Vaig voler espantar-los, tot i que sabia que aquestes xerrades no m'ajudarien gaire. | I wanted to scare them, although I knew that these legends will not help me. |
Em vaig espantar. | I get scared. |
Encara em vaig espantar més quan vaig veure què hi havia a dins. | I get more scared when I see what is there inside. |
Per què? Només perquè et vas espantar a Phoenix? Jo també! | Why?Just because you were scared in Phoenix? |
No pot espantar-me amb aquesta merda d'estil Gestapo. | You can't scare me with this gestapo crap. |
Els espanto ara? | Shall I scare them now? |
Si em poso nerviós, m'espanto. | And when I get nervous, I get scared. |
- Per què la l'espantes, Jim? | - You make her scared, Jim? - That's not fear! That's hunger! |
- Jim, l'espantes! | - Jim, you make her scared! |
Creus que m'espantes més que la gent per qui treballo? | You think you scare me more than the people I work for? |
Només perquè ho sàpigues, vaig ser mainadera durant tres anys, així que si t'espantes, puc canviar-te perfectament el bolquer. | Now, just so you know, I was a nanny for three years, so if you get scared, I can totally change your diaper. |
No. Ara, però, ets enamorada de mi i això t'espanta. | Except nowyou're in love with me, and it scares you a little. |
Ara, però, ets enamorada de mi i això t'espanta. | Except... you're in love with me and it scares you a little, doesn't it? |
Açò és el que li espanta, El que està ací. | I'm talking about you. This is what scares them, what's in here. |
Que estiguin espantats, m'espanta. | Them being scared, scares me. |
De debò et penses que ens espantem tan fàcilment? | Do you really think that we are gonna scare that easily? |
Tots ens espantem. | We all get scared. |
Ara David està concentrat, preparat i en forma i ja no és un noi espantat amb una pedra en la mà. | David is now fit, focused and prepared. He’s not a scared boy with a rock in his hand anymore. |
Algú s'ha espantat per les sancions? | We decided to go to Ikea. Have sanctions scared everyone? |
Probablement estaves espantat? | Probably you were scared? |
Sí home, El gos de la Polly, vostè estava espantat ... | But yes,, Polly's puppy had scared you... |
Ens hem espantat mútuament. | We scared each other pretty good, didn't we? |
Ara mateix sóc al Caire, no us espanteu! | I'm in Cairo right now, don't look scared! |
No us espanteu. - Espantar-nos? Qui està espantat? | Who's scared? |
Aqui no ens espanten els gansters, la policia no duu armes si més no. | We aren't scared of gangsters here. The police don't carry guns |
Mira, s'espanten tots menys la núvia. | Look, all of them are scared except the bride. |
Perquè m'espanti i fugi. | To scare me away. |
Que et fa pensar que una maleïda foto farà que m'espanti? | What makes you think a damn photo is gonna scare me? |
Però no t'espantis, caure és com volar, excepte que el destí és més permanent. | But don't be scared, falling is just like flying, except there's a more permanent destination. |
No t'espantis, entesos? | Save my family! Don't scare, okay? |
No t'espantis, només faig broma. | You don't have to look so scared, I'm only messing. |
Escolta, no t'espantis. | Hey, don't be scared. |
David, m'estàs espantant. | David, you're scaring me. |
Estem espantant a nanos problemàtics, així que... | We're scaring kids straight, so... |
L'estàs espantant. | You're scaring her. |
No, m'estes espantant | No, you are scaring me. |
Peter, m'estàs espantant. | Peter, you're scaring me. |