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Humillar (to humiliate) conjugation

93 examples

Conjugation of humillar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I humiliate
you humiliate
he/she/it humiliates
we humiliate
you all humiliate
they humiliate
Present perfect tense
he humillado
I have humiliated
has humillado
you have humiliated
ha humillado
he/she/it has humiliated
hemos humillado
we have humiliated
habéis humillado
you all have humiliated
han humillado
they have humiliated
Past preterite tense
I humiliated
you humiliated
he/she/it humiliated
we humiliated
you all humiliated
they humiliated
Future tense
I will humiliate
you will humiliate
he/she/it will humiliate
we will humiliate
you all will humiliate
they will humiliate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would humiliate
you would humiliate
he/she/it would humiliate
we would humiliate
you all would humiliate
they would humiliate
Past imperfect tense
I used to humiliate
you used to humiliate
he/she/it used to humiliate
we used to humiliate
you all used to humiliate
they used to humiliate
Past perfect tense
había humillado
I had humiliated
habías humillado
you had humiliated
había humillado
he/she/it had humiliated
habíamos humillado
we had humiliated
habíais humillado
you all had humiliated
habían humillado
they had humiliated
Future perfect tense
habré humillado
I will have humiliated
habrás humillado
you will have humiliated
habrá humillado
he/she/it will have humiliated
habremos humillado
we will have humiliated
habréis humillado
you all will have humiliated
habrán humillado
they will have humiliated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I humiliate
(if/so that) you humiliate
(if/so that) he/she/it humiliate
(if/so that) we humiliate
(if/so that) you all humiliate
(if/so that) they humiliate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya humillado
I have humiliated
hayas humillado
you have humiliated
haya humillado
he/she/it has humiliated
hayamos humillado
we have humiliated
hayáis humillado
you all have humiliated
hayan humillado
they have humiliated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have humiliated
(if/so that) you have humiliated
(if/so that) he/she/it have humiliated
(if/so that) we have humiliated
(if/so that) you all have humiliated
(if/so that) they have humiliated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have humiliated
(if/so that) you have humiliated
(if/so that) he/she/it have humiliated
(if/so that) we have humiliated
(if/so that) you all have humiliated
(if/so that) they have humiliated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera humillado
I had humiliated
hubieras humillado
you had humiliated
hubiera humillado
he/she/it had humiliated
hubiéramos humillado
we had humiliated
hubierais humillado
you all had humiliated
hubieran humillado
they had humiliated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese humillado
I had humiliated
hubieses humillado
you had humiliated
hubiese humillado
he/she/it had humiliated
hubiésemos humillado
we had humiliated
hubieseis humillado
you all had humiliated
hubiesen humillado
they had humiliated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have humiliated
(if/so that) you will have humiliated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have humiliated
(if/so that) we will have humiliated
(if/so that) you all will have humiliated
(if/so that) they will have humiliated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere humillado
I will have humiliated
hubieres humillado
you will have humiliated
hubiere humillado
he/she/it will have humiliated
hubiéremos humillado
we will have humiliated
hubiereis humillado
you all will have humiliated
hubieren humillado
they will have humiliated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's humiliate!
Imperative negative mood
no humilles
do not humiliate!
no humille
let him/her/it humiliate!
no humillemos
let us not humiliate!
no humilléis
do not humiliate!
no humillen
do not humiliate!

Examples of humillar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Dile que te vas... porque no quieres humillar a tu novio de este modo.- Tell him you're through... because you do not wish to humiliate your steady in this sordid fashion.
- Helius, en este último instante ¡quiere humillar en mí a la mujer!"Do you want,Helius to humiliate the woman in me?
- ¿Por qué tienes que humillar a la gente?It's not that. What's the point of trying to humiliate...
..¿por qué tenías que humillar nuestro nombre onceaba vez?..why did you have to humiliate me again, for the 11th time.
1.000 maneras para humillar... degradar, generalmente hacen a cualquiera miserable.1,000 ways to humiliate... degrade, generally make everyone miserable.
Agoté a mi marido y tomé amantes, he dormido con borrachos y me humillo en un burdel para soldados.I exhausted my husband and taken by the lovers, put to bed with drunkards and am humiliated to me in a brothel for soldiers.
Casi me humillo completamente.I almost totally humiliated myself.
Ella me humillo.She humiliated me.
Esa mujer me asalto y me humillo en publico.That woman assaulted me, and she humiliated me in public.
Ese Raju, él golpeo a mis hombres como si fueran perros, y me humillo.That Raju, he beat up my man. Like a dog, and humiliated me!
- Rosa, por qué te humillas así delante de todos?Rosa, why do you humiliate yourself in front of all?
- ¿Por qué me humillas en público?- Why do you humiliate me in public?
- ¿Por qué me humillas?- Why do you humiliate me?
Actúas como un tonto en público, nos humillas a los dos... y arriesgas toda tu compañía, ¿por qué?You make a fool out of yourself... publicly humiliate the both of us... and put your entire company at risk, for what?
Arriesgué todo por ti y tu me humillas.I just couldn't. I risked everything for you! And in return, you humiliate me!
- "Él humilla a los soberbios ..."- "He humiliates the proud..."
-Se humilla ella sola.She humiliates herself.
Así que, el nuevo coche no gana al anterior, lo humilla.So, the new car doesn't just beat the old one, it humiliates it.
Como por ejemplo convertirse en alcahuete de esa boda que nos humilla a los españoles.As for example to become a pimp of that wedding that humiliates us, the Spanish.
Cuando alguien me humilla, voy directa a la venganza.When somebody humiliates me, I go straight-up revenge.
..entonces le humillamos.- ... then we humiliate him.
De todos modos, nosotros hicimos lo que acabo de decir y no sólo les ganamos, con un poco de trampa, les humillamos.Yes, that. Anyway, we did what he just said, and we didn't just beat them - with a little bit of cheating, we humiliated them.
Dos, cuatro, seis, ocho, ¿a quién humillamos?Two, four, six, eight, who do we humiliate?
La humillamos en el tribunal.We humiliated her in court.
La prensa inglesa. No podemos pediros que seáis amigos nuestros si os expoliamos y os humillamos.We can't ask you to be our friends if we rob you and humiliate you too.
Ahora mismo todas las mujeres odian los Budas... los odian y humillan... sabiendo bien que ellas nunca se convertirán en Buda.Right now all women hate Buddhas, hate and humiliate them, well knowing that they will never become Buddhas.
Anoche, salgo volando por la ventana, hoy me arrestan me esposan, me humillan.Last night, I go out the window. Today, I'm arrested handcuffed, humiliated.
Así no te ganarás el respeto de los que te humillan.That way you'll not earn the respect of those who humiliate you.
Es la segunda vez que unas zanahorias me humillan.This here's the second time I got humiliated by sowbelly and black-eyed peas.
Este año el equipo visitante es del este, de Malvern, así que, si humillan a los chicos locales, puede que estemos ocupados.This year the visiting team is from the east end, from malvern, so if they humiliate the local boys, we could be busy.
# Lo humillé, lo perseguí, le hice conocer todos los dolores. ## The humiliated, chased him, I made all the pain. #
- Me humillé a mí misma.- I humiliated myself.
- No puedo creer la forma como me humillé allá.- I humiliated myself back there.
Arruiné el comic y me humillé por completo ante Summer.Blew the comic book, and I just completely humiliated myself in front of Summer
- Me humillaste.- You humiliated me.
- Quiero que sepas que me humillaste al dejarme plantada.- I want you to know I was really humiliated when you stood me up.
- Sé que te ha mentido, pero, venga, tu fisgoneaste en su habitación y la humillaste online.- I know she lied to you, but, come on, you snooped in her room, and you humiliated her online.
- Te humillaste.- You've humiliated yourself.
- ¡Me humillaste!- I am humiliated!
"Él humilló a mi madre." - ¡Fuera de aquí!'He humiliated my mother.' - Get out of here!
- Déjame adivinar... tu segunda hija te humilló, en las páginas de la prensa nacional, papá?- Let me guess. Your second daughter humiliated you on the pages of the national press?
- La forma en que humilló a Kelly...- The way he humiliated Kelly...
- Me denigró tanto anoche... que me humilló para dejar de fumar.Because you belittled me so badly last night that I was humiliated into quitting smoking.
- Me humilló esta noche.- He humiliated me tonight
¿Al igual que me humillasteis vosotros?The way I was humiliated... by all of you?
- ... y los humillaron.- ...and humiliated.
- Nunca me humillaron tanto.-I've never been so humiliated.
A mi me engañarony humillaron.I got cheated and humiliated.
A mí también me humillaron en el trabajo, mi nuevo jefe.I got humiliated at work, too, by my new boss.
Absolutamente cierto. Estas personas humillaron a Tarababu y a Mansi.They humiliated Tarababu and Manasi.
Te humillaré a ti, a tu familia y a tu casa.I will humiliate you, your family and your house.
Usted me quiere humillar y al pueblo de Venezuela, Así que yo la humillaré a usted...You want to humiliate me and the people of Venezuela, then I will humiliate you...
Si lo haces humillarás al presidente y será peligroso para la seguridad nacional.If you do this, it will humiliate the president, and it will be dangerous to national security.
...una política que humillará a nuestro país!...a policy that will humiliate our country!
Helena te humillará esta noche.Helena will humiliate you tonight.
- ¡La humillaremos!We will humiliate her!
Tus vecinos te humillarán, nos temerás... Quédate ahí.Your neighbours will humiliate you, you'll fear us...
El Pastelero pensó en cómo la verdad humillaría a Olive y destruiría a los dulces hombres, cuya única felicidad provenía de saber que la pequeña que más querían era más amada por el Pastelero. Así que dijo...The Pie-Maker considered how the truth would humiliate Olive and devastate the two sweet men, whose only happiness came from knowing the little girl they loved most was loved most by the Pie-Maker.
Estaba segura de que tu futura esposa humillaría a nuestra familia.I was certain that your bride-to-be would humiliate our family in some way.
Los humillaría si supieran que sabemos que estan...It would humiliate them if they knew that we knew that they are...
Me humillaría.She would humiliate me.
Ningún hijo mío humillaría su familia escapándose de su prometida.No son of mine would humiliate his family by running off on his fiancée.
¿Pensaste en cómo nos humillarías a mis hijos y a mí?Did you think about how you would humiliate me and my kids?
- No dejaré que Kip me humille frente a...- I'm not lettin' Kip humiliate me in front of-
Antes que humille su trasero.Before I humiliate your ass.
Así que, este fin de semana, quiero que pintes cualquier cosa que te enoje, te denigre, o te humille.So this weekend, I want you to paint anything that upsets you, belittles you, or humiliates you.
Conduciría un taxi cada noche durante el resto de mi vida por mis hijos, pero no voy a dejar que Jimmy Pesto me humille.I'd drive a cab every night for the rest of my life for my kids, but I'm not letting Jimmy Pesto humiliate me.
Cuando ese hombre derrote y humille al representante de los mosqueteros... doblaré su comisión.When that man defeats and humiliates the Musketeer champion... ..I will double his prize money.
- No dejaré que me humilles mientras--I'm not going to stand here so you can humiliate me
- No me humilles, Dirk.- Don't humiliate me, Dirk.
- Por favor no te humilles.- Please don't humiliate yourself.
- Por favor, no me humilles.-Please, don't humiliate me.
- ¡No me humilles!- Do not humiliate me like this !
Ahora salgamos de aquí antes de que nos humillemos completamente.Now let's get out of here before we completely humiliate ourselves.
Da igual que les humillemos.No matter how much we humiliate them.
Lo que sea, simplemente no quiero ser arrastrado al escenario por tres chicas llamadas Cinnamon para que puedan jugar a "humillemos al tipo gordo."Whatever, I just don't want to get dragged onstage by three girls named Cinnamon so they can play "let's humiliate the fat guy."
Manchad mi nombre con una macula infamante. Pero no me humilléis en presencia de vuestros siervos.Let then my name be stained with infamy's blemish... yet humiliate me not in the presence of thy servants.
No me humilléis.Do not humiliate me.
- Dijo: "Estoy harto de que me humillen".- He says, "I'm sick of being humiliated..."
- ¿Para qué, para que te humillen? - Oiga.What, so you can be humiliated?
Abuelo, no soportaré que nos humillen de esta manera.Grandpa, I won't stand for our being humiliated like this.
Ashleigh, ¿cómo pudiste dejar que nos humillen de esta forma?We're really screwed. How could you let us be humiliated like this?
Asi que abriendo su boca, abriendo sus piernas, dejando que la humillen, ¿eso era confortable?- So opening your mouth, spreading your legs, letting yourself be humiliated, this was comfortable?
! Jamás he sido tan humillado!Never have I ever been so... so humiliated!
"... y levanta al humillado a los cielos.""...and lifts the humiliated to the skies."
"Cuando humillado al padre de .. ""When the father's humiliated.."
"El Gobierno no acepta ser humillado por una banda de salvajes que no son capaces de ubicar en una isla tan... ""The government no longer accepts being humiliated by savages" "much less those isolated on an island ..."
"Gran amor", ¿Te he humillado lo suficiente en la última hora?Big love, have I humiliated you in the last half hour?
"Lemon, ¿por qué te estás humillando por una organización tan anticuada?""Lemon, why are you humiliating yourself for such an archaic organization?"
'... está humillando tu integridad." 'Tú me matarás, y la gente enfurecerá.''..is humiliating yöur integrity.' 'yöu will kill me, and the public will get enraged.'
- Desde entonces humillando no trabajaste, tendremos que hacer esta la manera anticuada...- Since humiliating you didn't work, We'll have to do this the old-fashioned way...
- Estás humillando a un anciano.You're humiliating an old man.
- Te estás humillando, amigo.You're humiliating yourself, buddy.

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