Envidiar (to envy) conjugation

90 examples

Conjugation of envidiar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I envy
you envy
he/she/it envies
we envy
you all envy
they envy
Present perfect tense
he envidiado
I have envied
has envidiado
you have envied
ha envidiado
he/she/it has envied
hemos envidiado
we have envied
habéis envidiado
you all have envied
han envidiado
they have envied
Past preterite tense
I envied
you envied
he/she/it envied
we envied
you all envied
they envied
Future tense
I will envy
you will envy
he/she/it will envy
we will envy
you all will envy
they will envy
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would envy
you would envy
he/she/it would envy
we would envy
you all would envy
they would envy
Past imperfect tense
I used to envy
you used to envy
he/she/it used to envy
we used to envy
you all used to envy
they used to envy
Past perfect tense
había envidiado
I had envied
habías envidiado
you had envied
había envidiado
he/she/it had envied
habíamos envidiado
we had envied
habíais envidiado
you all had envied
habían envidiado
they had envied
Future perfect tense
habré envidiado
I will have envied
habrás envidiado
you will have envied
habrá envidiado
he/she/it will have envied
habremos envidiado
we will have envied
habréis envidiado
you all will have envied
habrán envidiado
they will have envied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I envy
(if/so that) you envy
(if/so that) he/she/it envy
(if/so that) we envy
(if/so that) you all envy
(if/so that) they envy
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya envidiado
I have envied
hayas envidiado
you have envied
haya envidiado
he/she/it has envied
hayamos envidiado
we have envied
hayáis envidiado
you all have envied
hayan envidiado
they have envied
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have envied
(if/so that) you have envied
(if/so that) he/she/it have envied
(if/so that) we have envied
(if/so that) you all have envied
(if/so that) they have envied
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have envied
(if/so that) you have envied
(if/so that) he/she/it have envied
(if/so that) we have envied
(if/so that) you all have envied
(if/so that) they have envied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera envidiado
I had envied
hubieras envidiado
you had envied
hubiera envidiado
he/she/it had envied
hubiéramos envidiado
we had envied
hubierais envidiado
you all had envied
hubieran envidiado
they had envied
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese envidiado
I had envied
hubieses envidiado
you had envied
hubiese envidiado
he/she/it had envied
hubiésemos envidiado
we had envied
hubieseis envidiado
you all had envied
hubiesen envidiado
they had envied
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have envied
(if/so that) you will have envied
(if/so that) he/she/it will have envied
(if/so that) we will have envied
(if/so that) you all will have envied
(if/so that) they will have envied
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere envidiado
I will have envied
hubieres envidiado
you will have envied
hubiere envidiado
he/she/it will have envied
hubiéremos envidiado
we will have envied
hubiereis envidiado
you all will have envied
hubieren envidiado
they will have envied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's envy!
Imperative negative mood
no envidies
do not envy!
no envidie
let him/her/it envy!
no envidiemos
let us not envy!
no envidiéis
do not envy!
no envidien
do not envy!

Examples of envidiar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Empiezo a envidiar al ratón muerto.- I'm starting to envy the dead mouse.
-¿Qué hay que envidiar?What's there to envy?
Comprendí mejor que nunca la locura de mi hermano que le envolvía como un manto protector que llegué a envidiar.I understood better than ever my brother's insanity that covered him like a protective cloak that I even grew to envy.
Con la vida que llevo, ¿qué hay que envidiar?With my Iife what is there to envy?
Créeme, no hay nada que envidiar.Believe me, it's nothing to envy.
"llse, ¡cómo te envidio!"Ilse, how I envy you!
'Te envidio por escaparte a esa edad''I envy you to run away at that age'
*No te envidio*♪ I don't envy you ♪
- Bueno, no envidio su suerte.- Well, I don't envy their fate.
- Como la envidio.Oh, how I envy her.
"¿A quién envidias?"."Who do you envy?"
, ¿Me envidias?You envy me?
- Dios mío, ¿pero no los envidias?- My God, but don't you envy them?
- Lo envidias, ¿no es cierto?You envy him, don't you?
- ¿La envidias?- Do you envy her that ?
"de uno que te envidia"."from one who envies you."
- Ella dijo... que envidia su devoción.- She said she envies your devotion.
- No, que me envidia.- No, that he envies me.
- Se dirige a víctimas que son jóvenes y atractivas, que tienen el estilo de vida y la felicidad que él envidia.He targets victims who are young and attractive, whose lifestyle and happiness he envies.
- Sí, cruz. - Le envidia; los oficiales alemanes sólo conocen la guerra por los periódicos.He envies you because a German officer knows about war only from the newspapers.
- La envidiamos.- We envy her.
Admiramos su efectividad y envidiamos que no haya burocracia.We admire your effectiveness and envy your lack of bureaucracy.
Creo que ninguno envidiamos su trabajo.I don't think any of us envy in his job.
Cuando no se tiene hijos envidiamos a los que tienen, y cuando tenemos nos vuelven locos.When we do not have children, and envy those who have, when we have, they treat us like horses!
Le envidiamos.We envy you.
Estoy segura de que todas envidiáis a otras chicas que viven mejor.I'm sure you all envy other girls who seem to be blessed with happier lives.
"Los demonios envidian al hombre serio que ora".'Demons envy the earnest praying man'.
"Todos mis compañeros me envidian.""All my classmates envy me."
# Me lo envidian las olas, las blancas olas, y es de papel.¤ The waves envy me for having it, the white waves, and it's built up of paper.
- Las envidian y luego se asustan.- They envy them, then get scared.
-Muchos nos envidian.There are many who envy us.
Aprendí a actuar cómo él, envidié su sentidoI learned its ways, envied its sense
Cuando antes vi esos trofeos y premios, hubo un momento en que te envidié.When I first saw all those trophies and awards, there was a moment I envied you.
Cuando te vi por primera vez entrar en Roma sobre esa bestia monstruosa resplandeciendo al sol como una estatua de oro envidié a César.From the first instant I saw you... entering Rome on that monstrous stone beast... shining in the sun... like a little gold toy. How I envied Caesar.
Cuando vi eso, envidié al hombre y de repente le odié.When I saw that, I envied the man and I suddenly hated him.
De hecho, envidié eso.I quite envied you that.
Sedujiste mi imaginación, probaste mis debilidades y envidiaste mi verdadera fe y paz espiritual.You stirred up my imagination, approved of my weaknesses and envied my true faith and spiritual peace.
Tú siempre me envidiaste...You've always envied me...
DCI Banks siempre me envidió.DCI Banks has always envied me.
Ella siempre le envidió a su hermano que pudiera hacer eso.She always envied her brother that skill.
Mi padre nunca se quejó y nunca envidió a nadie.My father never complained and never envied anyone.
Todas las mujeres la envidiaron.All women envied her.
Supongo que siempre... le odiaré por eso... y al mismo tiempo le envidiaré.I suppose I will always... hate him for that... as much as I will envy him.
Caballeros, la posteridad nos envidiará.Gentlemen, posterity will envy us.
Estás maravillosa, la gente me envidiará.Today you're cuter than usual, people will envy me.
La Corte te envidiará, Mayenne.The Court will envy you, Mayenne.
Nadie envidiará vuestro futuro si ni siquiera respetáis la memoria de vuestro esposo.No one will envy your future if you don't respect the memory of your husband. He wanted Fernando to reign.
No soy peor que cualquiera y te aseguro que podemos vivir juntos, y la gente nos envidiará.I'm no worse than anyone else and I say we can live together, and people will envy us!
Mmm... y todos nosotros envidiaremos el amor de ustedes.Hmm... and the rest of us will envy the love of you two.
Cuando vuelva a España todos me envidiarán por mi casa.When I get back to Spain everybodywill envy me formy house.
Después, los vivos envidiarán a los muertos.Afterwards, the living will envy the dead.
Haremos una fiesta que nos envidiarán todos!Healthy? We'll give a party which everyone will envy.
Las aves le envidiarán.The birds will envy you.
Les advierto, envidiarán a esta gente...I warn you, these people will envy...
Centrándose en sal fue un golpe de cualquier genio manipulador envidiaría.Focusing on salt was a stroke of genius any spin doctor would envy.
Estos sensuales relatos se han vendido a millones con lo que Mary se permite una vida que hasta su heroína más famosa envidiaría.These steamy stories have sold in the millions... Affording Mary a lifestyle... Even her wealthiest heroine would envy.
Hay mucha gente aquí que envidiaría eso.There's plenty of people here would envy that.
Hay un considerable... Un considerable mazo de cartas que envidiaría Agnelli, por la módica cifra deI have a huge... a huge stack of cards... that even Agnelli would envy, for the paltry sum of
La mismísima Betsy Ross envidiaría su trabajo, Srta. Caroline.Betsy Ross herself would envy your handiwork, Miss Caroline.
Creo que los sobrevivientes envidiarían a los muertos.I think the survivors would envy the dead.
Cuántas mujeres envidiarían una piel tan suave...Such a skin would envy lot of women.
Entonces los muertos envidiarían los vivos.Then the dead would envy the living.
Los Antiguos constructores, trabajaban con una precisión que los arquitectos modernos envidiarían.Ancient builders were working with a precision that modern architects would envy.
Muchas mujeres la envidiarían.Many a woman would envy her position, eh, Germaine?
"¡Deja que me envidie!""Let him envy me!"
No conozco a ningún hombre que no te envidie.There isn't a man I know who doesn't envy you.
No me envidie, Gorlois.Don't envy me, Gorlois.
No me envidie, Sra. Hughes.Don't envy me, Mrs Hughes.
No puedo decir que envidie su cometido, navegar solo en el puerto del enemigo.I can't say that I envy you your commission... to sail alone into the port of the enemy.
- No nos envidies.Oh, don't envy us.
- No quiero que me envidies.- I don't want you to envy me.
A partir de esta noche no envidies nunca a César ni a nada ni a nadie, nunca más.Beginning with tonight, we must never envy Caesar. Or anyone. Anything, again.
Les falta mucho. Se trata de una especie inferior, no los envidies mucho.Well, there's certainly room for improvement but the truth is, Data they are a minor species in the grand scheme-- not worth your envy.
Monseñor, no envidiéis a un hombre por eso.Monseigneur... envy no man for that.
Bien, pero no me envidien si me llevo todo el crédito.O.K. but don't envy me if Officer Lee gives me all the credit.
Déjalos que envidien nuestra felicidad.Let them envy us our happiness, for once.
Elevémonos hasta los cielos para que los mismos dioses nos envidien.Stop! Let us climb to the heavens... That the gods themselves might envy us!
Esta noche quiero que estés a mi lado, para que me envidien... al verme con el más guapo y el más cantor.l want you by my side tonight, l want everyone to envy me... when they see me with the most handsome singer ever...
Iré durante un rato... para que me envidien, tomaré unos camarones y partiré.l'll swing by for a minute, allow them to envy me grab a handful of popcorn shrimp, and blow out of there.
Puede que incluso las envidiara.He may even have envied them.
- Nunca he envidiado nada, pero lo envido!I never envied nothing but envy him!
- Pero, Laura, si no fuera por su tutela, yo nunca ... han desarrollado el instinto de investigación de gran nitidez que he siempre tan envidiado en ti.- But, Laura, if it weren't for your tutelage, I would never... have developed that razor-sharp investigative instinct that I've always so envied in you.
- Siempre te he envidiado.- I've always envied you.
- ¿Quién es el más envidiado?-Who's the most envied?
Así que no será envidiado por los demás ... especialmente a los guardias.So you won't be envied by others... especially the guards.
Britta, ¿por qué pierdes tu tiempo envidiando mi don de la frivolidad, cuando hay tanto que podrías estar haciendo con tu talento natural para la chatura?Britta, why waste your time envying my gift for levity When there's so much you could be doing With your natural talent for severity?
Crecí envidiando a un hombre que nunca había conocido.I grew up envying this man that I never even knew.
Empiezo envidiando esa especie de gracia, pero luego pienso...I begin envying his sort of grace, and then I think...
Las noches en el campamento, cansado como estoy, te escribo ... envidiando la hoja de papel que pronto estará en tus manos ... apretada a tu pecho, quizas incluso a tus labios.The evenings by the campfire, tired as I am, I write to you... envying the sheet of paper which will soon be in your hands... pressed to your breast, perhaps even to your lips.
Luego, esperando, a que se ahogara, nadé hasta la orilla y escondido entre las tumbas, envidiando a los que estaban en ellas...And then, thinking, hoping, that he'd drowned, I swam to the shore and was hiding among the graves there, envying them that were in them...

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