"Es gribu savu naudu atpakaļ!" un "Deutschland ist nicht der Zahlmeister Europas!" veidoja daļu no saukļiem, kas tika sagatavoti, ierodoties Žakam Deloram, un viņa atbilde bija tāda, ka struktūrfondus pārveidos uz sociālo kohēziju vērstās strukturālās politikās. | 'I want my money back!' and 'Deutschland ist nicht der Zahlmeister Europas!' formed part of the landscape prepared upon the arrival of Jacques Delors and his answer was that the Structural Funds would be transformed into structural policies aiming at social cohesion. |
Jo es to gribu! | Because l want it! |
Es gribu atbildes. | Now l want some answers. |
Ja tā, tad paziņo, vai tu gribi dzīvot kopā ar viņiem vai ne. | If so, whether or not you want to live with them; |
Ko tu gribi, lai ES dara, un ko — lai nedara?Apspried šos jautājumus ar draugiem, ģimenes locekļiem, kolēģiem.Pēc tam pastāsti politikas veidotājiem, ko tu domā. | What do you want the EU to do and not to do?Discuss the issues with your friends, your family, your colleagues.Then tell the policymakers what you think. |
Zinu, ka gribi prom, tā pat kā es. Mēs to izdarīsim. | I know you want to get out of here, and so do I. We're going to do it. |
Mēs arī gribam būt spējīgi atklāt mūsu teritorijas cilvēcisko bagātību, pateicoties jaunām ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām,” uzsver Rišārs Pjērs (Richard Pierre), Langras vicemērs. | We also want to be able to identify the hu-man richness in our territory, thanks to new geographical information systems,’ stresses Richard Pierre, Deputy May-or of Langres. |
Pal �dz �ba tika sniegta, kad mums t � bija nepieciešama.Tas ar � apliecin �jis faktu, ka m �s kaut ko varam izdar �t, kad m �s to gribam. | Laying the foundations for a better quality of life was there when we needed it.It has also confirmed the fact that we can do something when we want something. |
Ja mēs gribam tās sekmīgi risināt, ir praktiskāk — un parasti arī krietni lētāk — rīkoties ES mērogā. | If we want to tackle these problems successfully, it makes more sense — and is generally far less expensive — to deal with them at EU level. |
Tu savā pirmajā randiņā gribēji izskatīties perfekti. | You did want to look perfect on your first date. |
Godīgi runājot, Vega gribēja apvienošanos. | To be fair, vega did want a merger. |
Ja iestādes šaubās par tavu vecumu, iespējams, ka ārsts gribēs tevi izmeklēt, lai noteiktu, vai tu esi jaunāks vai vecāks par 18 gadiem. | If the authorities question your age, it is possible that a doctor will want to examine you to see if you are younger or older than 18. |
Ja viņš tiks aizvests, tiks apturēta ražošana un Bruņojuma padome gribēs zināt, kādēļ. | If it leaves with him on it, it'll disrupt production... and the Armaments Board will want to know why. |
Siriuss gribēs zināt, ko tu redzēji čempionātā un sapnī. | You know Sirius will want to hear about this what you saw at the World Cup and the dream. |
Mērķis bija atrast ekonomiski pieņemamu metodi, lai operatori gribētu uzņemties atbildību par neizdevīguma dēļ novārtā atstātiem pasūtījumiem. | The objective was to find an economically acceptable solution, so that operators would want to assume orders that had been abandoned because they were not profitable enough. |
Kāpēc lai Kāds te gribētu palikt? | Don't know of anybody who would want to stay |
Metriņš gribētu, lai tu piedalies. | Mater would want you to race. |