- 20 minuutin päästä. Miten ehdimme evakuoida kokonaisia kaupunkeja kolmestaan? | - How are the three of us... going to evacuate entire cities? |
- Aioimme evakuoida. - Ilman taistelua. | - We're about to evacuate. |
- Eikä rakennus pitäisi evakuoida? | Shouldn't we evacuate the building? No. |
- Emme ehdi evakuoida. | No time to evacuate. |
- Emme voi evakuoida koko planeettaa. | - We can't evacuate an entire planet. |
Kertokaa, miten evakuoin klinikkani huomiseen mennessä? | So -- so just tell me, how am I supposed to evacuate my clinic by tomorrow? |
Minä evakuoin kaupungin. | I evacuated. I evacuated the town. |
Nyt evakuoin vaimoni ja lapseni. | Now, I plan to evacuate my wife and my child. |
Huomenna evakuoit sponsorimme. | Tomorrow, you'll evacuate our sponsors. |
Häiritsen Simonia ja sinä evakuoit. | Okay, I'll find Simon, keep him away from the monitors, and you evacuate the hostages. |
Jos evakuoit, Räjäytän junan. | Attempt to evacuate, I blow the train. |
Jos hän valitsee ohjuksen, evakuoit aluksen muiden mukana. | If she chooses the missile, You will be evacuated with the rest of us, |
- Ne ovat minun! Otin ne mukaan, kun evakuoimme planeetan! | I brought them through with me when we evacuated! |
Ehdotan, että evakuoimme matkustajat ja tuhoamme aluksen. | I suggest that we evacuate the passengers, then destroy the ship. |
He tietävät vakoojastamme, jos evakuoimme. | We have to start evacuating. If we evacuate, they'll know we have a spy inside their walls. |
Jos Maggie yrittää ovesta, evakuoimme. | Then the moment she heads, we evacuate. OK? |
Jos se ei onnistu, evakuoimme niin monta kuin pystymme. | If not, we'll evacuate as many as we can. |
Että keskeytätte konklaavin, - avaatte ovet, evakuoitte Pietarin torin. Ja kerrotte maailmalle totuuden. | Open the doors, evacuate St. Peter's Square and tell the world the truth. |
Minun vihjeeni on se, että evakuoitte nyt ja unohdatte tarkoituksettoman arvailun. | My advice to you is to evacuate now and save all this pointless guesswork. |
Minä lennän tuohon ruokamyrskyyn, laitan sen koneeseen ja sammutan sen ainiaaksi sillä välin te evakuoitte saaren-- | I will fly up into that food storm, plug it into the machine and shut it down forever while you guys evacuate the island, using brea... |
- Ehkä he evakuoivat planeetan. | Maybe they saw it coming and evacuated the planet. |
Hallitukset evakuoivat kaupunkeja. | Governments evacuated cities. |
He evakuoivat labran. | They evacuated the lab. |
Kuuntele, he evakuoivat nuo rakennukset. | Listen to me. Look. They evacuated those buildings. |
Mieheni evakuoivat hallin. | My men will evacuate the rink. |
Takanani U. S. S. Harry Trumanin kannella on vilkasta - kun ulkomaalaisia evakuoidaan Nigeriasta. | As you can see behind me, on the USS Harry S. Truman activity is high as foreign nationals are evacuated from all over Nigeria. |
- Ehkä heidät evakuoitiin. - Älä aloita. | - Maybe they were evacuated. |
...evakuoitiin rakennuksesta. | ...were evacuated from the building. |
Annettiin evakuointikäsky, joten rakennus lähialueineen evakuoitiin. | An evacuation order was given and the building and surrounding area's were evacuated. |
Eli Noah ja Tracy evakuoitiin? | So Noah and Tracy were evacuated, Claire? |
Ja viikon kuluttua amerikkalaiset evakuoitiin ja olin taas Seattlessa. | And after a week, the Americans were evacuated and I was back in Seattle. |
- Evakuoikaa, evakuoikaa! | - Evacuate, evacuate! |
- Hoidelkaa replikaattori ja evakuoikaa tukikohta. | I'm pulling the plug. Finish off the replicator and evacuate the base. |
Ja evakuoikaa loput suunnitelmien mukaan. | And evacuate the others, as you outlined. Get it done. |
Jos en ole palannut 15 minuutin kuluessa, evakuoikaa ilman minua. - Te molemmat. | If I'm not topside in 15 minutes, evacuate without me, both of you. |
Jos en raportoi 15 minuutin kuluessa, evakuoikaa miehistö. - Me voisimme... | If I don't report in 15 minutes, evacuate the crew. |
Olin evakuoimassa häntä, kun vyöry alkoi. | I was evacuating her when the mudslide happened, and she runs back in her house. |
Ehdotan kuningattarelle huomenna, että täytämme velvoitteemme Egyptiä kohtaan evakuoimalla kaikki egyptiläiset Khartumista. | I shall suggest to Her Majesty in Scotland tomorrow that we shall discharge our obligations to Egypt by evacuating all the Egyptians from Khartoum. |
Minä olen ""evakuoinut"" 30 000 juutalaista ampumalla heidät. | Could you, General... Sorry. I have the real feeling I evacuated 30,000 Jews already, by shooting them at Riga. |
Minä olisin evakuoinut Westsiden, uhrannut puoli kaupunkia - ja ehkä helpottanut pysäköintiä Beverly Hillsissä, mutta... olisin tehnyt väärin. | Well, had I been in charge, I would have evacuated the West Side, sacrificed half the city, maybe made parking a little easier in Beverly Hills, but I would have been wrong. |