Kui ma harjun Westoni perekonna privileegidega, arvab ta, et ma ei taha olla hariliku ametniku naine. | If I become accustomed to the privileges of the Weston family, - - he thinks I will not be content as the wife of a mere clerk. |
Ta arvab, et kui ma harjun ära Westenra perekonna jõukusest tekkinud privileegidega... ...mul pole enam tahtmist saada naiseks advokaadifirma tavalisele ametnikule. | He thinks that if I become accustomed to the wealth of the Westenra family... ...I will not be content as the wife of a mere clerk in a law firm. |
See on häiriv, kuid harjud sellega ära. | It's disturbing, but you get accustomed to it. |
Sigadega koos elades harjud saastaga liigselt ära. | Living with pigs, one grows all too accustomed to filth. |
Sam, niikaua, kuni Daisy ja Baby sinuga harjuvad, palun kanna nende toitmisel ohutusülikonda. | "Sam, until Daisy and Baby are accustomed to you, "please wear the safety suit in the hall closet when you feed them." |
Kui me olime abielus, harjusin ma ära teatud elustiiliga ja mul on õigus rahale, et seda elustiili säilitada. | When we were married, I got accustomed To a certain lifestyle, and I'm entitled To money to maintain that lifestyle. |
Kuna ta muutus minu lähenemiste suhtes jahedamaks harjusin tema teeneid ostma. | As she grew cooler towards my advances,... ..l became accustomed to purchasing her favours. |
Kuna ta muutus minu lähenemiste suhtes jahedamaks... ... harjusin tema teeneid ostma. | As she grew cooler towards my advances,... ..l became accustomed to purchasing her favors. |
Kui me teineteisega juba harjusime... hakkas ta sõrmitsema oma juukseklambrit. | When we grew accustomed one to another she started to play with the clips in her hair. |
Lõpuks me harjusime üksteisega. | In the end we grew accustomed to each other. |
Siis peab prints harjuma sellega, et alati ei saa kõike, mida tahab. | Then Prince Hapi will have to get accustomed to not getting everything he wants. |
Midagi, millega oleks teil kasulik ära harjuda. | Something that would be useful for you to be accustomed to. |
Mõtlesin, et soovite ehk pisut harjuda. | I thought you might like a little time to accustom yourself. |
- Ilmselt oled sa aastatega solvamisega harjunud. | - It's obvious you've become accustomed to abuse over the years. |
- Kõik on korras. Ma saan aru et sa ei ole harjunud ümbritsevaga. | I understand that you're not accustomed to these surroundings. |
- Me oleme harjunud, et meid kummaliselt vaadatakse. | We've grown accustomed to people looking at us funny. |
- Millisesse täpsemalt? Sest Marceli ajal oli linn harjunud kuningaga. | Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king. |
- Kõik on korras. Ma saan aru et sa ei ole harjunud ümbritsevaga. | I understand that you're not accustomed to these surroundings. |
Kuid ma ei ole harjunud Peterburi peene köögiga. | But then I'm not accustomed to the fine cuisine of Petersburg. |
Ma ei ole harjunud alltöövõtjatega, kes lepingutingimusi dikteerivad. | I'm not accustomed to having contractors dictate terms. |
Füürer pole harjunud, et teda ignoreeritakse, hr. Schmidt. | The Fuhrer is not accustomed to being ignored, Herr Schmidt. |
Ma pole harjunud keset ööd büroos käima. | I'm not accustomed to being summoned to the office in the middle of the night. |