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Influenciar (to influence) conjugation

64 examples

Conjugation of influenciar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I influence
you influence
he/she/it influences
we influence
you all influence
they influence
Present perfect tense
he influenciado
I have influenced
has influenciado
you have influenced
ha influenciado
he/she/it has influenced
hemos influenciado
we have influenced
habéis influenciado
you all have influenced
han influenciado
they have influenced
Past preterite tense
I influenced
you influenced
he/she/it influenced
we influenced
you all influenced
they influenced
Future tense
I will influence
you will influence
he/she/it will influence
we will influence
you all will influence
they will influence
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would influence
you would influence
he/she/it would influence
we would influence
you all would influence
they would influence
Past imperfect tense
I used to influence
you used to influence
he/she/it used to influence
we used to influence
you all used to influence
they used to influence
Past perfect tense
había influenciado
I had influenced
habías influenciado
you had influenced
había influenciado
he/she/it had influenced
habíamos influenciado
we had influenced
habíais influenciado
you all had influenced
habían influenciado
they had influenced
Future perfect tense
habré influenciado
I will have influenced
habrás influenciado
you will have influenced
habrá influenciado
he/she/it will have influenced
habremos influenciado
we will have influenced
habréis influenciado
you all will have influenced
habrán influenciado
they will have influenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I influence
(if/so that) you influence
(if/so that) he/she/it influence
(if/so that) we influence
(if/so that) you all influence
(if/so that) they influence
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya influenciado
I have influenced
hayas influenciado
you have influenced
haya influenciado
he/she/it has influenced
hayamos influenciado
we have influenced
hayáis influenciado
you all have influenced
hayan influenciado
they have influenced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have influenced
(if/so that) you have influenced
(if/so that) he/she/it have influenced
(if/so that) we have influenced
(if/so that) you all have influenced
(if/so that) they have influenced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have influenced
(if/so that) you have influenced
(if/so that) he/she/it have influenced
(if/so that) we have influenced
(if/so that) you all have influenced
(if/so that) they have influenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera influenciado
I had influenced
hubieras influenciado
you had influenced
hubiera influenciado
he/she/it had influenced
hubiéramos influenciado
we had influenced
hubierais influenciado
you all had influenced
hubieran influenciado
they had influenced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese influenciado
I had influenced
hubieses influenciado
you had influenced
hubiese influenciado
he/she/it had influenced
hubiésemos influenciado
we had influenced
hubieseis influenciado
you all had influenced
hubiesen influenciado
they had influenced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have influenced
(if/so that) you will have influenced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have influenced
(if/so that) we will have influenced
(if/so that) you all will have influenced
(if/so that) they will have influenced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere influenciado
I will have influenced
hubieres influenciado
you will have influenced
hubiere influenciado
he/she/it will have influenced
hubiéremos influenciado
we will have influenced
hubiereis influenciado
you all will have influenced
hubieren influenciado
they will have influenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's influence!
Imperative negative mood
no influencies
do not influence!
no influencie
let him/her/it influence!
no influenciemos
let us not influence!
no influenciéis
do not influence!
no influencien
do not influence!

Examples of influenciar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Bueno si en verdad quisieras influenciar los precios hay muchas otras subestaciones que atacar que tendrían un impacto mayor.- Well, if you really wanted to influence utility prices, there are so many other substations to go after that would have greater impact.
- Objeción. El abogado llama a la testigo "Sra. Tyler" para influenciar al jurado.Defense counsel constantly addresses... the witness as Mrs. Tyler to influence the jury.
Ahora, Lake puso a Cerf en el jurado para influenciar a los otros, ¿verdad?All right, now, Lake put Cerf on this jur to influence others, right?
Alguien está tratando de influenciar a la política pública. Y pienso que podría surtir efecto.Somebody is trying to influence public policy, and I think it might work.
Aun así, ustedes son algunos de los hombres más ricos de América, todos tienen el poder de influenciar en Washington.Still, you are some of the wealthiest men in America, y'all have the power to influence Washington.
Creo que yo lo influencio tanto como él a mí. Eso no va para un solo lado.I think that I'm as much of an influence on him as he is on me so it's not like it only goes one way.
Desde los primeros dias, un hombre influencio a Steve Jobs mas que cualquier otro, su amigo y rival Bill Gates.From the early days, one man influenced Steve Jobs more than any other, his friend and rival Bill Gates.
Ella influencio a los parientes y ministros.She influenced the relatives and the ministers.
Entonces no solo amenazo a la señora.. ..si no también la influencio para evitar.. ..que ella hiciera la denuncia policial durante un mes.Then he not only threatened the lady... but also used his influence to stop her... from lodging a police complaint for a month.
Estabamos en el estudio, y nos influencio, por eso ella escribio su primera cancion, que fue Seaside Woman.We came in the studio, and influenced by that she wrote her first song, which was Seaside Woman.
"...de ninguna autoridad, que el Sr. Lincoln recibirá malas influencias."in authority, Mr. Lincoln, will have a bad influence."
"Continuaré cumpliendo con mi deber... "porque cuando pase al otro lado... "quiero usar mis influencias para ahogar nuevamente a la raza humana.I shall keep on doing my duty for when I get over on the other side I wanna use my influence to have the human race drowned again.
"Demasiadas influencias extranjeras nos ha conducido a muchos problemas"."Too much foreign influence has led to many problems."
"Esa podía haber sido un éxito". Cuando oigo a esos tipos tocar y cantar y crear música que realmente quieren cantar, y que es recordativo de las influencias que tenía de adolescente... la entendí.When I hear those guys that are really singing and playing and making music that they wanna sing, and that are reminiscent of the influences that I had as a kid...
"Este había sido el canal de las influencias divinas"These had been the channel of divine influences
"...qué puede contrapesar la influencia negativa""...which may counterbalance the negative influences"
"Pollock pasó por la influencia de Miró..." Pollock has gone through the influences of Miro...
- Es una mala influencia en la casa.-He's a bad influences in the house.
- Sé que Rory es una buena chica... pero las chicas buenas pueden convertirse en malas si tienen mala influencia.- I know Rory's a good girl... but good girls can go bad with the wrong influences. We all know that.
...La información dada por Berton es un conjunto de alucinaciones, provocadas por la influencia de la atmósfera del planeta, con síntomas de ofuscación, lo que provocó la excitación en las zonas corticales asociativas....Burton's statements would appear to be the expression of a hallucinatory complex, induced by atmospheric influences of the planet, plus obscure symptoms to which the brain's cortical substance contributed in some measure through the excitation of associated zones.
Nunca influenciamos en él.We never influence it.
Todos influenciamos a las personas que tenemos alrededor.Everyone influences the people around them.
Ambas influencian su vida.Both influence his life.
Ellos la influencian.They influenced her.
Entonces creo que influencian al presente.So I think that they influence things today.
Esos datos influencian a un jurado.That kind of spin can influence a grand jury.
Estos genes influencian tu disposición a ser violento, narcicista, o un homicida.These genes influence whether you're violent, narcissistic, or homicidal.
Me encantaría, pero el abogado defensor diría que influencié a la testigo.Love to-- only down the line the defense attorney could say that I influenced the witness.
Más como... influencié.More... influenced.
Si piensas que yo influencié a Kitty para mantenerse lejos de una carrera empresarial para protegerte. No podrías estar más equivocada.If you think I influenced Kitty to stay away from a business career to protect you, you couldn't be more wrong.
Me influenciaste, con tu poder.- You know, influenced me. I'm under your power.
- La policía no me influenció.I wasn't influenced by the police.
- ¿Qué te influenció de esas películas?- What about those films influenced you?
Ahora bien, con Carmilla estábamos viendo a uno de los originadores del cuento gótico veinte años antes de que Bram Stoker escribiera Drácula y creo que es justo decir que lo influenció mucho.Now, with Carmilla, we are looking at one of the originators of the Gothic tale, 20 years before Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, and I think it's fair to say, it influenced him greatly.
Ahora, mi pregunta es ¿cree usted que el comportamiento de Grace influenció a su marido?Now, my question is do you believe That grace's behavior influenced your husband's?
Al principio... porque mis padres se mudaron ahí y yo estaba con ellos y creo que eso influenció nuestra música, el área de donde venimos, puede haberle dado más significado.I hated it. At first ... because my parents moved there and I was with them and I think that influenced our music, the area where we came from may have given more meaning.
Aldous Huxley, cuyos primeros experimentos con la mescalina influenciaron el interés popular en el LSD, nunca perdió fé en el valor de las drogas psicodélicas.Aldous Huksley, who's early experiments with mescaline influenced popular interest in LSD, never lost faith in the value of psychedelic drugs.
Bueno, sus ensayos y artículos sobre ser seropositivo me influenciaron tremendamente.Why, his essays and articles on being positive influenced me tremendously.
La gente a la que sigo siendo muy fiel son las personas que realmente me influenciaron cuando era muy chico, cuando no sabía nada de nada, y... realmente me mostraron en un modo muy concreto una dirección hacia adelante.The people that I remain very faithful to... are the people that really influenced me... when I was very young. When I didn't know anything about anything. And... that just really showed that in a very concrete way... showed a direction forward... and for me to be doing this is very much about that.
Lo que me ayudo realmente a escapar de mi realidad fueron estas cosas. Que me influenciaron como un niño viendo películas de terror y dibujando esos monstruos.What really helped me escape my reality was these things that I was influenced by as a kid which is watching horror movies and drawing these monsters.
Los barrios populosos de Génova influenciaron "Heidi" y "Marco de los Apeninos a los Andes".The crowded neighborhoods of Genova influenced "Heidi" and "From the Apennines to the Andes."
Damas y caballeros, les aseguro... que la presión mediática no influenciará mi juicio objetivo.Ladies and gentlemen, I want to assure you that no media pressure will influence my objective judgment.
Hizo una colección que influenciará a todos los diseñadores del mundo.She's made a choice that will influence all designers everywhere.
Pero rara vez nos paramos a pensar cómo Afganistán nos influenciaría a nosotros, pese a los cientos de miles de soldados soviéticos, diplomáticos, periodistas y consejeros políticos que lo atravesaron."But we rarely stopped to think how Afghanistan would influence us, "despite the hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers, diplomats, "journalists and political advisers who passed through it.
Y luego tu influenciarías a tus compañeros del jurado.And then you would influence your fellow jurors.
'El mayor homenaje que le puedes hacer a una obra que vas a criticar, es no leerla para que no te influencie"."The greatest tribute one can pay a work of art "one is supposed to criticise "is not to read it so as not to be influenced by it."
- Que el ejecutivo no te influencie.- Don't let the suit influence you.
-Me llevó 7 años de mi vida... pero no dejes que eso te influencie.-It took 7 years out of my life... but don't let that influence you.
Me gusta que me influencie toda clase de música cuando rapeo.I don't know, I just like to be influenced by all kind of things when I rap.
Mientras tu vida personal no influencie la investigación.As long as your personal life doesn't influence the investigation.
No te influencies por mi ni por nadie más.Don't be influenced by me or anything else.
Pero en vista de la destrucción y el pánico causados por ese peligroso animal no puedo permitir que los sentimientos me influencien.But in view of the destruction and panic already caused by this dangerous animal I cannot allow sentiment to influence me.
¡Son sólo profesores! -No dejes que te influencien.You can't let them influence you.
¡Tienes que ser muy débil para dejar que los otros... - te influencien tanto!- You have to be very weak to let others influence him so much!
"The Invisibles" era un thriller de ciencia ficción, con saltos dimensionales, superespías y conspiraciones, que fue fuertemente influenciado por su propia vida.The Invisibles was a sci-fi, dimension hopping conspiracy thriller. that was heavily influenced by his own life.
- Autor - Serie "Shannara" Sí, y creo que ha influenciado a todo escritor fantástico desde entonces.Yes, and I think it's influenced almost every single fantasy writer since.
- ¿Qué quieres decir con "influenciado"?- What do you mean, influenced?
- ¿Sabes cuántas veces le has influenciado tú?- You've often influenced him !
- ¿Sigues siendo influenciado por él?- You're still influenced by him?
'Negativo pero no está influenciando su patrón de vuelo.'Negative but it isn't influencing your flight path.
Así que tal vez la energía negativa de su coven esté influenciando a Tais de algún modo.So maybe her coven's angry energy is influencing Tais somehow.
Así, por esa razón, en primer lugar, se le asocia con sus prácticas mágicas de teúrgia, lo cual es hacer el trabajo de los dioses, influenciando al mundo.And so, for that reason, primarily, he becomes associated with his magical practices of theurgy, which is doing the works of the gods, influencing the world.
Aún te está influenciando.He's still influencing you.
Cada ataque del francotirador es mayor noticia, influenciando a más personas.Each sniper attack is bigger news, influencing more people.

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