Ma aretan neid. | I breed them. |
Sa aretad näituse koeri. | You breed show dogs. |
- Mu ema aretab näituste jaoks koeri ja mu isa töötab valitsuse heaks. | - Uh, my mom breeds championship show dogs, |
Milline kuradima farm aretab selliseid sigu? | What the hell kind of farm breeds pigs like this? |
Ta aretab Vahtkonnale hobuseid. | He breeds them for the Watch. |
Ja me aretame sind edasi, mitte enam rebaseid jahtima, vaid nunnu olema. | And we keep breeding you not to chase foxes, but to be cute. |
Kui me ei tapaks ja sööks kõiki neid lehmi ei oleks meil lehmade aretamiseks tarvidust sest hetkel me aretame lehmi, kanu, sigu ja kalu. | If we didn't kill all these cows and eat them then we wouldn't have to breed all these cows because we're breeding cows and chickens and pigs and fish. |
- Kas aretate neid? | - Do you breed them? |
Kuninganna, keda Pangarlased aretavad ei olegi Goa'uld. | The queen the Pangarans are breeding is not Goa'uld. |
Ning nad aretavad koeri, kes neile meeldivad. | And they breed the dogs that please them. |
Näiteks aretavad nad seal hobuseid. | For example, they breed horses there. |
Ega me siin pandasi ei areta. | I mean, we're not breeding pandas here. |
Ja siis Carla oli julgust mulle õelda. et ta ei areta tervislikult. | And then Carla had the nerve to tell me he's not breed worthy. |
Nii targaks me neid ei areta. | We're not breeding them that clever. |
Mina aretasin su. | I bred you. |
Selle eripära aretasin ise. | I bred that aberration myself. |
Kuid aretasid nad ju lüsiini-puudulikeks? | You bred them lysine-deficient. |
Nad aretasid uue armee. | They bred a new army. |
Oot, sa aretasid sea? | Wait, you bred a pig? |
See, mida nad aretasid, ei suuda oma janu kontrollida. Kõik inimesed on ohus. | What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. |
Ja ta aretas su esivanemad vastupidavateks ja jahihimulisteks. | And he bred your ancestors for their stamina and their courage for the hunt. |
Meie aretasime pehmema väliskestaga maisi. | We bred a corn with a softer husk. |
Mind aretati tööliseks. | I was bred for work. |
Ega me siin pandasi ei areta. | I mean, we're not breeding pandas here. |
Ja siis Carla oli julgust mulle õelda. et ta ei areta tervislikult. | And then Carla had the nerve to tell me he's not breed worthy. |
Keegi ei areta mind. | No one's breeding with me. |
Kuuendas klassis, suundus ta ärisse hakates aretama Dalmaatsia hiiri mille ta müüs lemmikloomapoodi. | In the sixth grade, he went into business breeding Dalmatian mice which he sold to a pet shop in Little Tokio. |
Ma mõtlesin, et hakkame neid aretama ja teeme kasukaid või mütse. | I figured we'd breed them, and make coats. Or hats! |
Ma tahan... hakata Uthas... ...koeri aretama. | I want... to breed dogs.. ..back in Utah. |
hakata Uthas koeri aretama. | I want... to breed dogs.. ..back in Utah. |
Et aretada Rahuvalvajate Leviaatan Sõjalaev. | To breed a Peacekeeper Leviathan Warship. |
Kuid mul on veel lootust aretada loomtaimed. | ...butIstillhave hope for the animal-plant crossbreedings. |
Me loodame siin tuhandeid nendesuguseid aretada. | We hope to breed thousands here. |
- Ma treenin neid. Pesen ja mukin neid. Olen isegi aretanud neid. | I trained them, bathed them, clipped them, and even bred them. |
Isegi aretanud olen. | - I've even bred them. |
Mõistan, et olete neist agressiivsuse välja aretanud. | I understand you've bred the aggression out of them. |
Olen isegi aretanud neid. | I've even bred them. |
Ja need mäekollid on aretatud sõdimiseks. | These are fighters. They have been bred for war. |
Tosinaid on aretatud ja tagasi loodusesse lastud. | Dozens have been bred and released back into the wild. |