Indicar (to indicate) conjugation

84 examples

Conjugation of indicar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I indicate
you indicate
he/she/it indicates
we indicate
you all indicate
they indicate
Present perfect tense
he indicado
I have indicated
has indicado
you have indicated
ha indicado
he/she/it has indicated
hemos indicado
we have indicated
habéis indicado
you all have indicated
han indicado
they have indicated
Past preterite tense
I indicated
you indicated
he/she/it indicated
we indicated
you all indicated
they indicated
Future tense
I will indicate
you will indicate
he/she/it will indicate
we will indicate
you all will indicate
they will indicate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would indicate
you would indicate
he/she/it would indicate
we would indicate
you all would indicate
they would indicate
Past imperfect tense
I used to indicate
you used to indicate
he/she/it used to indicate
we used to indicate
you all used to indicate
they used to indicate
Past perfect tense
había indicado
I had indicated
habías indicado
you had indicated
había indicado
he/she/it had indicated
habíamos indicado
we had indicated
habíais indicado
you all had indicated
habían indicado
they had indicated
Future perfect tense
habré indicado
I will have indicated
habrás indicado
you will have indicated
habrá indicado
he/she/it will have indicated
habremos indicado
we will have indicated
habréis indicado
you all will have indicated
habrán indicado
they will have indicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I indicate
(if/so that) you indicate
(if/so that) he/she/it indicate
(if/so that) we indicate
(if/so that) you all indicate
(if/so that) they indicate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya indicado
I have indicated
hayas indicado
you have indicated
haya indicado
he/she/it has indicated
hayamos indicado
we have indicated
hayáis indicado
you all have indicated
hayan indicado
they have indicated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have indicated
(if/so that) you have indicated
(if/so that) he/she/it have indicated
(if/so that) we have indicated
(if/so that) you all have indicated
(if/so that) they have indicated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have indicated
(if/so that) you have indicated
(if/so that) he/she/it have indicated
(if/so that) we have indicated
(if/so that) you all have indicated
(if/so that) they have indicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera indicado
I had indicated
hubieras indicado
you had indicated
hubiera indicado
he/she/it had indicated
hubiéramos indicado
we had indicated
hubierais indicado
you all had indicated
hubieran indicado
they had indicated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese indicado
I had indicated
hubieses indicado
you had indicated
hubiese indicado
he/she/it had indicated
hubiésemos indicado
we had indicated
hubieseis indicado
you all had indicated
hubiesen indicado
they had indicated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have indicated
(if/so that) you will have indicated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have indicated
(if/so that) we will have indicated
(if/so that) you all will have indicated
(if/so that) they will have indicated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere indicado
I will have indicated
hubieres indicado
you will have indicated
hubiere indicado
he/she/it will have indicated
hubiéremos indicado
we will have indicated
hubiereis indicado
you all will have indicated
hubieren indicado
they will have indicated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's indicate!
Imperative negative mood
no indiques
do not indicate!
no indique
let him/her/it indicate!
no indiquemos
let us not indicate!
no indiquéis
do not indicate!
no indiquen
do not indicate!

Examples of indicar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Parece indicar una debilidad", "podría ser vulnerable", "en teoría"."Seems to indicate a weakness," "may be vulnerable," "in theory."
"Recomendamos que a los miembros del grupo 'Los Doce Sucios' que sobrevivieron, se les amende su expediente para indicar que vuelven al servicio activo con sus rangos anteriores."We are recommending that members of the group 'The Dirty Dozen' Who survived should have their records amended to indicate that they are being returned to active duty at their former ranks.
"Rosa" es tu palabra de alerta para indicar problemas."Rosy" is your panic word to indicate a problem.
"Use su señal derecha para indicar su intención de girar hacia la derecha"."Use your right turn signal to indicate your intention to turn right."
- La cantidad es demasiado pequeña para indicar que haya estado trabajando con ellos directamente, pero definitivamente fue expuesto a ellos recientemente.The amount is too small to indicate that he had been working with them directly, - but he definitely was exposed to them recently. - Oye, chica.
Al decir esto, El indico la clase de muerte que habría de sufrir.In saying this, he indicated the kind of death he was going to suffer.
El asistente social... ..que les entrevisto a usted y a su hermano, poco después de la muerte de él, indico una causa probable de abusos paternos.The social worker who interviewed you and your brother shortly after his death indicated a probable pattern of abuse.
El llamado de emergencia indico que hay 3 soldados heridos, y estamos en camino volando a 1500 pies de lo que se considera territorio inseguro y hostilThe emergeny call indicated that there are three injured, wounded G.I.'s. We're on our way flying above what has to be considered insecure, hostile territory.
Esto paso para que se cumpliera lo que Jesús había dicho... Cuando indico la clase de muerte en que moriría.This happened in order to make come true what Jesus had said... when he indicated the kind of death he would die.
Ningún sensor indico que la puerta de la caja fuerte o cerradura de la caja fueran abiertas hasta la mañana siguiente.No sensors indicate that either the safe door or the lock box was opened again until the following morning.
En tu reporte, indicas que nunca te reuniste con Abu Nazir.In your debrief you indicate... that you have never met Abu Nazir.
Le indicas el ordenador al que te quieres conectar... y luego el ordenador desde el que te conectas.You indicate the host computer... then the client computer.
Si se lo muestras a las nativas, les indicas que buscas jamaharon.Displaying one to the locals indicates you're seeking jamaharon.
" La luna está en la séptima casa Hoy en día, lo que indica crecimiento ."The moon is in the 7th house today, which indicates growth.
"'Su inglés es demasiado bueno', ha dicho, 'eso indica claramente que es extranjera# "Her English is too good", he said "That clearly indicates that she is foreign" #
"Algunas" indica más de una."Some" indicates more than one.
"La Agencia de Inteligencia indica: Al Qaida"Our best intelligence indicates:
"La información del FBI desde ese tiempo indica patrones de actividad sospechosa en este país consistente con la preparación de secuestros y otro tipo de ataques, Incluyendo la reciente vigilancia de edificios federales en Nueva York. ""FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York."
Devuelva las cartas al precio que le indicamos le aseguro que es lo más que puede obtener.Return the letters at the price we indicate, I assure you, it is the highest you can get.
El sendero que les indicamos es el único que conocemos hacia el cañón Boray.The path that we've indicated to you is the only one we know leading into the Boray Canyon.
Es la primera forma en la que indicamos deseo. y un montón de industrias se construyen alrededor de esto, desde las citas rápidas a las noches de solteros más tradicionales, en bares y pubs.It's the first way we indicate desire, and a host of industries are built up around it, from speed-dating to more traditional singles' nights, pubs to clubs.
Hemos conseguido el permiso del arrendatario del apartamento que indicamos en el plano.We have gotten the permission of the one lessee of the apartment that we indicate in the plan.
"... el patrón de entrada de la bala a través de su chaqueta... y la dirección de la caída... indican que el tirador estaba detrás de él y a su izquierda"."... tear pattern in the back of the jacket and the direction of his fall, would indicate that the shooter was behind him and to his left."
"Aunque los detalles aún no han sido puestos a disposición, "informes no confirmados indican que la Piedra de Coronación de Escocia ... ''Although details have not yet been made available, 'unconfirmed reports indicate that the Coronation Stone of Scotland... '
"Bien, nunca se sabe, estamos conversando... los indicadores indican que los indicadores estan indicando.""Well, we're talking to people, "and economic indicators indicate that indications are coming to the indicator."
"Expertos indican que era un gran problema..."Insiders indicated it was in serious trouble.
"La Llave no está descrita en ningún libro, pero las investigaciones indican una fuente de energía vibrando a una frecuencia dimensional más allá de la percepción humana.""The Key is not directly described in any literature, but all research indicates an energy matrix vibrating at a dimensional frequency beyond human perception."
Como indiqué, estoy buscando en muertes a raíz del Katrina.As I indicated, I'm looking at deaths in the wake of Katrina. Uh-huh.
Como lo indiqué, cuento con muy poco tiempo. Hans.As I indicated, I have very little time.
Como ya lo indiqué el Sr. Bratton no tiene idea de quien le disparó al Sr. Blocker o a la agente encubierta.As I indicated... Mr. Bratton has no idea who shot Mr. Blocker... or the undercover officer.
Creo que indiqué claramente antes, que era una formación "split-right-3, que llamamos "flood tip"Doug: I think I clearly indicated before, it was a "split-right-3," what we call a "flood tip" formation.
Durante "The Hounds of Winter", solo le indiqué a Lisa que debía vocalizar y hacer algo para evocar el espíritu de la soledad.During "The Hounds of Winter," I just indicated to Lisa that she should, you know, vocalize and do something to evoke the spirit of loneliness.
Bueno, tú lo indicaste.Well, you indicated.
Comparando los parámetros que tu indicaste sobre las preferencias de tu tío... seleccionando los criterios de búsqueda en grupos específicos... y ordenando los valores por campos.. con el uso de comandos especiales y, por supuesto, algebra Booliana básica.I've cross-referenced the applicants... against the parameters you indicated he desired... by specifying the search criteria into functional groupings... and selecting the fiield values... through the use of embedded commands... and, of course, basic Boolean algebra.
Tu elemento es Agua e indicaste que no has desarrollado ningún poder.You have water elements, and has indicated that you do not develop any forces.
"A través de sus agentes, Monsieur Talleyrand indicó que para seguir negociando se requería primero una suma de dinero para los cofres franceses los cofres del gobierno francés y sus ministros.""Through his agents, Monsieur Talleyrand indicated that for negotiations to proceed a sum of money was first required for the pockets of the French... for the pockets of the French government and its ministers;
- Dos cosas. Primero, Inteligencia nos indicó la posibilidad de un atentado a las 8:00 de esta mañana.First, intelligence indicated the possibility of an attack at eight this morning.
- ¿Entiende usted que si alguien indicó que Sara estaba tomando un SSRI los experimentados doctores de Southland Surgicenter habrían usado una anestesia diferente y nada de esto hubiera sucedido?- Do you understand that if someone had indicated that Sara was taking an SSRI, the experienced doctors at Southland Surgicenter would have used a different anesthetic and none of this would have happened?
- Él indicó que era una persona.- He indicated that it was a person.
-Y el alcalde ya me indicó... -Lo sé.And the mayor has already indicated that I know.
"El impacto del virus es peor de lo que indicaron las primeras pruebas""The impact of the virus is more severe than early tests indicated."
Al mismo tiempo pruebas eletroencefalográficas indicaron que tal comunicación telepática negada por los sujetos estaba en verdad aconteciendo. Y a un acentuado grado de influencia.At the same time, electro-encephalographic probes indicated that such telepathic communication as was denied by the subjects was in fact taking place, and at a remarkably high rate of flow.
Algunos astrónomos lograron llegar a su propia conclusión luego de muchas lecturas de temperatura de la supelficie que indicaron que son meteoros y que están formados más que nada por hielo simi/ar a glaciares en vez de rocas.Some astronomers managed to come to their own conclusion after remote surface temperature readings indicated the meteors are mostly comprised of ice resembling glaciers rather than rocks.
Básicamente indicaron que tienes un resfriado menor.They likely indicated that you basically have a relatively minor flu.
Cuando indicaron un repentino incremento de actividad Espectro el año pasado el Canciller Laikos me ordenó que incrementara la fuerza del escudo.When they indicated a sudden rise in Wraith activity last year, Chancellor Lycus ordered me to increase the strength of the shield.
- Ella lo indicará con movimientos corporales y diversos sonidos.She will indicate this with body movements and various sounds.
- Su informe indicará que Talia Winters no fue responsable de ayudar a Ironheart.- Your report will indicate that Talia Winters was not responsible for helping Ironheart.
Cada seis minutos, oirán esto. Lo que indicará el final de su tiempo juntos y su próxima cita comenzará.Every six minutes, you will hear... that will indicate the end of your time together,
Entonces, él les indicará que enciendan las velas.At that point, he will indicate to you... to light the candles of the boys.
Ese chip indicará mis movimientos.That chip will indicate my movements.
Durante los siguientes días... todos irán a entrevistarse conmigo a mi oficina. Mis preguntas indicarán en dónde radican sus puntos fuertes.So, over the next few days... you'll all be coming into my office for some interviews... a series of questions which will indicate where your strengths lie.
Las reacciones de tu cuerpo indicarán si estás siendo honesta con nosotros o no.Your body's responses will indicate whether you're being honest with us or not.
Los ataques más severos iluminarán distintas áreas del cerebro... que nos indicarán qué zonas están dañadas.Stronger seizures will light up different parts of the brain which will indicate which parts are damaged.
Mis disculpas, Su Señoría, pero confío en que las medidas que hemos tomado indicarán que tan en serio nos tomaremos este proceso y la amenaza que representa para nuestra seguridad nacional.My apologies, Your Honor, but I trust the measures we've taken will indicate how seriously we take this proceeding and the threat it poses to our national security.
"Nada de cobardes" indicaría tener una cierta cantidad de bolas, para ser anatómicamente preciso."No pussies" would indicate a certain amount of... balls, to be anatomically precise.
"Un resplandor naranja indicaría"An orange glow would indicate
- Y la Academia lo ha colgado en la linea lo que indicaría que tal vez están...And the Academy hanging it on the line would indicate that perhaps they are...
...hay fundadas razones para creer que von Papen está en posesión de informes secretos de importancia lo cual indicaría un fallo en nuestra seguridad..."...there is strong reason to believe that von Papen is in possession of top secret information which would indicate a leak in security here... '
Ambos crímenes son de cerca y personales, eso indicaría ira o venganza.No. Both crimes are up-close and personal, which would indicate rage or revenge.
El calcio elevado y el P.T.H. indicarían un hiperparatiroidismo primario.Elevated calcium and P.T.H. would indicate primary hyperparathyroidism.
Las circunstancias indicarían que las joyas de su cartera son robadas y muy valiosas.So circumstances would indicate the jewels you found in your music case are both stolen and extremely valuable.
Las notas indicarían que empeoran hasta después de un mes o algo así.The notes would indicate that it doesn't become acute for a month or so.
Moratones alrededor del cuello y hemorragia petequial en los ojos indicarían estrangulación.Bruising around the neck and petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes would indicate strangulation.
No, los historiales indicarían algo más significativo que eso.No. No. The charts would indicate something significant beyond that.
- Nada que indique espasmos involuntarios.-Nothing that would indicate involuntary spasms.
- Nada que indique....- Nothing that indicates...
- No hay nada que indique dónde está.There's nothing on it that indicates where she is.
- No hay nada que indique suicidio.There's nowt to indicate suicide.
- No hay nada que indique una lucha.- Nothing to indicate a struggle.
"Que el se ha dedicado al concepto de rehabilitación y no muestra signos que indiquen algun remanente de tenencia recidivista."That he has dedicated himself to the concept of rehabilitation "and shows no signs that indicate any remaining recidivistic tendencies."
- No hay marcas que indiquen eso.there were no marks to indicate that.
Aún ahora, nuestros exploradores patrullan los cuadrantes buscando señales que indiquen que nos estamos acercando.Even now, our long-range scouts patrol the quadrants watching for signs that indicate that we are growing close.
Bueno, no hay nada en los correos electrónicos de Naomi Walling que indiquen una conexión personal con McClaren.HERNDON: Well, there's nothing in Naomi Walling's e-mails that indicate a personal connection to McClaren.
Busco fluctuaciones electromagnéticas... que indiquen la presencia de una fuerza ectoplásmica.I'm looking for electromagnetic fluctuations that might indicate the presence of an ectoplasmic force.
"es mucho más complicada de lo que he indicado,..."is much more complicated than I have indicated here -
- He indicado la inconveniencia de eso.-I indicated the inexpediency of that.
- Sí, es lo indicado.Yes, a throb in the voice is certainly indicated.
Algunos miembros de los gobiernos que siguieron a la muerte de Diem y Nhu han indicado que la mayoría de esa gente no eran para nada simpatizantes del Vietcong, lo que demostraba que todo aquél que realizara una actividad política contraria a Diem y Nhu en el sur, le esperaba el asesinato o la cárcel.Uh, elements of the rotating governments... that followed the death of Diem and Nhu... have indicated that most of those people... were not Vietcong sympathizers in any way, shape or form... which would indicate that all political... activity that was antithetical to Diem and Nhu... was met either with murder in the south or imprisonment.
Aunque la predición metereológica había indicado que estaría despejado en Wiesbaden la niebla se había cerrado sobre todo el área.Although Stryker's weather reports had indicated Wiesbaden would be clear the fog had closed in over the entire area.
"Asiente lentamente, indicando que quiere comprar una flor, y hace un gesto para que ella se la ponga en el ojal".Quote: "He nods slowly, indicating that he'll take a flower, and makes a sign that she is to place it in his buttonhole."
"Gaúchos " atan sus caballos delante del obelisco... en la Avenida Río Branco en el corazón de Río de Janeiro... indicando la victoria de la Revolución de 1 930."Gaúchos " tie their horses up on the obelisk on Rio Branco Avenue... in the heart of Rio de Janeiro... indicating the victory of the 1 930 Revolution.
"Si no hubieramos recibido el Torá aprenderíamos modestia de los gatos"... indicando que esta podría ser la razón por qué los gatos fueron creados asi."Had we not been given the Torah, we would learn modesty from cats," indicating that this might be the reason why cats were created as they were.
"Sus ciudades son muy viejas, indicando una cultura en decadencia"."Their cities are very old, indicating a decaying culture."
- Voz de Ferenc Puskás (1995)... pero mucho después, cuando estábamos en el centro del campo con la pelota, el juez de línea galés izó su bandera indicando que había sido offside.- Ferenc Puskás's voice (1995)... but much later, when we were in the middle of the pitch with the ball, the Welsh linesman raised his flag indicating that if was offside.

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