Ha de valer molts diners. Per què diu això? | It must be worth a great deal of money. why do you say that? |
Ha de valer molts diners. | It must be worth a great deal of money. |
Coneixeu les vostres fortaleses, utilitzeu-les sàviament, i un home pot valer per 10.000. | Know your strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth 10,000. |
Deu valer una fortuna. | It must be worth a fortune. |
- Deu valer una fortuna. | It must be worth a fortune. |
I mai no us ha de doldre el treball que us heu donat per apendre'ls; perque el saber val més que cap altra cosa del món; aixo és el que fa que els homes es tornin bons i grans; sereu un gran home i un home bo algun dia, Tom, i aleshores mirareu enrera i direu: «-Tot és degut als beneficis de la preada escola dominical de la meva infantesa; tot és degut a mos benvolguts professors, que m'ensenyaren a apendre; tot és degut al bon superintendent, que m'encoratja i vetlla per mi i em dona una bella Bíblia, una Bíblia esplendida i elegant, per servar-la i tenir-la per al meu ús, per a sempre més; tot és degut a la recta educació!» | And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them; for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world; it's what makes great men and good men; you'll be a great man and a good man yourself, some day, Thomas, and then you'll look back and say, It's all owing to the precious Sunday-school privileges of my boyhood--it's all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn--it's all owing to the good superintendent, who encouraged me, and watched over me, and gave me a beautiful Bible--a splendid elegant Bible--to keep and have it all for my own, always--it's all owing to right bringing up! |
Cadascú de nosaltres pot fer una etiqueta, per a la qual no cal ésser pagats tot i que obtingui èxit: la recompensa moral que rebo cada dia val tot l'or del món. | Each one of us can make a hashtag, there is no way to get paid for its success, but the ethical reward I receive every day is worth all the money in the world. |
Crec que és una bona causa i, a més, val la pena llegir les preguntes freqüents per entendre com tracten els refugiats un cop rescatats. | I think this is a worthy cause, but their FAQ is worth reading to understand how they treat refugees once they’re rescued. |
Creus que val la pena, Margie? | Do you think it is worth it, Margie? |
Aquesta quincalla val més que tot el que té la teua tribu. | That trinket is worth more than everything your tribe owns. |
Ja ha valgut la pena que morís, només per això. | It would have been worth it If she died only forthis. |
I si això porta cap a on penso, tot això haurà valgut la pena. | And if it leads to where I think, it will all have been worth it. |
¡Amb prou feines valen unes poques lires! | They are worth few Liras! |
Ara veurem el que valen les seves paraules. | Now we see what their words are worth. |
Els cavallers valen el doble. | Knights are worth double. |
Perquè valen més que l'or i la plata, i venen dels Déus. | For they are worth more than gold and silver, and they come from the gods. |
Doncs... Si la noia és tot el que promet, valdrà la pena. | Well... if this girl's everything you promise, it will be worth it. |
Un germà dins el seu exèrcit valdrà com 1000 lluitant contra ell. | One brother inside his army will be worth 1,000 fighting against it. |
Quin secret de l'informe Sixsmith valdria tant com per matar algú? | What secret in Sixsmith report would be worth killing for? |