"Jag ska stycka min fars imperium." En idé Robert kommer att avvisa. | "I will split up my father's empire." Now, this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject which is why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious. |
- Lannisters kommer att avvisa. | The Lannisters are going to reject your terms, you know? |
Bibeln lär oss att avvisa den kallelsen. | The Bible teaches us to reject this call. |
Det jag vill veta är om vi har råd att avvisa honom. | What I want to know is can we afford to reject them? |
Det var ditt sätt att avvisa hans kärlek som drev in honom i denna likgiltighet. | Ah, but you were there, Phoebe. It was your cold rejection of his love that drove him to that reckless despair. |
"Jag ska stycka min fars imperium." En idé Robert kommer att avvisa. | "I will split up my father's empire." Now, this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject which is why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious. |
- Du får något från mig också avvisa dig? | -You get something from me also reject you? |
- Du kan inte avvisa mig. | - Hey, you cannot reject me. |
- Kan du inte sluta avvisa mig? | Would you stop rejecting me? |
- Lannisters kommer att avvisa. | The Lannisters are going to reject your terms, you know? |
"Och till sist, avvisar jag ditt sista erbjudande. | "And, in conclusion, I reject your final offer. |
- Du får de Sylvia Mountford avvisar? | You get Sylvia Mountford's rejects? |
- Du säger: "Jag avvisar dig helt." | - It's basically a nicer way of saying, - "I reject you completely." |
- Jag avvisar verkligheten. | I reject reality. |
-Du avvisar alla mina presenter. | You reject all my presents. What? |
- Jag tycker inte om att bli avvisad. | - I do not like being rejected. |
- Sharon, jag har blivit avvisad av... ...32 olika kvinnor i mitt liv. | Sharon, I have been rejected by 32 different women in my life. |
-Miss Ridgeway är en avvisad älskare. | You know that Miss Ridgeway is a rejected lover? |
Annars är man på en bro... avvisad. | Otherwise you're on a bridge, rejected. |
Calaf har blivit avvisad av kvinnan han älskar, en prinsessa. | Calaf has been rejected by the woman that he loves. - She's a princess. |
"Amy Sutton erbjöd sitt hjärta till McGregor, men han avvisade henne. | "Forensic Specialist Amy Sutton offered her heart "to Agent McGregor, only to be rejected. |
- Jag har inte dolt min besvikelse att ni avvisade Toms förslag för mass- internering av folk med arabisk härkomst. | I've made no secret of my disappointment that you rejected Tom Lennox's plan for mass internment of Arab nationals in our country. |
- Lisa avvisade honom. | But Lisa rejected him. |
- Presidenten avvisade det förslaget. | The President rejected that plan. What's your point? |
-Du avvisade mig Michael. | You rejected me, Michael. |
...timmarav en crimoniousdebatt... dendemokratiskamedborgareregeln har avvisat en planka ... framavdemokratiskaduvor... kräverettvillkorslöstslut till alla bombningarna av Nordvietnam . | ... hours of a crimonious debate... the Democratic National Convention has rejected a plank... advanced by Democratic doves... calling for an unconditional end to all bombing of North Vietnam. |
Allt i deras lilla värld var tiggt, lånat eller stulet från det brittiska samhälle som skapat och sen avvisat dem. | Everything in their own little world was just secondhand illusion. It was begged, borrowed, or stolen from the British society that had made them And then rejected them in the same breath. |
Dessutom hade jag det, och du hade avvisat mig, skulle jag ha föraktat dig och då skulle jag inte sitta här... Och ha mitt livs bästa kväll. | Besides which, if I had, and you had rejected me, I would have despised you, and I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now, having the having the best night of my entire life. |
Du har avvisat hans kontaktförsök och knappt tålt hans forskning. | You've rejected any social overtures he's made to you. You've barely even tolerated the research that he asked us to conduct. |
Du har inte avvisat honom. | You haven't rejected him. |