Inimesed peavad aru saama, et me ei suuda kõiki kaitsta, isegi kui eraldame kogu föderaaleelarve julgeolekule. | People have to realize, we cannot make everybody totally safe, even if we allocated the entire federal budget towards security. |
Ma eraldasin sulle pool kummutit. | And here I've allocated half the dresser space for you. |
Ma oleksin pidanud teatama kohalikule politseile, et panna sulle suukorv ette... ja eraldada suurem hulk raha asutuse renoveerimise peale! | I've had to notify the local police, pull out the special branch, get the minister to muzzle the press and allocate a sizeable chunk of my meager budget to renovating the establishment! |
Vastuseks teie palvetele on osariik eraldanud teie raamatukogu projektile raha." | In response to your inquiries... ...the state has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project." |