Emas yang dilebur dari uang yang kau curi? | Gold melted down from the money you stole? |
Kita telah berada di tempat yang akan kita curi. | We have been made in the very place we are supposed to take down. |
Kau ingat saat kau membobol masuk ke lab hewan itu... dan, kau curi monyet itu lalu kau taruh di kamar asramanya Andy Rosenberg? | You remember that time that you broke into the animal lab... and, like, stole that monkey and put it in Andy Rosenberg's dorm room? |
Berdasarkan yang kita curi, ditambah bunga... -...berapa hutang masing-masing? | Based on what we stole, plus interest how much does everybody owe? |
Dengar, kita cari tau dulu apa yang kita curi, lalu baru kita pikirkan apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan Bobby. | Look, let's just figure out what that thing we stole is, and then we'll figure out what the hell to do with Bobby. |