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Apprendre (to teach) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of apprendre

Present tense
I teach
tu apprends
you teach
il/elle/on apprend
he/she/it teaches
nous apprenons
we teach
vous apprenez
you all teach
ils/elles apprennent
they teach
Present perfect tense
j’ai appris
I taught
tu as appris
you taught
il/elle/on a appris
he/she/it taught
nous avons appris
we taught
vous avez appris
you all taught
ils/elles ont appris
they taught
Past impf. tense
I was teaching
tu apprenais
you were teaching
il/elle/on apprenait
he/she/it was teaching
nous apprenions
we were teaching
vous appreniez
you all were teaching
ils/elles apprenaient
they were teaching
Future tense
I will teach
tu apprendras
you will teach
il/elle/on apprendra
he/she/it will teach
nous apprendrons
we will teach
vous apprendrez
you all will teach
ils/elles apprendront
they will teach
Past perfect tense
j’avais appris
I had taught
tu avais appris
you had taught
il/elle/on avait appris
he/she/it had taught
nous avions appris
we had taught
vous aviez appris
you all had taught
ils/elles avaient appris
they had taught
Past preterite tense
I taught
tu appris
you taught
il/elle/on apprit
he/she/it taught
nous apprîmes
we taught
vous apprîtes
you all taught
ils/elles apprirent
they taught
Past anterior tense
j’eus appris
I had taught
tu eus appris
you had taught
il/elle/on eut appris
he/she/it had taught
nous eûmes appris
we had taught
vous eûtes appris
you all had taught
ils/elles eurent appris
they had taught
Future perfect tense
j’aurai appris
I will have taught
tu auras appris
you will have taught
il/elle/on aura appris
he/she/it will have taught
nous aurons appris
we will have taught
vous aurez appris
you all will have taught
ils/elles auront appris
they will have taught
Present subjunctive tense
que j’apprenne
that I teach
que tu apprennes
that you teach
qu’il/elle/on apprenne
that he/she/it teach
que nous apprenions
that we teach
que vous appreniez
that you all teach
qu’ils/elles apprennent
that they teach
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie appris
that I have taught
que tu aies appris
that you have taught
qu’il/elle/on ait appris
that he/she/it have taught
que nous ayons appris
that we have taught
que vous ayez appris
that you all have taught
qu’ils/elles aient appris
that they have taught
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’apprisse
that I would teach
que tu apprisses
that you would teach
qu’il/elle/on apprît
that he/she/it would teach
que nous apprissions
that we would teach
que vous apprissiez
that you all would teach
qu’ils/elles apprissent
that they would teach
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse appris
that I had taught
que tu eusses appris
that you had taught
qu’il/elle/on eût appris
that he/she/it had taught
que nous eussions appris
that we had taught
que vous eussiez appris
that you all had taught
qu’ils/elles eussent appris
that they had taught
Conditional mood
I would teach
tu apprendrais
you would teach
il/elle/on apprendrait
he/she/it would teach
nous apprendrions
we would teach
vous apprendriez
you all would teach
ils/elles apprendraient
they would teach
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais appris
I would have taught
tu aurais appris
you would have taught
il/elle/on aurait appris
he/she/it would have taught
nous aurions appris
we would have taught
vous auriez appris
you all would have taught
ils/elles auraient appris
they would have taught
Imperative mood
let's teach!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie appris
have taught
ayons appris
let's have taught
ayez appris
have taught

Examples of apprendre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Si tu veux lire, Mme Greg voudra bien t'apprendre.If you want to read, I'm sure Mrs Greg will teach you.
" Kit, demande à ta sœur de t'apprendre à frapper ! """ Kit, why don"t you get your sister to teach you how to hit?""
"Attends un peu, mon petit Franz, je vais t'apprendre à regarder une autre que moi.""Wait, Franz, my boy... I'll teach you a lesson so you'll never look at another woman."
"Aujourd'hui, nous allons vous faire faire un tour et vous apprendre ...Give me what you got. Today, we are going to take you on a tour and teach you about the foreign and famous...
"Dwight, tu es un bon vendeur, tu peux m'apprendre?""Hey, Dwight, you're a great salesman. Can you teach me?"
"A ma famille qui m'a appris à aimer"Dedicated to my family who taught me how to love.
"Arvella Gray lui a appris le Blues"Arvella Gray taught him blues songs...
"C'est un missionnaire qui vous a appris l'anglais ?"A missionary taught you English?
"Car cette guerre m'a appris une chose..."Because if this war has taught me something,
"Ce livre est dédié à Nora Walker, ma mère, qui m'a appris à me battre et à défendre celle que je suis."This book is dedicated to Nora Walker, my mother. Who taught me how to fight and how to stand up for who I am.
"Dis-moi et j'oublie, apprends-moi, et je me souviens,""Tell me and I forget, teach me, and I may remember,"
"Fais-moi connaître tes voies, Seigneur, apprends-moi tes sentiers."Show me thy ways, O Lord, teach me thy paths.
- Alors apprends-lui le dreidel.- Then teach it that dreidel song.
- Alors, apprends-moi.- Then don't tell me. - Then teach me something!
Dans ce cas, apprenons lui la vraie histoire.Well, then, let's teach him the real history.
- Ne m'apprenez pas les regles.- Don't teach me the rules.
- Ne m'apprenez pas mes affaires.- Don't teach me my business.
- Non, mais les petits, vous leur apprenez?But you do teach the kids? - Not...
- Oui, si vous m'apprenez.- Yes, if you teach me, sir. - We will, my dear, we will.
- Pardon ? Pourquoi vous ne m'apprenez pas ?Why won't you teach me?
- Ou peut-être une école de prédateurs, des parents apprenant à leurs petits à se nourrir.This boat leaves in 60 seconds. Or maybe a school of predators, parents teaching their young to feed.
A quoi pensait cette infirmière idiote en apprenant à toutes ces personnes agées comment envoyé un texto et tweeter ?What was that idiot nurse thinking in teaching all of these old people how to email and text and tweet?
Apparemment, on ne lui a pas fait très bonne impression, parce que la dernière fois qu'on la vu, il était en Somalie, apprenant aux hommes de Mohammed Aidid comment descendre nos hélicoptères comme il le faisait avec ceux des Russes en Afghanistan.Apparently we didn't make such a good impression, because the next time he shows up, he's in Somalia, teaching Mohammed Aidid's men how to shoot down our helicopters the way he shot down russian ones in Afghanistan.
C'est en apprenant que j'ai eu une liaison avec sa concubine que maître Chin m'a corrigé.I insulted Master Chin's wife. He was teaching me a lesson.
Elle lui a donc crié dessus pour n'importe quel prétexte... et elle a pris sa revanche sur lui en apprenant à Robert à le haïr.So she blamed him for everything else... and she got back at him by teaching Robert to hate him.

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