would want to.
- Sitä minä haluaisin.It's what I would want.
-Kuule, Mitchell. Miksi ihmeessä haluaisin tehdä niin?OK, Mitchell, now you just tell me why I would want to do that.
-Miksi haluaisin?Why do you think I would want to get rid of him?
- Ajattelin, että haluaisit ne joskus.You saved these? Well, I thought you would want them someday.
- Hän sanoi, että sinäkin haluaisit tätä.She said that you would want us to.
- Kuvittelin, että ehkä haluaisit...- I figured maybe you would want to...
- Sinäkin haluaisit saman jutun.Now, you would want the same thing.
-Luulin, että haluaisit...I thought you would want to, I-
"Kuka haluaisi pelastaa Peterin?""Who would want to save Peter?"
"Kuka haluaisi rumaa Mollya?" Hän halusi olla kanssani!You-you think who would want to be with poor, ugly Molly? He wanted to be with me!
"Luuletko, ettei Jeesus haluaisi palan tätä?""You don't think Jesus would want a piece of this ?"
"Millainen idiootti haluaisi eroon brändinimestä, - joka on ollut synonyymi viihteelle lähes neljä vuosikymmentä?"They said, "What idiot would want to get rid of a brand name that is synonymous with entertainment and has been for nearly four decades?"
- Angelus haluaisi juoda.- Angelus would want to feed.
Mutta en ymmärrä, miksi me haluaisimme osallistua siihen. Tuoda maahan laittomasti sarvikuonon sarvia tai tiikerin luita - aknen tai impotenssin parantamiseen?Jonah, I'm happy that you think you've found a way to make a fast buck, but I don't know why you think that we would want to be involved in that... illegally importing rhino horn or tiger bone
Jos olisitte saksalaisten asemassa - haluaisitte oman turvallisuutenne takia - varmistaa ettei aseita luovuteta - liittoutuneille tai Kreikan partisaaneille.If you were in their position, if you were German... you would want to be certain for your own security... that the weapons will not be passed on... to the Allied forces or to the Greek partisans.
Kun näin tämän, ajattelin, että ehkä haluaisitte sen.And I've been helping her stage it. Anyway, when I saw this, um, I thought that you would want it.
Luulisin, että haluaisitte auttaa hänen löytämisessään.Now I would think that you would want to do everything within your power, to help find him.
- Kaikki haluaisivat olla ystäviäni.Everyone would want to be my friend.
- Kaikki vangit haluaisivat varmasti kostaa d'haraneille.I'm sure any prisoner would want revenge against the d'harans.
Ajattelimme, että he jotka haluaisivat tämän ohjelman itselleen, olisivat ne jotka löytäisivät sen elektronisesti.Our thinking was that the very people who would want this program would be the same people with the means to find it electronically.
Amerikkalaiset haluaisivat haastateltavan, - joka on menettänyt lähisukulaisen lisäksi ainakin toisen jalan.You're lucky the American crews did not come. They would want to interview someone who has not only lost a close family member, but also at least one leg.
Eli niissä on liudallinen työkaluja, samanlaisia joita oikeat geologit haluaisivat, - Jos olisivat todellisuudessa paikan päällä.So we've got a whole bunch of tools, similar to what the geologists would want, if they were actually phisically there on the scene.
! - Hän ei halua joutua ristituleen.He doesn't want to get hit in our crossfire.
! Kukaan ei halua tehdä sitä sinulle, äiti!Nobody wants to do that to you, Ma!
! Kuulostat ihan siltä, että olet saanut haluamasi etkä halua sitä enää.You sound like someone who"s got what they wanted and now don"t want what they got.
" Etkö halua tietää, paljonko osuutesi on?""Kid, don't you want to know what your cut is?"
" Joten jos et halua kärsiä niin kuin minä" So if you don't want to cry like I do
"ja halutkaa niin pitkään, kuin elätte.""and never want as long as you live."
, Kun te olette valmis jos te halutkaa, me voimme mennä, nappaa savukkeen.Well, when you're done, if you want to, we can go grab a cigarette.
Eikö totta, halutkaa drinkki tai jotain sellaista?Do you, want a drink or anything?
He halunnevat selvittää, miten vampyyrin lapsi muuttaa reseptin.They probably want to find out how a vampire's child affects the recipe.
Hän pelasti nahkani liian monesti halutakseen tappaa minut.He's saved my hide too many times to want to kill me now.
Jos on riittävän hullu halutakseen siihen paikkaan, - tämä kirja näyttää keinon avata ovi sinne.Yeah. If you're nuts enough to want access to a place that gnarly, this book will show you how to open a door.
Mutta ei tarpeeksi hyvä - halutakseen pitää lapsen, jota odotatte?But not enough to want you to keep the child you're carrying.
Nämä unasit syntyivät kesyinä, mutta ne ymmärtävät vapaudesta tarpeeksi halutakseen sitä.These Unas were born into domestication but they know freedom enough to want it.
Yritin antaa vain sen verran myrkkyä, että hän olisi liian sairas halutakseen...I tried to give him just enough poison to make him too sick to want to... But he fell and hit his head.
En voi sietää sinua ympärilläni kaiken aikaa, - haluamassa minua vain itsellesi.I can't stand having you around me all the time, wanting me only for yourself.
Ettekö te näe kuinka surullisia ja säälittäviä te olette, aina haluamassa jotain jota te ette voi saada?Don't you see how sad and pathetic you all are, always wanting something you can't have?
Ja tässä oli Summer, haluamassa hänet sinne.And here was Summer, wanting him there.
Lehdistö on täällä haluamassa asioiden hoituvan ei nyt vaan jo eilen.You're not the only one. I have the world's press in here wanting things done not now but yesterday.
En koskaan lakkaa haluamasta nähdä tytärtäni edes kerran.I never stop wanting to see my daughter, just once.
En koskaan lakkaa haluamasta.But I'll never stop wanting to.
En lakannut haluamasta lääkäriksi.It's not, um... It's not that I stopped wanting to be a doctor.
En lakkaa ikinä haluamasta suudella sinua.I will never stop wanting to kiss you.
Estääkseen tunteet - ja lakatakseen haluamasta niitä pitää tuntea kuolema.To stop feeling emotions, to stop wanting to feel them... is to feel... death.
"Et vain jätä haluamaan lisää, jätät hänet ajatukseen, että se on hänen ideansa.""Not only is he left wanting more, but he's under the impression that it's his idea."
Aina on paras saada heidät haluamaan enemmän.Always better to leave them wanting more.
Anna heille jotta tuntevat nälkää mutta jätä heidät haluamaan lisää.Give them just enough to get them good and hungry but always leave them wanting more.
Et saa minua haluamaan auttamaan sinua.You don't make me wanting like helping you.
Heidät pitää aina jättää haluamaan lisää.Always leave them wanting more.
Ihminen luo pahuuden itselleen haluamalla sitä, mikä ei kuulu hänelle.I think evil is something you bring on your own self, mostly from wanting things you ain't supposed to have.
On ihmisiä, jotka kelluvat läpi elämän, haluamalla olla yksin.There are people who float through life wanting' to be alone.
- Ehkä sanakirjan mukaan. Ei ole kohtuutonta olla haluamatta vankilaan.Possibly, if I were being excessively or unreasonably anxious, according to Merriam-Webster, but there is nothing unreasonable or excessive about wanting to keep us all out of jail.
Ei, mutta yhtä ihmistä ei voi tutkia niin kauan haluamatta tappaa häntä.No, it's not that Paul Auster is a bad guy. It's just that you can't spend that much time studying one person without wanting to kill them.
En voi edes katsoa muita naisia haluamatta sinua.I can't look at another woman without wanting you.
En voi puhua sinulle haluamatta ilmaista rakkauttani sinua kohtaan.I can't talk to you without wanting to express my love for everything you are.
Joten tässä olen, - haluamatta oppia muiden ihmisten virheistä ja yritän auttaa teitä, - oppia minun virheistäni, vaikka taistelen vielä päivittäin - kaiken sen kanssa, jonka olen koskaan oppinut viimeisen 12 vuoden aikana.So here I am, not wanting to learn from other people's mistakes and I'm trying to help you guys learn from my mistakes, even though I still struggle every day with everything that I've ever learned over the last 12 years.
- Ehkä haluaminen ei riitä.Maybe wanting is not enough.
- Oikeasti, äitisi vauvan haluaminen - ja sitten haluaminen syödä se vauva, se oli vain noloa.Honestly, your mother wanting a baby and then wanting to eat that baby was just embarrassing.
Ensimmäinen toimii hämäämällä, mutta haluaminen on todellista.I mean, the First deals in figments, but that wanting is real.
Lähtösuukon haluaminen ei ole takertuvaa.wanting your husband to kiss you good-bye doesn't make you needy.
Miten avuton tunne, tämä toivominen, haluaminen. Tiedän, että saavut pian lähtöni jälkeen.It is a helpless feeling, this wishing, this wanting, this knowing you will arrive just minutes after I have gone."
Emme voi jatkaa samojen asioiden haluamista, Christian.You wouldn't. We can't keep wanting the same things, Christian.
Miten paljon elossa oleminen on elossa olemisen haluamista?How much of being alive is wanting to be alive?
Se on niin kuin muille hyvän haluamista.It's like wanting to make things better for everyone.
Tuntien katsomista ja haluamista. Pyörittelet kohdetta mielessäsi.Hours looking, wanting, turning your target around in your mind.
"Brandon olisi halunnut, että saat tämän."Brandon would've wanted you to have this.
"En halunnut antaa sinun mennä niin pitkälle."I never wanted to let it go that far.
"En voi vain katsoa, kun yrität tuhota kaiken, mitä olen halunnut." "Haluaisin iskeä sinua nyrkillä naamaan" " koska et edes yritä valita onnea, vaikka tiedät, että rakastan sinua."I can stand here watching you try to destroy everything I've ever wanted in my life wanting to smash your face with my fists because you won't even make the slightest effort to opt for happiness and still know I love you.
"Hän olisi varmasti halunnut näin tehtävän.""He would've wanted it that way".
"Isäsi rakasti sinua, eikä olisi halunnut jättää sinua."Your father loved you and never wanted to leave you.
Se Reddingtonin haluama.The one that Reddington wanted.
Ja sinä et ole haluttu tänne, Henry.And you're not wanted here, Henry.
Suunnitelma olisi onnistunut, ellei Langleyäkin olisi haluttu surmata.All would have been well had they not wanted to kill Langley too.
Tiedän, etten ole haluttu.I know I'm not wanted.
Tiedän, missä en ole haluttu.- No. I know where I'm not wanted.

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