Ofender (to offend) conjugation

107 examples

Conjugation of ofender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I offend
you offend
he/she/it offends
we offend
you all offend
they offend
Present perfect tense
he ofendido
I have offended
has ofendido
you have offended
ha ofendido
he/she/it has offended
hemos ofendido
we have offended
habéis ofendido
you all have offended
han ofendido
they have offended
Past preterite tense
I offended
you offended
he/she/it offended
we offended
you all offended
they offended
Future tense
I will offend
you will offend
he/she/it will offend
we will offend
you all will offend
they will offend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would offend
you would offend
he/she/it would offend
we would offend
you all would offend
they would offend
Past imperfect tense
I used to offend
you used to offend
he/she/it used to offend
we used to offend
you all used to offend
they used to offend
Past perfect tense
había ofendido
I had offended
habías ofendido
you had offended
había ofendido
he/she/it had offended
habíamos ofendido
we had offended
habíais ofendido
you all had offended
habían ofendido
they had offended
Future perfect tense
habré ofendido
I will have offended
habrás ofendido
you will have offended
habrá ofendido
he/she/it will have offended
habremos ofendido
we will have offended
habréis ofendido
you all will have offended
habrán ofendido
they will have offended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I offend
(if/so that) you offend
(if/so that) he/she/it offend
(if/so that) we offend
(if/so that) you all offend
(if/so that) they offend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ofendido
I have offended
hayas ofendido
you have offended
haya ofendido
he/she/it has offended
hayamos ofendido
we have offended
hayáis ofendido
you all have offended
hayan ofendido
they have offended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have offended
(if/so that) you have offended
(if/so that) he/she/it have offended
(if/so that) we have offended
(if/so that) you all have offended
(if/so that) they have offended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have offended
(if/so that) you have offended
(if/so that) he/she/it have offended
(if/so that) we have offended
(if/so that) you all have offended
(if/so that) they have offended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ofendido
I had offended
hubieras ofendido
you had offended
hubiera ofendido
he/she/it had offended
hubiéramos ofendido
we had offended
hubierais ofendido
you all had offended
hubieran ofendido
they had offended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ofendido
I had offended
hubieses ofendido
you had offended
hubiese ofendido
he/she/it had offended
hubiésemos ofendido
we had offended
hubieseis ofendido
you all had offended
hubiesen ofendido
they had offended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have offended
(if/so that) you will have offended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have offended
(if/so that) we will have offended
(if/so that) you all will have offended
(if/so that) they will have offended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ofendido
I will have offended
hubieres ofendido
you will have offended
hubiere ofendido
he/she/it will have offended
hubiéremos ofendido
we will have offended
hubiereis ofendido
you all will have offended
hubieren ofendido
they will have offended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's offend!
Imperative negative mood
no ofendas
do not offend!
no ofenda
let him/her/it offend!
no ofendamos
let us not offend!
no ofendáis
do not offend!
no ofendan
do not offend!

Examples of ofender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," fue criticada por esforzarse de no ofender a los espectadores blancos, y por no tener tacto con la problemática racial de 1967."Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," was criticized for taking pains not to offend white moviegoers and for being out of touch with the racial storms of 1967.
"No venimos a ofender, sino por bien mostrar nuestra... habilidad.""We come not to offend, but with goodwill to show our... Our simple skills."
- Cenando tres veces porque no quiero ofender a dos cocineros.Eating three dinners Because I don't want to offend two cooks...
- Comadre, tienes que venir. - No quiero ofender a Matteo.- No, I don't want to offend Matteo.
- Me voy a ofender...- I'm going to offend...
- Me ofendo, como dicen aquí.- I was offended, as they say here.
- Me ofendo.- I offended.
- ¿Así que yo no le ofendo?- So, I don't offend you then?
- ¿Cómo ofendo, milord?- How do I offend, my lord?
A este comité de desafuero... de gentiles, abogados de elite, hombres de clubes sociales... los ofendo.This disbarment committee... genteel gentlemen, Brahmin lawyers, country-club men... I offend them.
, me ofendes.I'm offended.
- Está bien, no me ofendes.- That's fine, I'm not offended.
- Me ofendes.- I'm offended.
'El Candelero' ofende Sólo a la decencia."Il Candelaio" offends only our decency.
- A mí me ofende.It offends me, sir.
- Disculpe si la pregunta le ofende.-l'm sorry if the question offends you.
- Eso me ofende.- That offends me.
- La ofende.- It offends her.
-Los que ofendemos no estarán viendo TV.- The ones we offend won't watch.
A quién ofendemos?Who are we offending?
Cada vez que mentimos ofendemos a Dios.Every time we tell a lie... ..we are offending God.
Debemos averiguarlo, por lo que no ofendemos a nadie.We should find out, so we don't offend anyone.
Dos días sin respuesta, nos ofendemos.Two days unanswered, we get offended.
Cómo los negros os ofendéis con los bombones.How black people are offended by chocolates.
Los negros os ofendéis por todo.Ugh! Black people are offended by everything.
No me ofendéis, Maestro Gawain.I am not offended, Master Gawain.
Pero tú y tus amigos extranjeros nos incitáis al desorden ofendéis al gran Güin y le invitáis a negarnos sus bienes.When you and your foreign friends lead us into your easy ways you offend the Great 'Guin. You invite him to withhold his bounty.
Y vos ofendéis a Dios, actuando con violencia en este recinto.And you offend god by offering violence here.
"¿Judíos que ofenden a la nación, o judíos que no la ofenden?The Jews who offend the nation, or those who do not?
- A menudo he visto que las gorditas son las que se ofenden con más facilidad.- I've often found that... it's the chubby girls who offend most easily.
- Bueno, sí, pero, los hombres se ofenden muy fácilmente!- Well, yeah, but, men are so easily offended!
- Me ofenden.- You'll offend me.
- ¿Estas cosas no te ofenden tampoco?- Aren't you offended too?
# Tal vez te ofendí al traer el lavavajillas # # Tú con las manos haces más maravillas #Maybe you were offended by the dishwasher you with your hands are more prodigious.
- Chuck, siento mucho si te ofendí.Chuck, l´m sorry l offended you.
- Lamento si la ofendí.- I'm sorry if I offended you.
- Lo siento señor si lo ofendí.- Sorry sir if I've offended you.
- Pero me ofendí.- Well, I'm offended.
- Llamó Helena para decirme que debido a que la ofendiste se lleva la colección a Christie.- Helena called to tell me that she was so offended by your behaviour that she's taking her collection to Christie's.
- Lo ofendiste solo por sugerirlo.- You have offended him by merely suggesting it.
- Me temo que ofendiste al General.- I'm afraid you offended the General.
- ¿No te ofendiste?- You weren't offended?
- ¿Te ofendiste por el sketch?Were you offended by the sketch?
"No perros o indios". El Nawab se ofendió, Señor."No Dogs or Indians." The Nawab was most offended, sir.
'Llegó con un perro, un Pastor Alemán, 'lo cual ofendió automáticamente a los Africanos 'desde que los Belgas los habían usado como perros policías.'He arrived with a dog, a German shepherd, 'which immediately offended Africans 'since the Belgians had used them as police dogs.'
- Disculpe si mi esposa lo ofendió.- I'm sorry if my wife offended you. - Oh, no.
- Ella me ofendió.- She offended.
- Eso no me ofendió.I wasn't offended by it.
- Lamento si la ofendimos.Oh, I'm so sorry if we've offended you.
Les ofendimos y, por ello, lo lamento.We offended you, and for that, I am sorry.
Mire, lo sentimos mucho si lo ofendimos.Look, we're very sorry if you were offended.
No hubo un vidrio roto, no hubo un automóvil destruido, no hubo un adversario nuestro, que pudiera decir que le ofendimos, ni siquiera de palabra.There wasn't a broken glass, there wasn't a burnt car, there was no adversary of ours, who could even say we offended him, not even verbally.
Nos ofendimos muchísimo por eso.We were quite offended at the time.
Hace poco los dos le ofendisteis.A very short sleep ago you both offended him.
"El rey cristiano de Inglaterra ha librado una cruel guerra contra la naturaleza humana en personas de un pueblo distante que nunca le ofendieron haciéndolos cautivos y esclavizándolos en otro hemisferio"."The Christian king of Great Britain has waged cruel war against human nature itself in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere."
- ¡Los invitados húngaros... se ofendieron con Su Alteza Real Sofia... y quieren retirarse del baile!- The Hungarian guests... got offended with the Royal Highness Sofia... and they want to leave the ball!
Ahora aquí están los que se ofendieron con ella. ...y que ven en la vida de Emma Bovary un ataque a la moral publica.Now there are those who are offended by her and who see in Emma Bovary's life an attack upon public morality.
Antipas continuó presionando a Roma para que lo nombraran rey... hasta que sus esfuerzos ofendieron al nuevo emperador, Calígula. Antipas y Herodías fueron exiliados a Galia... donde murieron en el olvido.Antipas continued pressing Rome to be named king until his efforts offended the new emperor, caligula antipas and herodia were exiled to Gaul, where they died in obscurity.
De hecho, las mamás cristianas furiosas de la asociación de padres se ofendieron mucho por eso.In fact, the angry Christian moms I heard from in the PTA were pretty offended by it.
Más tarde o más temprano, alguien más la ofenderá mucho más y se le olvidará todo.Sooner or later, someone else will offend her even worse and she'll forget all about it.
No debe contarme lo que ve o usted ofenderá a su guía animal.You must not discuss with me what you see, or you will offend your animal guide.
Pero un retrato de Vladimir Lenin ofenderá a mucha gente. En particular a mi padre.But a portrait of Vladimir Lenin will offend many people... in particular, my father.
Vuestra verdad ofenderá a muchos.Your truth will offend many.
Y la mejor parte es que este asunto de los perros no ofenderá a nadie.Oh, and the best part is this dog issue will offend no one.
Pero ofenderemos a Apolo, dios de la luz y la verdad.But we will offend Apollo, god of light and truth.
Ahora que tienes capacidad de asesinar, un leve insulto ofendería tus circuitos.Now that you've found yourself capable of murder, I don't suppose anything as minor as an insult would offend your circuits.
Algo que ofendería a una ramera de puerto... parece ser el único comportamiento que acepta el rey Hitihiti.Manners that would offend a dockside harlot seem to be the only acceptable behavior to King Hitihiti.
Eso te ofendería.That would offend you.
La prostitución ofendería la moralidad de Leo.Prostitution would offend Leo's moral sensibilities.
Mi Señor, poner a Wang en contra de Xue ofendería a la Corte y enviarían sus tropas.My lord, setting Wang against Xue would offend the Court and they will send troops.
Cartas ilegibles, que ofenderían la dignidad de esta sala.Illegible letters that would offend the dignity of this courtroom.
"No se ofenda." ¿Por qué debería estar ofendido?Oh, don't be offended. "Don't be offended." Why should I be offended?
"Quienquiera que ofenda a uno de estos pequeños que creen en mí, sería mejor para él que tuviese una piedra puesta alrededor de su cuello, y fuese arrojado al mar."Whosoever shall offend one of these iittle ones that believe in me it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea.
"Y puesto que París es una fémina no se ofenda el señor marqués."And since Paris is a female Mr. Marquis does not offend."
- Espero no se ofenda, señor.- I hope you won't be offended, sir.
- Espero que no se ofenda demasiado.I hope you won't be too offended.
"Disculpa, Michael, por favor, no te ofendas pero no me gustan las flores artificiales, ya te había dicho que me gustan las flores frescas".Sorry, Michael. Please don't get offended. It's just that I don't like the dead flowers and I told you before that I like the live flowers...
"Haré las paces entre tú y ellos, de modo que no los ofendas más, que perdonen todas tus ofensas, que ni los hombres ni los perros...""Brother Wolf, I want to make peace, so you no longer offend them, "and they forgive all past offenses. So neither men nor dogs..."
"No toques esa clase de música. No ofendas a la gente"."Don't play this kind of music, don't offend the people".
- No me ofendas, ¿bien?- Do not offend me, okay?
- No ofendas a nadie.- Don't offend anyone.
Considérate con suerte de que no nos ofendamos.Just count yourself lucky we aren't offended. Erik.
Habéis estado todos estupendos. Nos os ofendáis porque les haya halagado a ellos dos.Yet all you have proved skilled so you should not feel offended if I praise those two too much.
No ofendáis a nuestro Dios.Do not offend our God.
No os ofendáis.Don't be offended.
Os mando este dinero, no os ofendáis.I send you this money and I hope you're not offended.
Perdonad, no os ofendáis, pero nadie nos ha pedido opinión.Wait a minute don't feel offended, but nobody has asked us for an opinion.
- Es nueva. - No se ofendan pero tengo una prometida.-I don't mean to offend you, ladies but I have a fiancée.
Abusen de su fuerza, pero no ofendan la majestad de Dios que los ha creado.Abuse your strength, but don't offend the majesty of the lord, your creator.
Bueno, pueden hablar mientras que no ofendan a nadie más supongo.Well, uh...they can speak, uh, just so long as, uh, they don't offend anybody else, uh, I suppose.
Cantos religiosos, canciones populares que no ofendan a nadie,...Religious songs, folk songs that won't offend anyone...
El fiscal, don "Me Reelegiré En Noviembre" Ginsberg quiere que se ofendan.Mr. District Attorney " My name appears second on the ballot" Ginsberg wants you to be offended.
Así que si hice algo que te ofendiera, perdóname.So if I did anything that might have offended you, I'm sorry.
Debo haberle hecho algo que la ofendiera sin darme cuenta.I must have offended her without noticing it.
"Aunque estoy atado a la virtud, al alba se burlan de mí, ycon el crepúsculo se ríen, ofendido entrelazo orquídeas con flores de angélica divina..."Although I am tied to virtue, as dawn teases me, with twilight laugh, intertwining offended orchids with divine angelic flower ...
"Dios, me arrepiento de todo corazón de haberte ofendido..."Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee...
"Me ha ofendido"."It offended me."
"No se ofenda." ¿Por qué debería estar ofendido?Oh, don't be offended. "Don't be offended." Why should I be offended?
"No solo está ofendido sino abatido "por la falta de noticias vuestras."Not just offended but discouraged, at the lack of news from you."
- Me está ofendiendo, Philip.He's offending me, Philip.
- Me están ofendiendo a mí... ¡y yo estoy vivo, maldita sea!~ They're offending me and I'm a-bloody-live!
- No me estás ofendiendo.- You're not offending me.
- Samira: ¿Pero te estoy ofendiendo a ti?- Samira: But am I offending you?
Al ausentarse, me está ofendiendo.By not being here, he's offending me.
- Me ofendés, me ofendés.You offended me, Mom.
Papá, te pido un favor, no te ofendés, métete en un baño y lávate un poco.Dad, do me a favor. Don't be offended. Take a bath.
¡Encima te ofendés!Now you're offended!

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