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Kagumi (to admire) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of kagumi

Present tense
I admire
Past tense
sudah kagumi
I admired
Present perfect tense
sudah kagumi
I have admired
Future perfect tense
akan sudah kagumi
I will have admired
Future recent tense
kagumi nanti
I will admire
Future distant tense
kagumi kelak
I am going to admire
Present continuous tense
sedang kagumi
I admire
Past distant tense
dulu kagumi
I (a long time ago) admired
Past recent tense
kagumi tadi
I (recently) admired
Past very recent tense
baru saja kagumi
I (just now) admired

Examples of kagumi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kau tahu, aku kagumi sifat skeptis anda, Margaret, tetapi Anda tidak dapat menyangkal kenyataan hanya karena Anda tidak bisa menjelaskannya.You know, I admire your skepticism, Margaret, but you can't deny reality just because you can't explain it.
Terutama dari seseorang yang saya kagumi sebanyak yang Anda.Especially from someone I admire as much as you.
Aku ingat saat itu begitu banyak orang yang aku kagumi bahwa hidup mereka di dedikasikan untuk sesuatu yang lebih besar dari diri mereka sendiri.I remember thinking at the time, that... so many of the men that I admire most, you know, that their lives were... were dedicated to something greater than themselves...
Salah satu hal yang aku paling kagumi tentangmu, adalah optimisme-mu.One of the things I have most admired about you Is your optimism.
ya, Di matanya, aku mewujudkan Otoritas Ilmiah segala sesuatu yang ia kagumi.In his eyes, I am the Scientific Authority of everything he admires.

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