Det vore lika lätt att fila galler. | I could use that same hand file on prison bars, pretty esay, you know. |
Men om man skickade krigsfångarna väldigt långa strumpor, och gömda i dessa strumpor, så fanns det stora filar att fila ner stängerna med. | What if they were to send the prisoners of war a very long socks are big files to file down the bars. |
Någon hade stora problem med att fila bort de här. | Someone went to a lot of trouble to file these off. |
"Susan, om du inte slutar fila naglarna omedelbart kommer jag hugga dig med nagelfilen." | "Susan, if you do not stop filing your fingernails right now, I'm gonna walk over there and stab you with your fingernail filer." |
- Men vi måste fila ned den. | - We've got to file out some of this. |
Börja med att spänna fast din nyckel. Ta en metallfil och fila ner alla toppar och dalar till deras lägsta nivå. | First thing you need to do is secure your key, take a metal file and go through and start taking those mountains and valleys all the way down to the lowest possible setting on the key. |
Det vore lika lätt att fila galler. | I could use that same hand file on prison bars, pretty esay, you know. |
Du kan väl fila bort numren från motorn. | You're going to file the numbers off the engine. |
En sån som man filar naglarna med? | One of those things - to file the nails? |
Jag vill inte att du filar på min pistol. | l don't want you to file no action on my gun. |
Men om man skickade krigsfångarna väldigt långa strumpor, och gömda i dessa strumpor, så fanns det stora filar att fila ner stängerna med. | What if they were to send the prisoners of war a very long socks are big files to file down the bars. |
–Han filar hornen för att passa in. | - His horns. He files them to fit in. |
- Mrs Petrie. En gång filade hon mina naglar. | You know, one time she filed my fingernails for me. |
Du filade bort serienumret. | You filed off the serial number. |
Någon filade ner dem, och fyllde dem med något. | It looks like somebody filed them down and filled them with something. So that's why the horse flinched. |
Tja, herrn jag filade ner kornet så att jag kan få ett bra skott på vår käre sheriff Brady. | - Well sir, with the sight filed down I got an eighth of a second drop on our good sheriff Brady. |
Jag har filat bort varenda gram. | I hand filed every ounce. |
Jag har redan filat dem. | I already filed them down. |
Serienumret var bort filat så vi kan inte spåra källan, men vi vet att den var skickad vi US mail, nedlagt i en Midtown låda. | The serial number was filed off so we can't trace the source, but we do know that it was sent through the US mail, originating at a Midtown drop box. |