El títol del llibre prové d'una cançó que els nens nord-coreans reciten a escola, «No tenim res a envejar del món», tot i la fam i la malnutrició cròniques que pateix el país. | The book’s title comes from a song that North Korean school children recite, “We have nothing to envy in the world” in spite of chronic malnutrition and famine rampant in the country. |
L'Arthur i el Henry et van envejar. | You were the envy of Mr. Early and Mr. Winslow. |
@RedRazan: Realment envejo el qui tenen tantes paraules per a les mares dels màrtirs el Dia de la Mare. | @RedRazan: I really envy those who have many words to say to the mothers of martyrs on Mother's Day. |
L'envejo. | I envy her. |
T'envejo. | I envy you. |
No li envejo seva tasca. | LlNCOLN: I don’t envy him His task. |
L'envejo per això. | Oh, I envy you that. |
Jeff Thatcher immediatament avança a mostrar-se familiar amb el gran home i a ésser envejat per l'escola. | Jeff Thatcher immediately went forward, to be familiar with the great man and be envied by the school. |
No m'envegi, Sra. Hughes. | Don't envy me, Mrs Hughes. |