Dedicar (to dedicate) conjugation

96 examples

Conjugation of dedicar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I dedicate
you dedicate
he/she/it dedicates
we dedicate
you all dedicate
they dedicate
Present perfect tense
he dedicado
I have dedicated
has dedicado
you have dedicated
ha dedicado
he/she/it has dedicated
hemos dedicado
we have dedicated
habéis dedicado
you all have dedicated
han dedicado
they have dedicated
Past preterite tense
I dedicated
you dedicated
he/she/it dedicated
we dedicated
you all dedicated
they dedicated
Future tense
I will dedicate
you will dedicate
he/she/it will dedicate
we will dedicate
you all will dedicate
they will dedicate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would dedicate
you would dedicate
he/she/it would dedicate
we would dedicate
you all would dedicate
they would dedicate
Past imperfect tense
I used to dedicate
you used to dedicate
he/she/it used to dedicate
we used to dedicate
you all used to dedicate
they used to dedicate
Past perfect tense
había dedicado
I had dedicated
habías dedicado
you had dedicated
había dedicado
he/she/it had dedicated
habíamos dedicado
we had dedicated
habíais dedicado
you all had dedicated
habían dedicado
they had dedicated
Future perfect tense
habré dedicado
I will have dedicated
habrás dedicado
you will have dedicated
habrá dedicado
he/she/it will have dedicated
habremos dedicado
we will have dedicated
habréis dedicado
you all will have dedicated
habrán dedicado
they will have dedicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I dedicate
(if/so that) you dedicate
(if/so that) he/she/it dedicate
(if/so that) we dedicate
(if/so that) you all dedicate
(if/so that) they dedicate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya dedicado
I have dedicated
hayas dedicado
you have dedicated
haya dedicado
he/she/it has dedicated
hayamos dedicado
we have dedicated
hayáis dedicado
you all have dedicated
hayan dedicado
they have dedicated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have dedicated
(if/so that) you have dedicated
(if/so that) he/she/it have dedicated
(if/so that) we have dedicated
(if/so that) you all have dedicated
(if/so that) they have dedicated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have dedicated
(if/so that) you have dedicated
(if/so that) he/she/it have dedicated
(if/so that) we have dedicated
(if/so that) you all have dedicated
(if/so that) they have dedicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera dedicado
I had dedicated
hubieras dedicado
you had dedicated
hubiera dedicado
he/she/it had dedicated
hubiéramos dedicado
we had dedicated
hubierais dedicado
you all had dedicated
hubieran dedicado
they had dedicated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese dedicado
I had dedicated
hubieses dedicado
you had dedicated
hubiese dedicado
he/she/it had dedicated
hubiésemos dedicado
we had dedicated
hubieseis dedicado
you all had dedicated
hubiesen dedicado
they had dedicated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have dedicated
(if/so that) you will have dedicated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have dedicated
(if/so that) we will have dedicated
(if/so that) you all will have dedicated
(if/so that) they will have dedicated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere dedicado
I will have dedicated
hubieres dedicado
you will have dedicated
hubiere dedicado
he/she/it will have dedicated
hubiéremos dedicado
we will have dedicated
hubiereis dedicado
you all will have dedicated
hubieren dedicado
they will have dedicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's dedicate!
Imperative negative mood
no dediques
do not dedicate!
no dedique
let him/her/it dedicate!
no dediquemos
let us not dedicate!
no dediquéis
do not dedicate!
no dediquen
do not dedicate!

Examples of dedicar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
'Ichiro... ' 'Yo juro solemnemente' 'dedicar el resto de mi vida... ' 'cualquier cosa que salga de ella, a combatir la hepatitis.''I solemnly vow' 'to dedicate the rest of my life...' 'whatever's left of it, to wiping out hepatitis.'
- - Bueno, antes de comenzar, me gustaría dedicar esta película a Tatiana- Right, before begining, I'd like to dedicate this film to Tatiana.
A quién se supone que tengo que tengo que dedicar esta cancion?Who am I supposed to dedicate this to?
Ah quiero dedicar esta canción, así como dediqué mi libro al hip-hop.Um... I would, uh, like to dedicate this song, like I dedicated my book, to hip-hop.
Ahora es el momento para una canción que quiero dedicar a una persona que está aquí presente.Now is the time of a song I wanted to dedicate peruna person who is here among you .
"Con un corazón arrepentido, dedico estas memorias ..."With a repentant heart, I dedicate these memoirs...
"Hoy y eternamente... dedico mi alma a ti.""Today and for all eternity... I dedicate my soul to you."
"humildemente" "le dedico una obra" "cuya parte más noble salió de las manos de Su Majestad."I humbly dedicate unto Your Majesty a piece, the noblest part of which sprung from Your Majesty's own hand ..."
-Está lista y se la dedico a Ud. -¿Qué?- It's ready and waiting and dedicated to you. - What?
A ella y a Dios dedico mis pensamientos finales... to which and to God, I dedicate my last thoughts.
- Entonces dime, ¿a qué te dedicas?- Then it tell me, ¿a what you dedicate yourself?
- Lo dedicas al nuevo Papa.It's dedicated to the new Pope.
- Te dedicas a cosas creativas tienes pasión en tu interior tu copa del amor está medio llena.You're dedicated to creative things. There's passion inside you. Your love glass is half full.
- ¿A qué te dedicas?- To what you dedicate yourself?
Apollo, dedicas Soldado de Infortuna a tu consejera aquí en Hearst, la profesora Lisa Tonin, que está aquí con nosotros.Who miraculously escaped the LRA in Uganda. Apollo, you dedicate "Soldier of misfortune" To your adviser here at Hearst,
"Me pregunto si un hombre, viendo hasta qué punto otro hombre es un loco cuando dedica su comportamiento al amor, se convertirá, después de reirse de esas locuras superficiales por parte de otros, en el objetivo de su propia burla"I do much wonder that one man, seeing how much another man is a fool when he dedicates his behaviors to love, will, after he hath laughed at such shallow follies in others, become the object of his own scorn by falling in love:
"Mujer que se dedica a la medicina para salvar vidas..."Woman dedicates practice to saving lives.
"Todo hombre que dedica su vida al ministerio en el que se cuestiona si se ha equivocado sobre todo, incluyendo a su fe. ""Every man Who dedicates his life to ministry goes "through one, When he questions if he's been Wrong about everything, including his faith. "
Bueno, Saleem recita la misma retórica de mártir pero dedica su muerte a la venganza de la sangre de sus padres.Saleem is reciting the usual martyr rhetoric, but he dedicates his death to avenge the blood of his father and mother.
Ciudadanos de Roma, el Emperador Tiberio... comandante de nuestro invencible ejército, os dedica el último día de los Juegos de la Victoria... a vosotros, el pueblo.Citizens of Rome, the Emperor Tiberius... commander of our invincible army, dedicates the final day of the Victory Games - to you, the people. - (crowd cheering)
"Le dedicamos esta canción a nuestro amado maestro de gimnasia"."We dedicate this song to our beloved PE teacher."
A eso es a lo que ambos nos dedicamos, Jill.It's what we're bothdedicated to,jill.
A los soldados que dieron su vida respondiendo a la llamada de su nación, y a los 31 entrenados, abandonados por una nación dividida, que gritaron por su identidad en el lugar de su muerte, les dedicamos esta película.To the soldiers who risked death to answer their nation's call, and to the 31 trainees, abandoned by a divided nation, who cried out in search of their identities at their place of death, we dedicate this film.
A ti, Isabella, Gran Maestra, dedicamos este sacrificio.To you, Isabella, Great Mistress, we dedicate this sacrifice.
A ti, Isabella, dedicamos este sacrificio.To you, Isabella, we dedicate this sacrifice.
- ¿Os dedicáis a la música?- You dedicate yourself to music?
"La orden" son aquellos que se dedican a nuestra extinción."The order" are the ones dedicated to our extinction.
"Los encargados de funerales en Shangai se lo dedican a ustedes con gentileza.""This music is kindly dedicated to you by the Shanghai Funeral Directors."
Además de eso, dedican su vida a ayudar a los niños víctimas de abusos.On top of that, you dedicated your life to helping abused kids.
Ahora son las flores las que se dedican a mí.Now the flowers are dedicated to me.
Algunas personas dedican su vida a esa porquería.Some people dedicate their lives to that crap.
"y me dediqué a poseerlo todo."and dedicated myself to possess it all.
- De hecho, dediqué un año entero...- Heart? - In fact, I've dedicated an entire year...
- Jenny, te lo dediqué a ti.- Jenny, I dedicated it to you.
20 años de mi vida los dediqué a mi carrera... y debes aprender a ser dura.20 years of my life I have dedicated to my career and you have to learn to be tough.
A su recuerdo dediqué "El Palacio".It's to his memory that I dedicated "The palace..."
, esta fotografía fue tomada en el día que dedicaste el nuevo edificio de transmisión del ministerio, y todos en esta fotografía estaban identificados, con excepción de una persona.You know, this picture was taken on the day you dedicated the ministry's new broadcast facility, and everyone in that picture was identified, except for one person.
Hiciste que Patrick entrara en la facultad de Derecho, te mudaste a Wyoming, convertiste su sueño en el tuyo, y dedicaste tu vida a hacerlo posible.You put Patrick through law school and you moved to Wyoming and his dream became your dream and you dedicated your life to making it real.
Le dedicaste tiempo.You dedicated time to it.
Le dedicaste toda tu vida a esa agencia.You dedicated your entire life to that agency.
Le dedicaste tu biografíaYou dedicated your biography to him.
"Vuelvo a ti pues no encontré nada mejor", la canción que le dedicó a la hermosa actriz Deborah Duncan, titulada"lm coming Back to You Because l Found Nothing Better," the song he dedicated to the beautiful actress Deborah Duncan, entitled
(Sacerdote) Un médico argentino, cordobés un muchacho que nació en el seno de una respetable familia y se dedicó a estudiar las enfermedades y sus curas.An Argentinean doctor from Cordoba. A young man from a respectable family, who dedicated himself to the study of illnesses and their cures.
- Ella dedicó un capítulo entero de su libro a su creencia de que las grandes compañías farmacéuticas son los carroñeros del mundo de la medicina.- She dedicated an entire chapter of her book to her belief that big pharma are the bottom-feeders of the medical world.
- Significa que un chico de 16 años llamado Tyler Rogers le dedicó un blog.What do you mean? I mean that a 16-year-old boy named Tyler Rogers dedicated a blog to her.
...papá cerró la fábrica, ...y se dedicó a la usura como un poseso.Dad shut his fishcake factory, and dedicated himself to usury like a man possessed
- ¿Conoce el poema que le dedicaron? PAUL:- Do you know the poem they dedicated to her?
A Atenea le dedicaron el Partenón, y en el cabo Sunión, levantaron en honor a Poseidón, este templo dórico de mármol, que brilla y domina el entorno, espléndido en su blancura, sobre una roca... salpicada por la espuma del mar.To Athena they dedicated the Parthenon and on Cape Sunion they erected in honor of Poseidon, this doric temple of marble, dominating with its shining, splendid in its whiteness, above the steep rock... splashed by the surgy foam.
A ti te lo dedicaron, pero con tu permiso, lo bailo yo.They dedicated it to you, but if you don't mind, I'll dance.
Ellos dedicaron su vida a salvarnos.They dedicated their lives to save ours.
Entonces los Jacobitas se dedicaron a restaurar a un rey católico.So the Jacobite's dedicated themselves to restoring a Catholic King.
"Te dedicaré cien vidas""I will dedicate a hundred lives foryou."
Así que el tiempo que me queda, te lo dedicaré.So what time I have left, I will dedicate to you.
Confía en mí y me dedicaré por completo a ti...Trust me and I will dedicate myself to you...
De ahora en adelante dedicaré mi vida para asegurarme que todo el mundo vea tu película.From this day forward I will dedicate my life to making sure your film is seen by everyone.
Desde ahora, dedicaré mi vida a traer el caos al mundo que me ha desechado.From now on, I will dedicate my life to bringing chaos to the world that has dejected me!
Puedes hacer otras cosas. ¿Cuánto más te dedicarás al embalaje?How long will dedicate yourself to packing?
Ni él ni yo. Pero él lo dedicará.Neither he nor I. But he will dedicate it.
Se dedicará a este trabajo un cien por cien, ¿y quiere saber por qué?He will dedicate himself to this job 100%, and do you want to know why?
Se dedicará usted misma a la renovación del cristianismo.You will dedicate yourself to the renewal of Christendom.
Y después de recibir sus premios de mérito hoy volveran a los planetas de origen en la que dedicará el resto de su vida ayudando a luz de sombra de llegar a esos rincones oscuros donde aún todavía no incluidaAnd after you receive your awards of merit today you will return to your home planets where you will dedicate the rest of your lives o helping His Shadow's light reach those dark corners where it still does not yet fall
Y esta noche, Quincy Magoo, el Rey de los vegetales enlatados... dedicará la nueva ala del museo que donó a la ciudad.And tonight, Quincy Magoo, the canned vegetable king... will dedicate the new museum wing he has donated to the city.
Le dedicaremos un canto, en nuestros poemas.We will dedicate a song for him, in our poems.
Aquí se dedicarán a su oficio.Here, you will dedicate yourself to your craft.
Que dedicaría su vida a erradicarla.That he would dedicate his life to eradicating it.
Si tuviera 10 vidas, las dedicaría a esta causa de la construcción del reino.Had I 10 lives, I would dedicate them all to this cause of kingdom-building.
..escribí mi vida a tu nombre (te dedique mi vida), mi amada."I dedicated my life to you forever, beloved."
De esta manera no os preocupareís cuando me dedique a ciertas obras.In that way you won't be troubled when I dedicate myself to certain works.
El que yo dedique esta estatua.That I dedicate this statue.
El tiempo que le dedique a usted, ...tendría que sacárselo a mi otro trabajo.The truth is I'm quite busy, and, um, the time I'd dedicate to you I'd have to take away from my other work.
Encuentro fascinante que se dedique a desaprobar fenómenos espirituales.I find it fascinating That is dedicated to disprove spiritual phenomena.
Es mi deseo ahora... que dediques tu vida a Alá y viajes a la Sagrada Meca.Now it is my wish. You dedicate your life to Allah and travel to Holy Mecca!
Espero que te dediques ahora nuevamente a la trascripción de tus visiones.I hope you'll again dedicate yourself to transcribing your visions. We're keen to read them.
No lo tomes a mal, pero no me dediques el libro.Don"t take this the wrong way but don"t dedicate the book to me.
Quiero que tú termines mi libro y me lo dediques.I want you to finish my book and dedicate it to me.
Te he pedido que dediques tu tiempo y energía a descubrir la identidad del hombre de la puerta.I've asked you to dedicate your time and energy into discovering the identity of the man at the gates.
Carlos, Julian y yo nos dediquemos a construir un futuro mejor.Carlos, Julian and I dedicated ourselves to building a better future.
Entonces ven... dediquemos esta tarde en nombre de nuestro amor.Then come... let's dedicate this evening in the name of our love.
Nos han pedido que dediquemos nuestra primera canción al señor y la señora Chang.We've been asked to dedicate our first song to "Señor and Señora Chang." She said she didn't wanna talk to me.
Quiero que todos le dediquemos esta canción al señor Delmon Wells.Um, I want us to all dedicate this song to Mr. Delmon Wells.
Señores, en este momento supremo dediquemos nuestros pensamientos a nuestras familias, a la patria y a la majestad del reyGentlemen, in this supreme moment let's dedicate our thoughts to our families, our country and our king
"Por favor dediquen la siguiente canción a mis amigos, Tom y Kate."please dedicate your next song to my friends Tom and Kate.
Necesitamos hombres que dediquen su vida.We need men willing to dedicate their lives.
Ni un millar de templos o santuarios o estatuas, aunque se dediquen a mí o a ti, Hera, esposa mía o a Tetis, encantadora diosa del mar o a ti, Atenea, siempre sabia y atenta o a Afrodita, diosa del amor.A thousand temples or statues, or sanctuaries whether dedicated to me, or to you, Hera, my wife or to Thetis, lovely goddess of the sea. Or to you, Athena, ever wise and full of care. Or to Aphrodite, goddess of love.
Que emitan la foto de Tommy en todas las emisoras de TV locales, y que dediquen una línea telefónica en exclusiva para recoger llamadas sobre él.Have them get Tommy's photo to all the local TV stations, and let's get a dedicated TIPS line set up, too.
¡Chispa!" Primero que nada, quiero que... realmente se dediquen a encontrar la forma de poner... esa magia y esa chispa en su matrimonio.First of all, I want you... to truly dedicate yourselves... to finding little ways to putting that magic, that spark... back into your marriage.
"...tan dedicado a la familia, tan dedicado al prójimo." devoted to family, so dedicated to each other.
"Colgué de un árbol expuesto al viento durante nueve largas noches, herido por una lanza, dedicado a Odin, de ese árbol del que ningún hombre sabe hacia dónde se esparcieron sus raíces.""I hung from a windy tree for nine long nights, "wounded by a spear, "dedicated to Odin,
"Durante 19 años, me he dedicado a este laboratorio.""For 19 years, I've dedicated myself to this lab.
"Este filme está dedicado a Jean Renoir""This film is dedicated to Jean Renoir"
"Este nuevo documental está dedicado a:"This new documentary is dedicated to:
"En consecuencia, estoy dedicando, en representación del pueblo americano, el lanzamiento del Columbia del 22 de marzo a la gente de Afganistán."Accordingly, I am dedicating, on behalf of the American people, the March 22nd launch of the Columbia to the people of Afghanistan.
"estamos haciendo investigación, estamos dedicando nuestras vidas a experimentar todo lo que haya en el planeta"."We are doing research here, we are dedicating our lives to trying just about everything on the planet."
- Se la está dedicando, Jefe.- He's dedicating it to you, boss.
-Se la está dedicando, Jefe.- He's dedicating it to you, boss.
A-Rod esta dedicando este bate al joven Kevin Martin, un huérfano que tiene unos padres adictos a la droga lo entregaron por una bola ocho.A-Rod is dedicating this at bat to young Kevin Martin, an orphan whose drug-addicted parents gave him up for an eight ball.

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