Corupe (to corrupt) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: taint, bribe, pervert, deprave, to bribe

Conjugation of corupe

Present tense
I corrupt
you corrupt
he/she/it corrupts
we corrupt
you all corrupt
they corrupt
Present perfect tense
am corupt
I have corrupted
ai corupt
you have corrupted
a corupt
he/she/it has corrupted
am corupt
we have corrupted
ați corupt
you all have corrupted
au corupt
they have corrupted
Past preterite tense
I corrupted
you corrupted
he/she/it corrupted
we corrupted
you all corrupted
they corrupted
Future tense
voi corupe
I will corrupt
vei corupe
you will corrupt
va corupe
he/she/it will corrupt
vom corupe
we will corrupt
veți corupe
you all will corrupt
vor corupe
they will corrupt
Conditional mood
aș corupe
I would corrupt
ai corupe
you would corrupt
ar corupe
he/she/it would corrupt
am corupe
we would corrupt
ați corupe
you all would corrupt
ar corupe
they would corrupt
Subjunctive present tense
să corup
(so that/if) I corrupt
să corupi
(so that/if) you corrupt
să corupă
(so that/if) he/she/it corrupt
să corupem
(so that/if) we corrupt
să corupeți
(so that/if) you all corrupt
să corupă
(so that/if) they corrupt
Subjunctive past tense
să fi corupt
(so that/if) I have corrupted
să fi corupt
(so that/if) you have corrupted
să fi corupt
(so that/if) he/she/it have corrupted
să fi corupt
(so that/if) we have corrupted
să fi corupt
(so that/if) you all have corrupted
să fi corupt
(so that/if) they have corrupted
Past impf. tense
I was corrupting
you were corrupting
he/she/it was corrupting
we were corrupting
you all were corrupting
they were corrupting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu corupe
do not corrupt!
nu corupeți
do not corrupt!
Past pluperfect tense
I had corrupted
you had corrupted
he/she/it had corrupted
we had corrupted
you all had corrupted
they had corrupted
Future alternative 1 tense
am să corup
I am going to corrupt
ai să corupi
you are going to corrupt
are să corupă
he/she/it is going to corrupt
avem să corupem
we are going to corrupt
aveți să corupeți
you all are going to corrupt
au să corupă
they are going to corrupt
Future alternative 2 tense
o să corup
I am going to corrupt
o să corupi
you are going to corrupt
o să corupă
he/she/it is going to corrupt
o să corupem
we are going to corrupt
o să corupeți
you all are going to corrupt
o să corupă
they are going to corrupt
Future perfect tense
voi fi corupt
I will have corrupted
vei fi corupt
you will have corrupted
va fi corupt
he/she/it will have corrupted
vom fi corupt
we will have corrupted
veți fi corupt
you all will have corrupted
vor fi corupt
they will have corrupted
Future in the past tense
aveam să corup
I was going to corrupt
aveai să corupi
you were going to corrupt
avea să corupă
he/she/it was going to corrupt
aveam să corupem
we were going to corrupt
aveați să corupeți
you all were going to corrupt
aveau să corupă
they were going to corrupt
Conditional past tense
aș fi corupt
I would have corrupted
ai fi corupt
you would have corrupted
ar fi corupt
he/she/it would have corrupted
am fi corupt
we would have corrupted
ați fi corupt
you all would have corrupted
ar fi corupt
they would have corrupted
Presumptive tense
oi corupe
I might corrupt
oi corupe
you might corrupt
o corupe
he/she/it might corrupt
om corupe
we might corrupt
oți corupe
you all might corrupt
or corupe
they might corrupt
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi corupând
I might be corrupting
oi fi corupând
you might be corrupting
o fi corupând
he/she/it might be corrupting
om fi corupând
we might be corrupting
oți fi corupând
you all might be corrupting
or fi corupând
they might be corrupting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi corupt
I might have corrupted
oi fi corupt
you might have corrupted
o fi corupt
he/she/it might have corrupted
om fi corupt
we might have corrupted
oți fi corupt
you all might have corrupted
or fi corupt
they might have corrupted

Examples of corupe

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"... nu-ti corupe arta, doar tu poti face asta.""...doesn't corrupt your art, only you can do that.
"Ei stiu ca pomul este cunoscut dupa fruct, si acea nedreptate corupe un pom asa incat fructele lui palesc si se scorojesc si cad la sfarsit in adancurile istoriei unde alte mari sperante au putrezit si au murit unde egalitatea si libertatea raman inca unica solutie pentru implinire si soliditate intr-un om sau intr-o natiune.""They knew that the tree is known by its fruit, and that injustice corrupts a tree that its fruit withers and shrivels and falls at last to that dark ground of history where other great hopes have rotted and died where equality and freedom remain still the only choice for wholeness and soundness in a man or in a nation."
"Nu iti corupe arta.""It doesn't corrupt your art.
"Puterea absolută te corupe absolut".of the old saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Puterea corupe, iar puterea absolută corupe absolut"'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."'
"Revenit la corup? ie.'Returned to corruption.
- Crezi că-l corup?You think I'm corrupting him.
- Eu nu corup pe nimeni.- Nobody is corrupting anyone.
- Sfâşiat de lăcomia jucătorilor, a administratorilor, a proprietarilor şi a celor care îi corup pe toţi...Ripped apart by the greed of the players, the managers, the owners and the ones that corrupt them all...
- Încerc să te corup.- Keep hoping to corrupt you.
- Ai încercat inutil să-l corupi !- You tried to corrupt him, eh?
- Anya crede că mă corupi.- Anya thought you would corrupt me.
- Nu ai nici un drept sa corupi copiii!-You have no right to corrupt children!
- O să încerci să mă corupi?- Are you gonna try to corrupt me?
- Îi corupi pe cei noi.- Stop corrupt new.
Dar asta nu ne dă dreptul să manipulăm... și să corupem procesul lor politic.But that doesn't give us the right to manipulate... and corrupt their political process.
Desigur, în poziţia mea de asasin economic, mã aşteptam ca Roldos sã fie înlãturat fie printr-o revoltã, fie printr-o asasinare dar avea sã fie înlãturat pentru cã nu putea fi corupt, nu se lãsa sã fie corupt în felul în care vroiam noi sã-l corupem.And of course in my position as an economic hitman I was obviously expecting something to happen to Jaime, whether it be a coup or assassination I wasn't sure, but that he would be taken down because he was was not being corrupted, he would not allow himself to be corrupted the way we wanted to corrupt him.
Doar pentru că am încercat să ucidem sau să corupem pe fiecare dintre voi nu înseamnă că nu suntem de încredere.Just because we tried to kill or corrupt each and every one of you at one time or another doesn't mean we can't be trusted.
Este vreo şansă să-l corupem?Is there a way to corrupt it?
Mergem, încercãm sã corupem guvernul, încercãm sã-i facem sã accepte împrumuturi uriaşe pe care le folosim ca pârghie pentru a-i cumpãra, practic.We go in, we try to corrupt governments and get them to try to accept these huge loans which we then use as leverage, to basically own them.
- A fost corupt de magie, şi dacă nu-i iau puterile, s-ar putea să nu-l pot salva.Well, he's been corrupted by magic and if I don't strip him of his powers, I might not be able to save him.
- Acum darul meu a fost corupt.- Now my gift has been corrupted.
- Banii te-au corupt.- Money's corrupted you.
- Cel pe care l-ai corupt cu ceaiul.- He must be brought in immediately. - The one you corrupted with tea?
- Conducătorul vostru a fost corupt.- Your leader has been corrupted. - Hey.
Credea că antrenorul Phillips corupea jucătorii.He thought coach Phillips was corrupting the players.
Nenorocitul care până de curând îmi corupea fiica?The son of a bitch who until recently was corrupting my daughter?
De fapt, cele două lucruri erau legate pentru că ceea ce încerca să facă era să dezrădăcineze fortele despre care credea că corupseseră Germania si să se întoarcă la strămosii cu sânge pur.But actually, the two things of course, are linked because what he was trying to do was to rout out the forces which he believed had corrupted Germany and get back to their pure-blooded forefathers.
Îl corupseseră.They had corrupted him.
- Sfinţia Voastră, am nedreptăţit un tâmplar evreu sărac, dar, corupând judecătorii, martorii, funcţionarii, avocaţii, cardinalii, abaţii, experţii, administratorii, am putut să-l condamn pe acest amărât doar pentru că e sărac şi evreuHoliness, I wronged a poor Jewish carpenter. But, corrupting judges, witnesses, officers, lawyers, cardinals, abbots, officials, experts, administrators, I had that poor thing condemned only because he is poor and Jewish while I'm rich and Christian.
Dar până în 1930, când Coca-Cola l-a luat în primire, brusc, a devenit un grăsan în costum roşu, care zboară într-o sanie trasă de reni, corupând în totalitate sărbătoare şi făcând mişto de tot sensul său religios.But by 1931, Coca-Cola got ahold of him. He suddenly became this big fat ass in a red suit... flying around with a sleigh and reindeer... totally corrupting the holiday and mocking any religious meaning behind it.
Puterea absolută corupând absolut.Absolute power corrupting absolutely?

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