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Imprimir (to print) conjugation

89 examples

Conjugation of imprimir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I print
you print
he/she/it prints
we print
you all print
they print
Present perfect tense
he impreso
I have printed
has impreso
you have printed
ha impreso
he/she/it has printed
hemos impreso
we have printed
habéis impreso
you all have printed
han impreso
they have printed
Past preterite tense
I printed
you printed
he/she/it printed
we printed
you all printed
they printed
Future tense
I will print
you will print
he/she/it will print
we will print
you all will print
they will print
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would print
you would print
he/she/it would print
we would print
you all would print
they would print
Past imperfect tense
I used to print
you used to print
he/she/it used to print
we used to print
you all used to print
they used to print
Past perfect tense
había impreso
I had printed
habías impreso
you had printed
había impreso
he/she/it had printed
habíamos impreso
we had printed
habíais impreso
you all had printed
habían impreso
they had printed
Future perfect tense
habré impreso
I will have printed
habrás impreso
you will have printed
habrá impreso
he/she/it will have printed
habremos impreso
we will have printed
habréis impreso
you all will have printed
habrán impreso
they will have printed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I print
(if/so that) you print
(if/so that) he/she/it print
(if/so that) we print
(if/so that) you all print
(if/so that) they print
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya impreso
I have printed
hayas impreso
you have printed
haya impreso
he/she/it has printed
hayamos impreso
we have printed
hayáis impreso
you all have printed
hayan impreso
they have printed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have printed
(if/so that) you have printed
(if/so that) he/she/it have printed
(if/so that) we have printed
(if/so that) you all have printed
(if/so that) they have printed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have printed
(if/so that) you have printed
(if/so that) he/she/it have printed
(if/so that) we have printed
(if/so that) you all have printed
(if/so that) they have printed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera impreso
I had printed
hubieras impreso
you had printed
hubiera impreso
he/she/it had printed
hubiéramos impreso
we had printed
hubierais impreso
you all had printed
hubieran impreso
they had printed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese impreso
I had printed
hubieses impreso
you had printed
hubiese impreso
he/she/it had printed
hubiésemos impreso
we had printed
hubieseis impreso
you all had printed
hubiesen impreso
they had printed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have printed
(if/so that) you will have printed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have printed
(if/so that) we will have printed
(if/so that) you all will have printed
(if/so that) they will have printed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere impreso
I will have printed
hubieres impreso
you will have printed
hubiere impreso
he/she/it will have printed
hubiéremos impreso
we will have printed
hubiereis impreso
you all will have printed
hubieren impreso
they will have printed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's print!
Imperative negative mood
no imprimas
do not print!
no imprima
let him/her/it print!
no imprimamos
let us not print!
no imprimáis
do not print!
no impriman
do not print!

Examples of imprimir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La política de este diario es imprimir las noticias de guerra verdaderas."The policy of this newspaper is to print the real war news.
- La edición tiene que llevarse a imprimir.-The issue has to get to print, and you have a lot of catching up to do.
- Lo suficiente para imprimir el curriculum.No, just enough to buy ink to print my resume. No, no, no.
- Lo sé. Tuviste que imprimir lo que querías.You had to print what you pleased.
- Los mandaré a imprimir.- I'm gonna send them to print.
- Espere mientras imprimo.Hang on while I print.
- Vale, ¿te importa si lo imprimo?Okay, mind if I print this?
- ¿Qué imprimo yo?and the rascal is me? - What do I print?
-¿Le imprimo el total?Should I print out a total?
Ahora se las imprimo.I'll print it out for you.
Así que si imprimes desde abajo hacia arriba, en una superficie plana, los materiales se adaptan de forma natural a esa superficie.So if you're printing from bottom to top, on a flat surface, the materials naturally conform to that surface.
Así que, si imprimes esa lista, yo me hago a un lado.So if you could print off that list, I'll get out of your way.
Cuando imprimes algo orgánico, el material base se dispone de forma natural.When you print organics, a natural settling occurs as the raw material sets.
Eres directora, pagas derechos dos veces por semana e imprimes.You manage it and you take on the Right twice a week in print.
Gracias, Cully, te diré algo, si imprimes esto para mí, te pagaré el almuerzo.Thank you, Cully. Tell you what, if you print this out for me, I will buy you lunch.
#Tú, que te consagrase a la virgen María,# #imprime en tu pecho el sello del Tepeyac.#¤ You, who consecrated the Virgin Mary,... ¤ prints on your chest the seal of Tepeyac.
- en que imprime una impresora, ¿no?- a printer prints, is that right?
Ahora hay escáneres que pueden escanear un objeto y generar un modelo perfecto en 3 - D en el ordenador, que se pasa por una impresora 3 - D, que después imprime el objeto en tres dimensiones usando capas de polímero.They have scanners now that can scan an object to generate a perfect 3-D computer model, which is then fed into a 3-D printer, which then prints the object in three dimensions using layers of polymer.
Al volar a nivel nacional en Australia, se sube a la máquina, poner su nombre en, imprime tu billete de salida, se imprime su cosa bolsa, se pone la cosa bolsa en su bolsa de ti mismo, y luego hay una cinta transportadora debajo.When you fly domestically in Australia, you go up to the machine, put your name in, prints your ticket out, it prints your bag thing, you put the bag thing on your bag yourself, and then there's a conveyor belt underneath.
Apuesto a que también imprime el horario, ¿verdad?I'll bet your cousin prints the schedule, too, no?
- Joanne y yo imprimimos unos volantes.-Joanne and I printed up some fliers.
- ¡Ya imprimimos 140,000 copias!- We already printed 140,000 copies!
- ¿Lo imprimimos?- Are we gonna get a printout on this?
Ahora solo imprimimos los tickects encima, y tu, mi amigo, tienes los mejores asientos de la sinfónica.Now all we do is print the tickets on top of that, and you, my friend, have top-tier seats to the symphony.
Ahí imprimimos el dinero.That's where we print the money.
"Ya no imprimen libros""They don't print books anymore."
- Solo si lo imprimen.- Only if they print it.
- Vamos al centro comercial donde imprimen tu foto en una sudadera, porque no sólo quiero recordar este momento, Travis.Let's go to the mall where they print your picture On a sweatshirt, because I don't wanna just remember
- Y esta es la otra cosa... lo imprimen todo.- And that's the other thing... they print everything.
- Ya veo que imprimen cosas aquí.- I see you print things here. - Yes.
- Bill, mira todo lo que imprimí.- Bill, look how much I printed.
- La imprimí para ti.I printed it out for you.
- Los imprimí en mi computadora.- I printed them out on my computer.
- No, recién imprimí los folletos.Not yet, I've only just had the fliers printed.
- Te imprimí unas hojas con membrete.I printed off some letterhead for you.
- ¿Lo imprimiste?- You printed it out?
- ¿Los imprimiste tú mismo?You printed it yourself?
Eso es lo que dice el acta de nacimiento que me imprimiste.That's what that birth certificate you printed out for me said.
Las imprimiste por Peter, no por mí.You printed those for Peter. You didn't print them for me.
Lo está, no como esos carteles de "gato perdido" que imprimiste la semana pasada.It is, unlike all those "missing cat" fliers you printed last week.
- Ese lindo asistente me la imprimió.- That lovely AD printed it off.
- Julie lo hace todo el tiempo. Me imprimió esta remera.She printed me this T-shirt.
- La imprimió.- He printed it.
- Pero... no hay un simple marinero o infante de marina... cuya seguridad no haya comprometido Penn... y las mentiras que imprimió por años.But... there's not a single sailor or Marine whose safety wasn't compromised by Penn and the lies he printed over the years.
- ¿Sabe dónde fabricó... o imprimió el arma?- That's correct. - Do you know where he made... Or printed, the gun?
"Dios, unas mentes retorcidas imprimieron a este pobre hombre pero, no, tal vez me equivoque.""God, some twisted freaks imprinted this poor guy, "but, no, maybe I'm wrong."
- El técnico dice... 30 HORAS DESAPARECIDO ...que la imprimieron de un negativo y, por el borde, es anterior a 1950.Yeah, well, the tech says that based on pixelation, it had to have been printed from a negative and the border width dates it pre-1950s.
- Ellos imprimieron mal.- They printed it wrong.
- La imprimieron.She got printed.
- Tal vez se imprimieron mal.- Maybe it printed wrong.
Estoy de acuerdo, imprimiré vuestro tratado.I agree, I will print your treatise.
Porque entonces imprimiré el mejor trabajo de sus estudiantes.This is your inane war. Because then I will print the best of your students' work.
Te imprimiré el reporte si prometes irte.I will print the report if you promise to go.
- Cuando a un grupo de baby boomers (51-69 años) se les dice, bien ahora las impresoras 3D, imprimirán armas, no harán nada más que decir,- When a group of baby boomers are told, okay now 3D printers will print guns, they can do nothing but say,
el nombre se imprimirán en este momento.the name will print right now.
Fue ahí cuando el niño prometió a su abuelo Que él imprimiría su nombre en el uniforme.That's when the boy promised his grandfather that he would print the old man's name on the uniform.
Si Jesús fuera el editor, ¿Crees tú que él lo imprimiría?If Jesus was the editor, do you think He would print this?
Sólo un periódico de saldos imprimiría eso.Only a rag would print something like that.
"Cualquier persona que imprima o circule material escrito alentando la igualdad entre blancos y negros estará sujeta a encarcelamiento".Any person printing, publishing or circulating written matter urging for public acceptance or social equality between whites and Negroes is subject to imprisonment. "
- Ahora, imprima esos anteproyectos.- Now print me out those plans.
- Deja que lo imprima, ¿vale?- Let me get it printed, okay?
- No. no imprima por favor eso.- No. Please don't print that.
"No imprimas ese dibujo""Don't print that drawing"
-Quiero que imprimas todo lo que puedas sobre Olivia Land.I want you to print out everything you can on Olivia Land.
Aparentemente el Blue Ray es la próxima novedad así que quiero que me imprimas algunas etiquetas.Apparently Blue-Ray's the next big thing so I want you to print me some labels.
Bueno, quiero que dejes de insultar nuestra página web, que no imprimas o alteres ninguna foto de ahí, y no cambies los sonidos de nuestra primera canción del baile para que suene gay.Well, I want you to stop insulting our website, never print or alter any photos from it, and don't change the lyrics to our first dance song to make it sound gay.
Cuando lo imprimas, no se notará ninguna diferencia, Will.When you print it, it don't make no difference, Will. Oh.
- e imprimamos las fotos...~ and print the photos...
Bueno, cuando Herman vaya a comer su salchicha de la noche, imprimamos al fulano.Well, when Herman knocks off for his evening sausage let's print the blighter.
Espero que no te importe que imprimamos nuestro libro en tu habitación, Lis.Hope you don't mind us printing our book in your room, Lis.
Fabia necesita autorizar la doble página antes de que imprimamos.Fabia needs to sign off on the spread before we go to print.
La próxima vez, imprimamos primero las correcciones.Let's print the corrections first next time.
- No impriman eso.- Don't print that.
- Que os impriman carteles de "se busca".- Have some wanted posters printed up.
- [Inicia Engine] - tomé las notas con las impresiones de Roper en ellos, se impriman en cajas del club, mientras que fuera de allí y les agregué al resto.- [Engine Starts] - I took the notes with Roper's prints on them, stamped them at club's tills while I were in there and added them to the rest.
- ¿No será divertido cuando lo impriman?- Won't it be fun to see it in print?
Bien, iré a la oficina y haré que las impriman.All right, gonna go to the office and have this printed up.
- Sí, imprimid algo.- Yeah, print something.
Si hay que escoger entre la historia y el mito, yo digo, ¡imprimid el mito!Frankly, if it's a choice between the truth and the myth, I say print the myth.
"Como padre de una gran familia, déjeme expresar mi dolor" "viendo Tintín y Milú impreso en el nuevo 'Le Soir'.""As a father of a large family, let me express my sorrow" "at seeing Tintin and Snowy printed in the new 'Le Soir'."
"Durante los primeros 35 años del siglo 20, las editoriales de America impreso mas de un quinto de un millon de libros diferentes."During the first 35 years of the 20th century, the publishing houses of America printed more than a 1/5 of a million different books.
"En la revista "Sportsweek"... "impreso en Washington","D.C". "el 16 de agosto de 1970"...In the Sportsweek of the Washington Star printed in Washington, D.C. On August 16, 1970:
"que son todas mentiras y se han impreso y han tratado de hacernos"that it is all lies and has been printed and trying to make us
- "El capital" está impreso en cirílico.-It's printed in Cyrillic alphabet.
"¡Te estás escondiendo de mí de nuevo, imprimiendo tus fotos, verdad!"You are hiding from me again, printing your photos, right!
- Bien, Walter, imprimiendo el geológico.- Okay, Walter, the geological is printing.
- Bien, estamos imprimiendo.- We're printing. - Awesome, Jeff.
- Espera, ¿está imprimiendo y ver un video?Wait, are you printing and watching a video?
- Los estoy imprimiendo.- I'm printing them.

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