Eh, hanya sedikit menyumbat, Mr Crolick. | Uh, just a little clog, Mr. Crolick. |
Saya tidak percaya Anda, Saya pikir Anda menyumbat sepanjang waktu. | I don't believe you, I think you clog all the time. |
Ada protein yg tak wajar telah menyumbat pembuluh batang otakmu... yg membawa pengaruh pada sel otak. | Abnormal proteins have clogged up the veins in your brain... affecting the brain cells. |
Saya tidak dapat menemukan pandangan Anda di cermin, tidak ada ciuman di kamar mandi, tanpa rambut menyumbat saluran pembuangan. | I can't find your gaze in the mirror, no kisses in the shower, no hair clogging the drain. |
Ada juga hantu wanita dikamar mandi yag selalu duduk diatas toilet menyumbat. | There's also a female ghost in the women's restroom who is always sitting on the toilet clogging it... |