Sa arened, väga valju isiksusena. | You know, you're developin' a very, very loud personality. |
Käte moodustumine ja lõhe sulgumine viitavad sellele, et see areneb sama moodi nagu areneb inimene väljapoolt. | Emergence of arms and the closing seam that bisects her body suggests that she develops like a fetus outside the womb. |
Käte moodustumine ja lõhe sulgumine viitavad sellele, et ta areneb samamoodi nagu loode emakas. | Emergence of arms and the closing seam that bisects her body... ...suggests that she develops like a fetus outside the womb. |
Me peame oma olukorraga arvestama, kui see areneb. Või kuidas? | Well, we'll have to deal with our situation as it develops, won't we? |
Seetõttu me areneme ka erinevates võitluststiilides. | That's why we've developed different forms of martial arts. |
Aga kui me saadame kera Maale ja see avatakse, arenevad kloonidel nende kollase päikese all ebatavalised võimed. | But if we send the orb to Earth and it is opened, the clones inside will develop extraordinary abilities under their yellow sun. |
Ajani mil teie sõrmed arenevad, et tajuda just õiget kogust. | In time your fingers can develop a tactile memory forjust the right amount. |
Darvinistlik lähenemine närvivõrkudele tähendab seda, et närvirakud, mis saavad sobiliku signaali keskkonnast, arenevad optimaalselt ja teised närvirakud, mis seda ei saa, ei arene täielikult või ei arene üldsegi mitte. | The concept of Neural Darwinism simply means that the circuits that get the appropriate input from the environment will develop optimally and the ones that don't will either not develop optimally or perhaps not at all. |
Darvinistlik lähenemine närvivõrkudele tähendab seda, et närvirakud, mis saavad sobiliku signaali keskkonnast, arenevad optimaalselt ja teised närvirakud, mis seda ei saa, ei arene täielikult või ei arene üldsegi mitte. | The concept of Neural Darwinism simply means that the circuits that get the appropriate input from the environment will develop optimally and the ones that don't will either not develop optimally or perhaps not at all. |
Pannes imiku, kellel on sünnist alates väga hea silmanägemine, viieks aastaks pimedasse ruumi, ei näe ta seejärel enam mitte kunagi, sest silma võrkkest vajab arenemiseks valguslaineid ja ilma selleta närbuvad ja surevad ka kõige algelisemad sünnist alates olemasolevad ja aktiivsed rakud ning uusi enam ei arene. | If you take a child with perfectly good eyes at birth... and you put him in a dark room for five years... he will be blind thereafter for the rest of his life... because the circuits of vision require light waves for their development... and without that even the rudimentary... circuit's present and active at birth... will atrophy and die and new ones will not develop. |
Algul ma arvasin, et tema võimed on empaatilised, kuid need arenesid millekski palju enamaks. | At first, I thought his abilities were just empathic, but they developed into something greater. |
Asjad arenesid, aga kuna sina asusid teisel pool galaktikat. | Things developed, but with you being on the other side of the galaxy. Well, long distance relationships can be difficult. |
Kuidas nad ellu jäid ja ühiskonnana arenesid? | How they survived and developed as a society? |
6. sajandil e.m.a arenes siin välja uus idee, üks suuri inimrassi saavutusi. | Here, in the sixth century B.C., a new idea developed... of the great ideas of the human species. |
Ja siis arenes emal Alzheimer, nii et... | My mom developed Alzheimer's around then, so it was really-- You know what? |
Jah, Jack Driscoll oli sukelduja, tal arenes välja ränga surve probleem. | Right, Jack Driscoll was a deep-sea diver. He developed a crazy pressure Trouble. - Oh. |
Kogu austusega, härra, te olite Andie olukorrast ka varem teadlik, aga neid Jackiga praegu ära viia, vaid sellepärast, et teil arenes... süütunne, pole lihtsalt aus. | - Well, with all do respect, sir, you knew of Andie's condition when you left her and Jack here so to take her away now because you suddenly developed some sort of guilty conscience is not fair. |
Nakkava frustratsiooni tulemusena te arenesite oma tütre suunas tunnete ülemeelikut ja tungivat hoolitsemist tema suhtes. | As a result of affective frustration you developed towards your daughter an exaggerated and obsessive sense of responsibility. |
Nakkava frustratsiooni tulemusena te arenesite oma tütre suunas... ...tunnete ülemeelikut ja tungivat hoolitsemist tema suhtes. | As a result of affective frustration you developed towards your daughter... exaggerated and obsessive sense of responsibility. |
Darvinistlik lähenemine närvivõrkudele tähendab seda, et närvirakud, mis saavad sobiliku signaali keskkonnast, arenevad optimaalselt ja teised närvirakud, mis seda ei saa, ei arene täielikult või ei arene üldsegi mitte. | The concept of Neural Darwinism simply means that the circuits that get the appropriate input from the environment will develop optimally and the ones that don't will either not develop optimally or perhaps not at all. |
Kas ma võin küsida, viitega teie teisele argumendile kui te ütlete, et hinged ei arene, sest inimeste tähelepanu hajub... | Can I just ask, with reference to your second point... when you say souls don't develop because people become distracted... |
Kas ma võin küsida, viitega teie teisele argumendile... ...kui te ütlete, et hinged ei arene, sest inimeste tähelepanu hajub.... | Can I just ask, with reference to your second point... ...when you say souls don't develop because people become distracted... |
Ajukoore osa, hipokampus, mis kodeerib seda meenutamise mälu, hakkab arenema alles siis, kui inimene on poolteist aastat vana, ning täielikult areneb see veelgi pikema aja jooksul. | But the structure in the brain which is called the hippocampus which encodes recall memory doesn't even begin to develop fully until a year and a half and it is not fully developed until much later. |
Arvati, et see on lahenduseks Maa energiadefitsiidile ning janune tööstus hakkas kiirelt arenema. | It was thought that this was the answer to Earth's energy shortage, and a thriving industry quickly developed. |
Cassiel hakkasid arenema telekineetilised võimed. | Cassie started developing telekinetic abilities. |
Aga disainerid arvestasid sellega, et neil võivad areneda... ...mõne aasta pärast omad emotsionaalsed reageeringud. | The designers reckoned after a few years... ...they might develop their own emotional responses. |
Aga loojad arvestasid, et neil võivad areneda.. ..mõne aasta pärast omad emotsionaalsed reageeringud. | But the designers reckoned that after a few years they might develop their own emotional responses. |
Aitate tal areneda. | Help him develop. |
- Jah. See tähendab, et sinu parem jalg on paremini arenenud kui vasak ja sa teed sellega pikemaid samme. | That means your right leg's more developed than your left. |
- Ma ei tea, ta lihaskond võiks olla rohkem välja arenenud. | I don't know. His musculature could be more developed. |
...liikumine on arenenud, kaasa arvates Euraasia 17. laevastiku ujuvkindlused... | (announcer) A pincer movement has developed involving the floating fortresses of the Eurasian 17 th fleet... |
...liikumine on arenenud, kaasa arvates Euraasia 17. laevastiku ujuvkindlused... | (announcer) A pincer movement has developed involving the floating fortresses of the Eurasian 17 th fleet... |
Sir, on arenenud olukord Vene Konsulaadis. | Sir, a situation has developed at the Russian Consulate. |
Teie kõrgkooli ajaleht on arenenud üsna esinduslikuks putukasilmsete koletiste ringis. | Your high school paper has developed quite a rep in the bug-eyed monster circles. |
Et vähk areneks sellise sümmeetrilise täpsusega. | Don't you think that a cancer would develop in such precise symmetry |
Kas sa ei arva, et see on väga uskumatu? Et vähk areneks sellise sümmeetrilise täpsusega. - Mr. | Well, it's very unlikely, don't you think? that a cancer would develop in such precise symmetry. |
Kas sa ei arva, et see on väga uskumatu? Et vähk areneks sellise sümmeetrilise täpsusega. | Well, it's very unlikely, don't you think? that a cancer would develop in such precise symmetry. |