Acostumbrar (to accustom) conjugation

57 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: get, to use to, inure, familiarize, use

Conjugation of acostumbrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I accustom
you accustom
he/she/it accustoms
we accustom
you all accustom
they accustom
Present perfect tense
he acostumbrado
I have accustomed
has acostumbrado
you have accustomed
ha acostumbrado
he/she/it has accustomed
hemos acostumbrado
we have accustomed
habéis acostumbrado
you all have accustomed
han acostumbrado
they have accustomed
Past preterite tense
I accustomed
you accustomed
he/she/it accustomed
we accustomed
you all accustomed
they accustomed
Future tense
I will accustom
you will accustom
he/she/it will accustom
we will accustom
you all will accustom
they will accustom
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would accustom
you would accustom
he/she/it would accustom
we would accustom
you all would accustom
they would accustom
Past imperfect tense
I used to accustom
you used to accustom
he/she/it used to accustom
we used to accustom
you all used to accustom
they used to accustom
Past perfect tense
había acostumbrado
I had accustomed
habías acostumbrado
you had accustomed
había acostumbrado
he/she/it had accustomed
habíamos acostumbrado
we had accustomed
habíais acostumbrado
you all had accustomed
habían acostumbrado
they had accustomed
Future perfect tense
habré acostumbrado
I will have accustomed
habrás acostumbrado
you will have accustomed
habrá acostumbrado
he/she/it will have accustomed
habremos acostumbrado
we will have accustomed
habréis acostumbrado
you all will have accustomed
habrán acostumbrado
they will have accustomed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I accustom
(if/so that) you accustom
(if/so that) he/she/it accustom
(if/so that) we accustom
(if/so that) you all accustom
(if/so that) they accustom
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya acostumbrado
I have accustomed
hayas acostumbrado
you have accustomed
haya acostumbrado
he/she/it has accustomed
hayamos acostumbrado
we have accustomed
hayáis acostumbrado
you all have accustomed
hayan acostumbrado
they have accustomed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have accustomed
(if/so that) you have accustomed
(if/so that) he/she/it have accustomed
(if/so that) we have accustomed
(if/so that) you all have accustomed
(if/so that) they have accustomed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have accustomed
(if/so that) you have accustomed
(if/so that) he/she/it have accustomed
(if/so that) we have accustomed
(if/so that) you all have accustomed
(if/so that) they have accustomed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera acostumbrado
I had accustomed
hubieras acostumbrado
you had accustomed
hubiera acostumbrado
he/she/it had accustomed
hubiéramos acostumbrado
we had accustomed
hubierais acostumbrado
you all had accustomed
hubieran acostumbrado
they had accustomed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese acostumbrado
I had accustomed
hubieses acostumbrado
you had accustomed
hubiese acostumbrado
he/she/it had accustomed
hubiésemos acostumbrado
we had accustomed
hubieseis acostumbrado
you all had accustomed
hubiesen acostumbrado
they had accustomed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have accustomed
(if/so that) you will have accustomed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have accustomed
(if/so that) we will have accustomed
(if/so that) you all will have accustomed
(if/so that) they will have accustomed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere acostumbrado
I will have accustomed
hubieres acostumbrado
you will have accustomed
hubiere acostumbrado
he/she/it will have accustomed
hubiéremos acostumbrado
we will have accustomed
hubiereis acostumbrado
you all will have accustomed
hubieren acostumbrado
they will have accustomed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's accustom!
Imperative negative mood
no acostumbres
do not accustom!
no acostumbre
let him/her/it accustom!
no acostumbremos
let us not accustom!
no acostumbréis
do not accustom!
no acostumbren
do not accustom!

Examples of acostumbrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"No acostumbro a beber alcohol. "I'm not accustomed to drinking alcohol.
"Yo, La Perichole, no acostumbro esperar en una cita".I, La Perichole, am not accustomed to wait at a rendezvous.
- Ya dije, no acostumbro tomar licores.-Like I said, I'm not accustomed to drinking hard liquor.
Bien, vale, lo gracioso es que, y la verdad es que no es gracioso en absoluto, puede que no las haya conseguido de la manera en la que acostumbro a hacerlo.Oh, right, well, the funny thing is, and truth is it's not funny at all, I may not have come across those in the manner that you've grown accustomed to.
Billy, no acostumbro a entregar mis ganancias.Billy, I'm not accustomed to giving my profits away.
Ahora acostumbras a tratar con señores.You're accustomed to being around gentlemen now.
Es inquietante, pero te acostumbras.It's disturbing, but you get accustomed to it.
La muerte a gran escala, como acostumbras, ya no está de moda.Killing on the scale you're accustomed to isn't fashionable anymore.
Llega el dinero tan fácil y te acostumbras.But when the money comes in so easy, you get accustomed to that lifestyle, and before you know it, you become a steamer, you become a hot rod.
No es el tipo de pulseras que acostumbras a llevar, supongo.Not the, uh, wrist wear you're accustomed to wearing, I imagine.
No es lo que acostumbra.It is not what accustoms.
"Nos acostumbramos a mirar..."We are accustomed to look...
Cuando mira cuidadosamente a la pintura, no hay duda de que ella coloca sus manos en una actitud particular, que acostumbramos a ver, en la parte superior del abdomen de mujeres con embarazo avanzado.As you look carefully at the picture, there's no question that she's holding her hands in a particular attitude, that we're accustomed to seeing on the upper abdomens of women far advanced in pregnancy.
El gran crecimiento hacia los suburbios al que nos acostumbramos los centros comerciales las grandes tiendas con sus enormes playas de estacionamiento todos ellos fueron posibles porque teníamos gasolina barata y como la energía es cada vez más costosa, verás que esos lugares se vuelven menos atractivas para vivir.The large spread out suburbs that we've grown accustomed to, the strip malls, the big box stores with their enormous parking lots around them, all of those have been made possible because we've had cheap gasoline, and as energy becomes much more expensive, you'll see that those areas become less desirable places to live.
En el momento en que nos acostumbramos a arrastrarnos, nos elevamos en dos piernas.The moment we become accustom to crawling, we stand on 2 legs.
Esto no es más, de lo que acostumbramos a recibir.That is not the more we are accustomed to receiving.
- Se acostumbran a poner huevos.- They're accustomed to laying eggs.
Se acostumbran a que les hagan todo.I mean, they're accustomed to havin' things just so.
Sus ojos se acostumbran a Ia oscuridad.Your eyes grow accustomed to the dark.
Tenemos que convencerles para que den más de lo que acostumbran a dar.We must convince them to give more than they are accustomed to.
Tomé las largas cadenas de razonamientos simples y fáciles que los geómetras acostumbran a usar.I took the long chains of simple and easy reasonings which geometers are accustomed to use.
A medida que ella crecía se volvía, más fría hacia mis avances y me acostumbré a comprar sus favores.As she grew cooler towards my advances,... ..l became accustomed to purchasing her favours.
Cuando estábamos casados, me acostumbré a cierto estilo de vida, y tengo derecho a dinero para mantener ese estilo de vida.When we were married, I got accustomed To a certain lifestyle, and I'm entitled To money to maintain that lifestyle.
Entré en su mundo y me acostumbré a su estilo de vida. - Me ajusté.I entered his world, and I became accustomed to his life style, adjusted.
Entré en su mundoy me acostumbré a su estilo de vida.I entered his world, and I became accustomed to his lifestyle, adjusted.
Me acostumbré a Ud.I am accustomed to you.
Ya te acostumbraste a ml caraYou've grown accustomed to my face
¿Te acostumbraste a vivir aquí?Are you accustomed to life in here?
A lo largo de los años, se acostumbró a estar bajo el foco.Over the years, he became accustomed to the spotlight.
A lo largo de los años, se acostumbró a ser el foco de atención.Over the years, he became accustomed to the spotlight.
Antípatro se acostumbró al poder que le has dado.Antipater, accustomed now to the power that you have given him.
El personal se acostumbró a su inmovilidad y silencio.The stuff grew accustomed to his immobility and silence.
Porque durante el tiempo que Marcel estuvo a cargo la ciudad se acostumbró a tener un rey.Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king.
Despacio, los conejos se acostumbraron al nuevo lugarSlowly, the rabbits became accustomed to the new place
La niñita de Dolly fue bautizada como Samantha, un nombre bastante moderno, al que algunos nunca se acostumbraron.'Dolly's little girl was christened Samantha, 'a rather modern name, to which some people never became accustomed.'
Mamá, papá y Flossy ya se acostumbraron a que escriba a esta hora, y ya me dieron las buenas noches.Mother, father and Flossy have grown accustomed to my late night scribbling, and have bid me goodnight.
Cuanto antes se acostumbre a las aventuras, mejor.The sooner he gets accustomed to adventures, the better.
Necesita tiempo para que se acostumbre a sus nuevas responsabilidades.She must be given a little time... to become accustomed to her new responsibilities.
No veo ningún propósito en privarme... del confort al que me acostumbre.I don't see any purpose in depriving myself... of the comforts I've become accustomed to.
Quiero que se acostumbre al hecho... de que espero lo mejor... aún mejor que eso.I want you should be accustomed to the fact... that I am acquainted with the best... even better.
Una vez que se acostumbre a la novedad, saltará arriba y abajo por esta sucesión de aros y será una atractiva vista.Once he's accustomed to the novelty, he will hop up and down this succession of hoops and make a very fetching sight!
No te acostumbres.Don't grow accustomed.
¿Y si te recojo, para que te acostumbres... a tu futuro nivel de vida?- What do you say I chauffeur you around... to the manner in which you are soon to become accustomed?
Después, cuando nos acostumbremos a nuestras nuevas relaciones... será un placer recibirlo a Ud. Y a los demás amigos de mi esposa... en nuestra casa de San Francisco... si ella aún así lo desea.Later, when we've had time to get accustomed to our new relations... I shall be delighted to welcome you and others of my wife's friends... to our home in San Francisco. If it is still her desire.
Mientras tanto puedes soportarnos a mí y a Walt de manera que nos acostumbremos pronto.Meanwhile, you can support me and Walt in a manner to which we'll soon become accustomed.
¿Cuánto llevamos haciendo esto? Estoy seguro de que se volverá más fácil cuando nos acostumbremos...How long have we been doing this so far? Mm... I'm certain it will become easier once we get accustomed to...
"Sam, hasta que Daisy y Baby se acostumbren contigo,"Sam, until Daisy and Baby are accustomed to you,
El proceso deberá ser lento, para que sus ojos se acostumbren a la luz.The process has to be slow, so that your eyes can become accustomed to the light.
Es una forma de hacer que se acostumbren a su olor, así... la aceptan como su reina.It is a way of getting them accustomed to her scent, so... they accept her as their queen.
Mejor es que se acostumbren.It is better become accustomed.
Tiene que hacer que sus pulmones se acostumbren al vapor si quiere evitar el sentir nauseas.You have to get your lungs quickly accustomed to the steam if you want to avoid feeling nauseated.
"Joven, no estoy acostumbrado"Young man, I'm not accustomed
"La cobardía nos ha acostumbrado a ver morir a los otros del modo más atroz, "...con una extraña indiferencia.'Cowardice has accustomed us to see others to die in the most terrible way, '...with a strange indifference.
"Me he acostumbrado a la melodía que silba día y noche# I've grown accustomed to the tune That she whistles night and noon #
"Me he acostumbrado a su cara# I've grown accustomed to her face #
"Poco acostumbrado como estoy a hablar en público"."Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking."
Se cambiaba primero y luego llamaba a la puerta. ¿Era para evitarnos verlo con el uniforme o para que lo olvidáramos y nos fuéramos acostumbrando a su persona?It was to avoid us to do it with the uniform or so that we forgot it and us did we go accustoming their person?

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