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Ingin (to want) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of ingin

Present tense
I want
Past tense
sudah ingin
I wanted
Present perfect tense
sudah ingin
I have wanted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah ingin
I will have wanted
Future recent tense
ingin nanti
I will want
Future distant tense
ingin kelak
I am going to want
Present continuous tense
sedang ingin
I want
Past distant tense
dulu ingin
I (a long time ago) wanted
Past recent tense
ingin tadi
I (recently) wanted
Past very recent tense
baru saja ingin
I (just now) wanted

Examples of ingin

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku ingin keseluruhan wilayah.I want the whole county.
Aku ingin pengacara terbaik untuk kasus ini.I want the best lawyer for this case.
Tidak juga. aku ingin kepala sekolah.Not everything, I want the principal.
Aku masih ragu apakah aku ingin tahu segala sesuatu atau tidak sama sekali tentangmu.I'm still wondering if I want to know everything... or nothing about you.
Aku ingin membencinya, tapi aku tak sanggup.I wanted to hate him, but I never could.

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