Preservar (to preserve) conjugation

74 examples

Conjugation of preservar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I preserve
you preserve
he/she/it preserves
we preserve
you all preserve
they preserve
Present perfect tense
he preservado
I have preserved
has preservado
you have preserved
ha preservado
he/she/it has preserved
hemos preservado
we have preserved
habéis preservado
you all have preserved
han preservado
they have preserved
Past preterite tense
I preserved
you preserved
he/she/it preserved
we preserved
you all preserved
they preserved
Future tense
I will preserve
you will preserve
he/she/it will preserve
we will preserve
you all will preserve
they will preserve
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would preserve
you would preserve
he/she/it would preserve
we would preserve
you all would preserve
they would preserve
Past imperfect tense
I used to preserve
you used to preserve
he/she/it used to preserve
we used to preserve
you all used to preserve
they used to preserve
Past perfect tense
había preservado
I had preserved
habías preservado
you had preserved
había preservado
he/she/it had preserved
habíamos preservado
we had preserved
habíais preservado
you all had preserved
habían preservado
they had preserved
Future perfect tense
habré preservado
I will have preserved
habrás preservado
you will have preserved
habrá preservado
he/she/it will have preserved
habremos preservado
we will have preserved
habréis preservado
you all will have preserved
habrán preservado
they will have preserved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I preserve
(if/so that) you preserve
(if/so that) he/she/it preserve
(if/so that) we preserve
(if/so that) you all preserve
(if/so that) they preserve
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya preservado
I have preserved
hayas preservado
you have preserved
haya preservado
he/she/it has preserved
hayamos preservado
we have preserved
hayáis preservado
you all have preserved
hayan preservado
they have preserved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have preserved
(if/so that) you have preserved
(if/so that) he/she/it have preserved
(if/so that) we have preserved
(if/so that) you all have preserved
(if/so that) they have preserved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have preserved
(if/so that) you have preserved
(if/so that) he/she/it have preserved
(if/so that) we have preserved
(if/so that) you all have preserved
(if/so that) they have preserved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera preservado
I had preserved
hubieras preservado
you had preserved
hubiera preservado
he/she/it had preserved
hubiéramos preservado
we had preserved
hubierais preservado
you all had preserved
hubieran preservado
they had preserved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese preservado
I had preserved
hubieses preservado
you had preserved
hubiese preservado
he/she/it had preserved
hubiésemos preservado
we had preserved
hubieseis preservado
you all had preserved
hubiesen preservado
they had preserved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have preserved
(if/so that) you will have preserved
(if/so that) he/she/it will have preserved
(if/so that) we will have preserved
(if/so that) you all will have preserved
(if/so that) they will have preserved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere preservado
I will have preserved
hubieres preservado
you will have preserved
hubiere preservado
he/she/it will have preserved
hubiéremos preservado
we will have preserved
hubiereis preservado
you all will have preserved
hubieren preservado
they will have preserved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's preserve!
Imperative negative mood
no preserves
do not preserve!
no preserve
let him/her/it preserve!
no preservemos
let us not preserve!
no preservéis
do not preserve!
no preserven
do not preserve!

Examples of preservar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... y buscando preservar y mantener la paz y dignidad de este estado..."... and seeking to preserve and maintain the peace and dignity of this state...
"Contra el padre Adisa, estamos inquebrantables en nuestra dedicación para preservar la seguridad de las personas Beko.""against Father Adisa, we are unwavering in our dedication to preserve the safety of the Beko people."
"Cualquiera que intente preservar su vida..."Anyone who tries to preserve his life...
"Lo que un hombre sacrifica en una lucha entre naciones una mujer lo sacrifica en la lucha para preservar esa nación."What a man sacrifices in a nations struggle a woman sacrifices in the struggle to preserve that nation."
"No, Posteridad, nunca sabrás cuánto nos costó preservar tu libertad."No, Posterity, you will never know how much it cost us to preserve your freedom.
Afortunadamente, ese combustible preservo la estampado.Fortunately, that fuel preserved the pattern for us.
Pero preservo el legado Vedrano,But preserve the vedran legacy,
Entonces, ¿cómo preservas la sangre?So, how do you preserve the blood?
Te portas como un radical y sólo preservas el antiguo orden.You act like such a radical and yet all you want to do is preserve the old order.
¿Es así como preservas tu intimidad?Is this how you preserve your privacy?
Apúrense. Hoy exploraremos como este hospital preserva la vida humana.Today we're going to explore how this hospital preserves human life.
Así que hay una película que preserva un nicho de un rincón de la vida americana.So there's a film that very specifically preserves a niche in a corner of American life.
Bueno, el proceso de vacío elimina el oxígeno, que preserva la vida útil y la calidad de las cosas.Well,the vacuum process removes oxygen, which preserves the shelf life and quality of things.
Cualquier continuidad preserva la idea de que el servicio no ha cambiado.Any continuity preserves the belief that service has not changed.
Deben haber mutado asquerosamente, pero el hecho de que hayan sobrevivido, nos dice que deben tener un medicamento que preserva su fuerza vital.They must be disgustingly mutated, but the fact that they have survived tells us they must have a drug that preserves the life force.
Aquí es donde preservamos nuestros libros antiguos... y registros invaluables.This is where we preserve our ancient books... and, uh, priceless records.
Aquí, lo que hacemos es congelar los cuerpos de manera instantánea, criogenicamente y los preservamos en bronce.Here, what we do is we flash-freeze the bodies cryogenically, and we preserve them by bronzing.
En Passageway preservamos la esperanza de vida, después de morir.I created Passageway in order to preserve the hope of future life, after death.
Le extirpamos un neuroma acústico hace dos días y preservamos su audición y su nervio facial.Mike Law, aged 30. We removed an acoustic neuroma two days ago and preserved both his hearing and his facial nerve.
Lo preservamos contra el tiempo.- We preserve him against the ages.
"¿Quiénes son los que preservan al país?"Who are those who preserve the country?
# Tenemos gobierno amigo del ecosistema, preservan nuestro hábitat natural♪ We got an eco-friendly government, They preserve our natural habitat
-Los taninos preservan el cuerpo.Tannins preserve the body. You have a cause of death?
...preservan la integridad de la loma.Two benches, tiny garden to preserve the integrity of the knoll.
Cráteres de más de 4 mil millones de años todavía se preservan.Craters more than 4 billion years old are still preserved.
Cuando alcancé la generación 130th, me preservé a mí mismo como el original al colocarme en la Solución de Ringer.When I reached the 130th generation, I preserved myself as the original by putting myself in the Ringer's Solution.
Le dije que eso podría comprometer la intención del artista, pero no lo vio como yo, así que yo... lo preservé.I told him that that would compromise what the artist intended, but he didn't see it my way, so I preserved it.
Lo preservé en una solución de uno por ciento de resina acetal de vinilo.I preserved it in a 1- percent solution of polyvinyl acetal resin.
A través de la fortuna, el coraje y la destreza, personalmente capturó al traidor Zhuge Zhengwo, y preservó la paz de su pueblo.Through fortune, courage, and prowess, he personally captured traitor Zhuge Zhengwo, and preserved peace for his people!
Boyd las preservó en formol para poder venir de visita.Boyd preserved them in formaldehyde so he could come and visit.
Como sea, la arcilla del suelo preservó muy bien los huesos.Anyway, the clay in the soil preserved the bones pretty well.
El Saco lo preservó Es básicamente una momia.The tarp preserved him. He's basically a mummy.
El lecho del océano preservó los demás restos notablemente bien.The ocean floor preserved the other remains remarkably well.
Dentro de ella, se preservaron algunos miles de millones de átomos del universo original.And inside it, perfectly preserved, a few billion atoms of the universe as it was.
Fue un mes seco, así que se preservaron bien.It's been a dry month, so they're pretty well preserved.
Las bolsas de riesgo biológico en que las tiraron capturaron y preservaron el escombro ambiental.Biohazard bags they were dumped in captured and preserved the environmental debris.
Las partículas de la cruz se preservaron en sus estómagos.Particles of the cross preserved inside of them.
Mira esto, es precioso... las condiciones atmosféricas impidieron que se pudriese, lo preservaron.Look at that! It's beautiful... the atmospheric conditions stopped it rotting... preserved it.
- El rey preservará la nueva religión.- The King will preserve the new religion.
El Señor preservará tu salida... y tu entrada".The Lord will preserve your going out and your coming in.
Esto lo preservará hasta que discernamos si podemos ayudarlo.This will preserve him until we discern if we can help him.
Historia preservará como tal.History will preserve her as such.
La compañía de ingeniería y electrónica, Hitachi, revela un revolucionario dispositivo de almacenamiento de datos, un chip de cristal de cuarzo, el cual preservará información codificada durante millones - de años.The engineering and electronics company, Hitachi, reveals a revolutionary data storage device, a quartz glass chip, which will preserve encoded information for millions of years.
Eso preservaría cada pequeño detalle.That would preserve every small detail.
Estaba convencido por experiencia personal que... había muchas cosas que un médico podría hacer... que preservarían y prolongarían la vida.He was convinced from personal experience that there were plenty of things a physician could do that would preserve and prolong life.
Así que lo que sea que los mantiene tan perfectamente conservados, no son los deshechos... ninguna condición local que los preserve.So, whatever's keeping them so perfectly preserved, it is not the debris or any pervasive local condition.
Entonces, mientras la leyenda se preserve, ¿no importa cuál es la verdad?So the legend can be preserved no matter what the truth is?
Eso hace que la abuela se preserve.That's why Granny's so well preserved.
Mi padre, Oxalá... que este humo... lave esta casa... limpie la discordia... y preserve la unión de tus hijos.My father Oxalá... may this smoke... cleanse this house... do away with our differences... preserve the union of its children.
Que Cristo lo salve, preserve y mantenga."and thus Christ save, preserve, and keep you...
Es importante que te cuides, preserves tu fuerza.It's important you take care of yourself, preserve you strength.
No preserves nuestra amistad si sientes que es imposible.Don't preserve our friendship if you feel it's impossible.
Para que los preserves con tu arte, y así puedan gozar de la vida eterna.To be preserved by your art. So that they may enjoy eternal life.
Sabes, no sé si los agentes te lo dijeron anoche... pero no es necesario que preserves la escena del crimen.♪ You know, I don't know if the officers told you last night, but you don't need to preserve the crime scene.
El Pentágono ha pedido... que preservemos algunos especimenes para estudiarlos.The Pentagon has requested that we preserve some specimens for study.
La Torah nos ordena que preservemos la vida.The torah commands us to preserve life.
Marca la importancia de que seamos más bondadosos entre nosotros y de que preservemos y cuidemos el punto azul pálido el único hogar que hemos conocido.""Itunderscores ourresponsibility "todealmorekindly withoneanother "andtopreserveand cherish thepalebluedot ,
Por ahora, preservemos tus preciados límites, ¿vale?For now, let's preserve your precious boundaries, shall we?
Qué pena que tanta belleza deba marchitarse... a menos que la preservemos.What a shame that so much beauty should wither... Unless the preserve.
Entonces, dijiste que la ética de la criogenia es debatible y que probablemente sea una locura hacer que te corten la cabeza y la preserven para un futuro uso.So, you said the ethics of cryonics is debatable, and it's probably crazy to have your head lopped off and preserved for future use.
No, hay que guardarlas a temperatura ambiente para que preserven su valor.No, they have to be kept at room temperature to preserve their value.
Que Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu Santo os bendigan y preserven de todo mal.God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost bless and preserve and keep you.
Santos nos preserven, por fin le he encontrado.Saints preserve us, at last l've found you.
Tened cuidado, entonces, preservad este libro del Concilio de Constanza.Take care, then, you preserve this book on the Council of Constance.
"Este mamut fue hallado perfectamente preservado en la tundra siberiana aún con comida en su hocico así como en su estómago lo cual indica que se congeló instantáneamente mientras pastaba"."The body of this mammoth was found perfectly preserved in the Siberian tundra with food still in its mouth and stomach indicating that it froze instantly while grazing."
"Se hacen visibles los contornos de Zanzotti's tal como la memoria los había preservado. "Cuando súbitamente recuerda..."Zanzotti's edges into view, exactly as memory has preserved it. "Phew. "When he suddenly recollects...
- El cuerpo está preservado.She's, like, preserved! un fósil perfectamente preservado, una enorme mandíbula.Yes, yes, a perfectly preserved fossil.
A chicle. ¡He preservado el olor!Bubblegum. I've preserved the scent!
"¿Para quién, entonces, estaremos preservando nuestras tradiciones?"For whom, then, will we be preserving our traditions?
- Tú sabes defendiendo a los indefensos, preservando los derechos humanos.- You know the sort of thing, defending the defenseless, preserving human rights, helping refugees get asylum.
Adaptando, superando y preservando mi espacio de ventas.Adapting, overcoming, preserving my retail space.
Así como usted, preservando las grandes obras de arte.Just like you, preserving those great artworks.
Aunque no estoy muy segura lo que papá pensaría de él. Pero para que cualquiera de estas ideas funcione, es esencial continuar preservando la vida silvestre de la granja. Y trabajar incluso más duro para promover una mayor biodiversidad.But for any of these ideas to work, it's essential to continue preserving the farm's wildlife and work even harder to encourage greater biodiversity.

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