Elle veut pas le chambouler ni le contrarier quand elle partira avec sa valise. | She wants to keep him on the schedule he's always on, and she doesn't want him to be upset... when she goes out the door with her suitcase, so Ricky's going to pick him up after work and bring him home, |
Fred Bayliss devait chambouler le status quo au marché de Fulton. | Seems Fred Bayliss was upsetting the status quo, here, at the Fulton Fish Market. |
J'espère ne pas chambouler tes projets. | I hope this doesn't upset your plans, Julia. |
Je n'ai pas pensé au fait que ça risquait de la chambouler. | I didn't even think about how much it was going to upset her. |
Je ne voulais chambouler personne. | I didn't want to upset anyone by being there. |
A quel point tu veux que je sois chamboulé ? | How upset do you want me to be? |
Attention, Jack est tout chamboulé. | The important thing to bear in mind is that Jack is very, very upset. |
Il semble chamboulé, énervé. | Sounds pretty shaken up, upset. Mm-hmm. |
Ils ont chamboulé l'appartement? | Did they upset the apartment much? |
J'ai le ventre un peu chamboulé ce matin. | I have a little upset tummy this morning. |
Ca ne te chamboule pas ? | That doesn't upset you? |
Désolée que ça chamboule ton équation. | And I'm sorry if it upsets your mathematical equation. |
Et vous vous demandez pourquoi la mort de Locke le chamboule autant ? | And you go, wow, why is jack so upset that locke is dead? |
Je ne veux pas que vous retourniez à Londres si ça chamboule vos projets. | I don't want you to return to London if it's going to upset any plans. |
Je suis désolée. Toute cette histoire me chamboule. | I'm sorry, this whole thing is just so upsetting. |