Example in Polish | Translation in English |
Gdy zacząłeś mięknąć, zrobiłem to samo, obaj to czujemy. | When you started to soften, so did I, and you both feel together. |
Lecz w ciągu ostatnich kilku tygodni, zaczęli mięknąć i powiedzieli, "Może damy wam samochód." | But in the last couple of weeks or so, they've started to soften and say, "Well, maybe we can lend you a car." |
Zaczyna mięknąć | She's beginning to soften towards him "Tamanna's stepping into adolescence all over again" |
I miękniesz? | And soften? |
Im więcej dobrych decyzji, tym bardziej nasze serce mięknie, wraca do życia. | The more we make the right decisions, the more our heart softens, comes alive. |
Korzenie miękną trzy godziny. | These roots will take three hours to soften. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Danish | blødgøre | Dutch | vermurwen,vertederen, verweken, weken |
English | soften | French | amollir, amonceler, flexibiliser, radoucir |
German | avivieren, enthärten, mildern | Greek | απαλύνω, απαριθμούμαι |
Italian | addolciare, afflosciare, ammencire, ammollarsi, ammollire, ammorbidire, disacerbarsi, intenerire, rammollire, rammollirsi, rammorbidire, rammorbidirsi, sfumare | Japanese | 和む |
Norwegian | myke, mykne | Portuguese | abrandar, amaciar, amolecer, amolentar, suavizar |
Russian | размягчать, размягчить, смягчать, смягчить | Spanish | abemolar, ablandar, ablandarse, emblandecer, esfumar, reblandecer, reblandecerse, suavizar, suavizarse |
Swedish | mjuka |