Zittern (to tremble) conjugation

41 examples

Conjugation of zittern

Present tense
I tremble
you tremble
he/she/it trembles
we tremble
you all tremble
they tremble
Past preterite tense
I trembled
you trembled
he/she/it trembled
we trembled
you all trembled
they trembled
Future tense
werde zittern
I will tremble
wirst zittern
you will tremble
wird zittern
he/she/it will tremble
werden zittern
we will tremble
werdet zittern
you all will tremble
werden zittern
they will tremble
Past perfect tense
habe gezittert
I have trembled
hast gezittert
you have trembled
hat gezittert
he/she/it has trembled
haben gezittert
we have trembled
habt gezittert
you all have trembled
haben gezittert
they have trembled
Pluperfect tense
hatte gezittert
I had trembled
hattest gezittert
you had trembled
hatte gezittert
he/she/it had trembled
hatten gezittert
we had trembled
hattet gezittert
you all had trembled
hatten gezittert
they had trembled
Future perf.
werde gezittert haben
I will have trembled
wirst gezittert haben
you will have trembled
wird gezittert haben
he/she/it will have trembled
werden gezittert haben
we will have trembled
werdet gezittert haben
you all will have trembled
werden gezittert haben
they will have trembled
Subjunctive II preterite tense
(so that I) would tremble
(so that you) would tremble
(so that he/she) would tremble
(so that we) would tremble
(so that you all) would tremble
(so that they) would tremble
Subjunctive II future tense
würde zittern
I would tremble
würdest zittern
you would tremble
würde zittern
he/she/it would tremble
würden zittern
we would tremble
würdet zittern
you all would tremble
würden zittern
they would tremble
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde gezittert haben
I would have trembled
würdest gezittert haben
you would have trembled
würde gezittert haben
he/she/it would have trembled
würden gezittert haben
we would have trembled
würdet gezittert haben
you all would have trembled
würden gezittert haben
they would have trembled
Subjunctive I present tense
(so that I) tremble
(so that you) tremble
(so that he/she) tremble
(so that we) tremble
(so that you all) tremble
(so that they) tremble
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe gezittert
(so that I) have trembled
habest gezittert
(so that you) have trembled
habe gezittert
(so that he/she) has trembled
haben gezittert
(so that we) have trembled
habet gezittert
(so that you all) have trembled
haben gezittert
(so that they) have trembled
Subjunctive I future tense
werde zittern
(so that I) will tremble
werdest zittern
(so that you) will tremble
werde zittern
(so that he/she) will tremble
werden zittern
(so that we) will tremble
werdet zittern
(so that you all) will tremble
werden zittern
(so that they) will tremble
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte gezittert
(so that I) would have trembled
hättest gezittert
(so that you) would have trembled
hätte gezittert
(so that he/she) would have trembled
hätten gezittert
(so that we) would have trembled
hättet gezittert
(so that you all) would have trembled
hätten gezittert
(so that they) would have trembled
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde gezittert haben
(so that I) will have trembled
werdest gezittert haben
(so that you) will have trembled
werde gezittert haben
(so that he/she) will have trembled
werden gezittert haben
(so that we) will have trembled
werdet gezittert haben
(so that you all) will have trembled
werden gezittert haben
(so that they) will have trembled
Imperative mood

Examples of zittern

Example in GermanTranslation in English
(Als ich einmal bei seiner Mutter stand, sah ich Carlos zittern.)(Once when I stood beside his mother I saw Carlo tremble.)
Alle zittern und wünschen sich, daß es mir gelingt und der Zug weiterfährt.Everybody trembles, wishing for my success and that the train departs safely.
Als Dads Hände zu zittern begannen und er am helllichten Tag sagte:When Dad's hands started to tremble. And he said in full daylight, how strange it's dark.
Als du am Wasserreservoir das Gefühl hattest, da sei jemand und deine Lippen zu zittern begannen, war ich nicht mehr ich selbst.When you felt someone's presence near the pond... and your lips started to tremble just like this... l lost myself.
B ewirke nicht, daß ich gezwungen bin , um D ein Leben zu zittern.D o not make me tremble for your life.
Angst, zitter, schwitz!Fear, tremble, sweat.
Du zitterst doch, oder?Because I have made you tremble up there, have I not?
Du zitterst ja, was ist?You tremble.
Du zitterst.You tremble.
Was zitterst du so, mein Schatz?Why do you tremble so, my love?
Wie du hilflos zitterst, wie du jetzt zitterst.You trembling helpless, as you tremble now --
"Vergiß nicht, daß eine Karotte vor dem Messer zittert..."Don't forget that a carrot trembles before the knife...
(Dorfbewohner) Er zittert!He trembles!
...zittert im feuchten schwarzen Haar eine scharlachrote Pfingstrose....trembles with wet black hair a crimson peony.
Das zittert ja, wenn man nur von ihm spricht.It trembles even when you speak about it.
Die Bergspitzen donnern, die kleine Brücke zittert. Aber der Jäger fürchtet nicht den schwindelnden Pfad."The peaks quiver "the weak bridge trembles "but the hunter walks a difficult path with a steady heart.
"Ich habe lange gelebt, "viel gezittert, "war umringt von Männern ohne Größe, die vergaßen, dass wir nackt'l've lived a lot... '...trembled a lot... '...was surrounded by little men who forgot that we enter naked... '...and exit naked... '...and that no accountant can audit life in our favor. '
Als es drauf ankam, hab ich gezittert.My hand trembled at that moment.
Als wir das erste Mal vor dieser Tür standen, haben mir die Beine gezittert. Nicht vor Angst, sondern vor Erregung.The first time we stopped in front of that door, my legs trembled... not with fear, with excitement.
Anfangs haben meine Hände gezittert.At first my hands trembled and my body also.
Die Fensterscheiben haben gezittert.The windows trembled.
"Des Scharfrichters Hand zitterte:""The executioner's hand trembled.
"und zitterte vor Wehmut und Freude."in adoration, and trembled with joy and melancholy."
- Nein, aber Ramiro zitterte und sagte, Sir Oliver sei aus seinem Grab gestiegen.- No, but Ramiro trembled and said, that Sir Oliver has risen from his grave.
Beim Aufenthalt in Saigon, das heute Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt heißt, zitterte ich als ich mit Jimmy zu seinem Vater ging in den ich mich 20 Jahre zuvor als Teenager wahnsinnig verliebt hatte.Stopping in old Saigon first now Ho Chi Minh City my heart trembled with anticipation as I took Jimmy to see his father who, as a teenage girl, I'd fallen madly in love with twenty years before.
Denn wenn ich vor Kälte zitterte, dächten mein Feinde, es sei Furcht.For if I trembled with the cold, my enemies would say it was from fear.
- Meine Knie zitterten.- My knees trembled.
Meine Beine zitterten.My legs trembled.
Seine Augen waren blutunterlaufen, seine Hände zitterten, und da war ein Ton in seiner Stimme, den er früher nicht hatte.His eyes were bloodshot, his hands trembled... and there was a crack in his voice I'd never heard before.
Und sie zitterten und zuckten und schnaubten.And they trembled and quivered and fumed.
Pharsalia, z.B. Ihr zittertet unter Antonius' Hand... als er darauf aus war, Euch von Eurem Haupte zu trennen... mit gutem Grund.Pharsalia, for one. You trembled in Antony's hand... ... when he was hot to separate you from your head... ... with just cause.
(Arabella singt) Du machst mich so nervös, und ich zittere, wenn ich dich nur sehe, wenn du sprichst, dann tobt mein Blut, wenn du schweigst, komm ich in Wut.You make me so nervous, and I tremble when all I do is see you when you speak, then my blood it rages, if you say something, I'm furious.
(Seltsame Furcht hatte mein Herz erfasst, und ich zittere noch immer...) (Ich bin geliebt, welch Freude in meinem Herzen!) (The secret dread that seized my heart still makes me tremble...) (I am loved, my heart overflows with joy!
- (Ich zittere!- (I tremble!
Du machst mich so nervös, und ich zittere, wenn ich dich nur sehe.You make me so nervous, and I tremble when all I do is see you.
Ich versuche es selbst, aber ich zittere so sehr.I try to do it, but I tremble.
"zitternd im Sonnenuntergang und rotäugig am Morgen"trembling in the sunset, and were red eyed in the morning
AIs Amerika gegründet wurde, an diesem heißen Tag im juli 1776... waren die Bäume im wald von SpringfieId klein und wuchsen zitternd zur Sonne."When America was born on that hotJuly day in 1 77 6... "the trees in Springfield Forest were tiny saplings, trembling towards the sun.
Bald zitternd in dem weichen, kalten Nest, liegt regungslos im wachen Traum sie dort."Soon, trembling in her soft and chilly nest "In sort of wakeful swoon, perplexed she lay"
Blass, zitternd und für immer untröstlich, wusste sie nicht, dass sie bei ihrem Sohn war.Pallid, trembling. Forever inconsolable. She didn't know it was her son's estate.
Couturier, unbedacht und zitternd, entkam dem Schafott, weil er in den Wellen unterging.Couturier, rash and trembling, who drowned to escape the scaffold.

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