Daħal (to enter) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of daħal

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am entering
you are entering
he is entering
she is entering
we are entering
you all are entering
they are entering
Perfect tense
I have entered
you have entered
he has entered
she has entered
we have entered
you all have entered
they have entered

Examples of daħal

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
( 12 ) Fil-Kapitolu 6 , Taqsima 6.1 , it-tielet sentenza tat-tieni paragrafu tinbidel b' li ġej : « Dan il-qafas wieħed , imsejjaħ « Lista waħda » wkoll , daħal fis-seħħ fl-1 ta » Jannar 2007 u ħa post is-sistema b' żewġ saffi li kien ilu fis-seħħ mill-bidu tat-tielet stadju ta » l-unjoni ekonomika u monetarja ."( 12 ) In Chapter 6 , Section 6.1 , the third sentence of the second paragraph is replaced by the following : « This single framework , also referred to as the « Single List » , entered into effect on 1 January 2007 and replaced the two-tier system which had been in place from the start of stage three of economic and monetary union .'
(iffirmat fl-1995, daħal fis-seħħ fl-1996)(signed in 1995, entered into force in 1996)
(iffirmat fl-1997, daħal fis-seħħ fl- 2000)(signed in 1997, entered into force in 2000)
) daħal fisseħħ f’Diċembru.) entered into force in December.
) l-proċedura ta’l-eżami bil-ħsieb li, malli jkun daħal fis-seħħ il-ftehim bilaterali, tagħlaqha.) the examination procedure with a view to terminate it as soon as the bilateral agreement had entered into force.
Din id-Deċiżjoni idħol fis-seħħ fil-jum wara dak tal-pubblikazzjoni tagħha f’Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Barra minn hekk, numru rekord ta’ nisa qegħdin jidħlu fis-suq tax-xogħol – ir-rata ta’ impjiegi tagħhom issa hi ta’ 57%. Iżda, minkejja dan il-progress, huma jibqgħu jaqalgħu medja ta’ 15% inqas mill-irġiel u spiss jibqgħu limitati f’impjiegi b’pagi baxxi u part-time.In addition, a record number of women are entering thejob market – their employment rate now stands at 57%.But, despite this progress, they continue to earn on average of 15% less than men and often remain trapped inlow paid and part-time jobs.
Il-manifattur għandu jiżgura li l-ispare parts u l-apparat li huma disponibbli fis-suq jew li qegħdin jidħlu fis-servizz fl-Unjoni jkunu konformi mar- rekwiżiti tekniċi ddettaljati u mal-proċeduri tal-ittestjar fir-rigward tal-prestazzjoni ambjentali tal-vetturi msemmija f’dan ir-Regolament.The manufacturer shall ensure that spare parts and equipment that are made available on the market or are entering into service in the Union comply with the detailed technical requirements and test procedures with respect to the environmental performance of the vehicles referred to in this Regulation.
Il-manifatturi għandhom jassiguraw li l-komponenti ta’ rikambju u t-tagħmir li jsiru disponibbli fis-suq jew li jidħlu fis-servizz fl-Unjoni jikkonformaw mar-rekwiżiti rilevanti tar-Regolament (UE) Nru 168/2013, kif speċifikat mir-rekwiżiti tekniċi u l-proċeduri dettaljati tal-ittestjar imsemmija f’dan ir-Regolament.Manufacturers shall ensure that spare parts and equipment that are made available on the market or are entering into service in the Union comply with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, as specified by the detailed technical requirements and test procedures referred to in this Regulation.
(ċ) realment esportat il-merkanzija kkonċernata, jew li daħlet f’obbligu kuntrattwali irrevokabbli biex tesporta kwantità sinifikanti lejn il-Komunità wara l-perjodu tal-investigazzjoni;has either actually exported the goods concerned or has entered into an irrevocable contractual obligation to export a significant quantity to the Community after the end of the period of investigation;
Bl-eċċezzjoni ta’ skoperturi li jagħtu lok għal elementi ta’ Ekwità Komuni ta’ Grad 1, Addizzjonali ta’ Grad 1 u ta’ Grad 2, l-istituzzjonijiet jistgħu, soġġetti għall-permess minn qabel mill-awtoritajiet kompetenti, ma japplikawx ir-rekwiżiti tal-paragrafu 1 ta’ dan l-Artikolu għal skoperturi għal kontropartijiet li magħhom l-istituzzjoni tkun daħlet fi skema ta’ protezzjoni istituzzjonali li jkun arranġament kuntrattwali jew obbligu statutorju li jipproteġi lil dawk l-istituzzjonijiet u partikolarment jiżgura l-likwidità u s-solvenza tagħhom biex jiġi evitat il-falliment fejn ikun meħtieġ.With the exception of exposures giving rise to Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items, institutions may, subject to the prior permission of the competent authorities, not apply the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article to exposures to counterparties with which the institution has entered into an institutional protection scheme that is a contractual or statutory liability arrangement which protects those institutions and in particular ensures their liquidity and solvency to avoid bankruptcy where necessary.
Dan l-Artikolu għandu jiskadi mhux aktar tard mis-17 ta’ Ġunju 2017, jew f’data aktar kmieni, kif stabbilit mill-Kummissjoni skont il-proċedura regolatorja msemmija fl-Artikolu 10(2), jekk tkun daħlet fis-seħħ Skema obbligatorja ta’ Verifika ta’ Stati Membri tal-IMO.This Article shall expire at the latest on 17 June 2017 or at an earlier date, as established by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 10(2), if a mandatory IMO Member State Audit Scheme has entered into force.
Ebda ħaġa f’dan il-Ftehim ma għandha taffettwa d-drittijiet u l-obbligi ta’ kwalunkwe parti li joħorġu minn kwalunkwe ftehim bilaterali, reġjonali jew multilaterali li tkun daħlet fih qabel id-dħul fis-seħħ ta’ dan il-Ftehim.Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of any Party deriving from a bilateral, regional or multilateral agreement into which it has entered prior to the entry into force of this Agreement.
Ebda ħaġa f’dan il-Ftehim ma għandha taffettwa d-drittijiet u l-obbligi ta’ xi Parti li ġejjin minn xi ftehim bilaterali, reġjonali jew multilaterali li tkun daħlet fih qabel id-dħul fis-seħħ ta’ dan il-Ftehim.Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of any Party deriving from a bilateral, regional or multilateral agreement into which it has entered prior to the entry into force of this Agreement.
Barra minn hekk, dħalna fi djalogu u dibattitu ma’ l-esperti talkumitati konsultattivi ta’ Brussell.Furthermore, we have entered into dialogue and debate with experts from the Brussels’ think-tank scene.
--- « servizzi T2S » tfisser is-servizzi li għandhom jiġu pprovduti mill-Eurosistema lis-CSDs abbażi tal-Ftehim Qafas ; --- « utenti tat-T2S » tfisser entitajiet legali li , għall-finijiet tat-T2S , ikunu daħlu f' relazzjoni kuntrattwali mas-CSDs li ffirmaw ilFtehim Qafas mal-Eurosistema biex jużaw it-T2S .It does not have a budgetary character , --- « T2S services » means the services to be provided by the Eurosystem to CSDs on the basis of the Framework Agreement , --- « T2S users » means legal entities which , for the purposes of T2S , have entered into a contractual relationship with CSDs that have signed the Framework Agreement with the Euro ­ system .
Barra minn hekk, it-teħid tal-azzjoni meħtieġa jikkontribwixxi għall-ilħuq tal-impenji u r-rispett tal-obbligi li Ċipru, Franza, il-Greċja, l-Italja, Malta, is-Slovenja, Spanja u l-Unjoni nnifisha daħlu għalihom bħala Partijiet Kontraenti għall-Konvenzjoni ta’ Barċellona.In addition, taking the necessary action would contribute to meeting the commitments and respecting the obligations into which Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia and the Union itself have entered as Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention.
Barra minn hekk, l-RMG teħtieġ liċenzja tagħha biex tippermetti aċċess lil klijenti u kumpaniji postali oħrajn għan-netwerk nazzjonali tagħha fuq bażi mhux diskriminatorju u fil-prattika ħafna mill-kompetituri tal-RMG daħlu fis-suq bl-użu ta’ aċċess ta’ partijiet terzi għan-netwerk downstream (it-twassil tal-posta mill-persuna li tibgħat għall-persuna indirizzata) tal-RMG (pereżempju l-issortjar finali tal-posta u tal-konsenja għall-“aħħar sforz” lill-klijenti).Furthermore, RMG is required by its license to allow customers and other postal companies access to its national network on a non-discriminatory basis and in practice most of the competitors to RMG have entered the market by using third party access to RMG’s downstream network (for example final sorting of mail and delivery on the ‘last mile’ to customers).
Billi, b'mod partikolari, id-distilleriji ssiġillati kollha se jkunu daħlu fis-suq ħieles sal-31 ta' Diċembru 2013, dak il-persentaġġ se jonqos konsiderevolment wara dik id-data.Since, in particular, all bonded distilleries will have entered the free market by 31 December 2013, that percentage will decrease considerably after that date.
Dan japplika wkoll għal ħażniet li jappartjenu għall-impriżi li jkunu f’sitwazzjoni ta’ falliment jew li jkunu daħlu f’arranġament mal-kredituri.This also applies to stocks owned by companies that are bankrupt or have entered into an arrangement with creditors.

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