Influencer (to influence) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of influencer

Present tense
I influence
tu influences
you influence
il/elle/on influence
he/she/it influences
nous influençons
we influence
vous influencez
you all influence
ils/elles influencent
they influence
Present perfect tense
j’ai influencé
I influenced
tu as influencé
you influenced
il/elle/on a influencé
he/she/it influenced
nous avons influencé
we influenced
vous avez influencé
you all influenced
ils/elles ont influencé
they influenced
Past impf. tense
I was influencing
tu influençais
you were influencing
il/elle/on influençait
he/she/it was influencing
nous influencions
we were influencing
vous influenciez
you all were influencing
ils/elles influençaient
they were influencing
Future tense
I will influence
tu influenceras
you will influence
il/elle/on influencera
he/she/it will influence
nous influencerons
we will influence
vous influencerez
you all will influence
ils/elles influenceront
they will influence
Past perfect tense
j’avais influencé
I had influenced
tu avais influencé
you had influenced
il/elle/on avait influencé
he/she/it had influenced
nous avions influencé
we had influenced
vous aviez influencé
you all had influenced
ils/elles avaient influencé
they had influenced
Past preterite tense
I influenced
tu influenças
you influenced
il/elle/on influença
he/she/it influenced
nous influençâmes
we influenced
vous influençâtes
you all influenced
ils/elles influencèrent
they influenced
Past anterior tense
j’eus influencé
I had influenced
tu eus influencé
you had influenced
il/elle/on eut influencé
he/she/it had influenced
nous eûmes influencé
we had influenced
vous eûtes influencé
you all had influenced
ils/elles eurent influencé
they had influenced
Future perfect tense
j’aurai influencé
I will have influenced
tu auras influencé
you will have influenced
il/elle/on aura influencé
he/she/it will have influenced
nous aurons influencé
we will have influenced
vous aurez influencé
you all will have influenced
ils/elles auront influencé
they will have influenced
Present subjunctive tense
que j’influence
that I influence
que tu influences
that you influence
qu’il/elle/on influence
that he/she/it influence
que nous influencions
that we influence
que vous influenciez
that you all influence
qu’ils/elles influencent
that they influence
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie influencé
that I have influenced
que tu aies influencé
that you have influenced
qu’il/elle/on ait influencé
that he/she/it have influenced
que nous ayons influencé
that we have influenced
que vous ayez influencé
that you all have influenced
qu’ils/elles aient influencé
that they have influenced
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’influençasse
that I would influence
que tu influençasses
that you would influence
qu’il/elle/on influençât
that he/she/it would influence
que nous influençassions
that we would influence
que vous influençassiez
that you all would influence
qu’ils/elles influençassent
that they would influence
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse influencé
that I had influenced
que tu eusses influencé
that you had influenced
qu’il/elle/on eût influencé
that he/she/it had influenced
que nous eussions influencé
that we had influenced
que vous eussiez influencé
that you all had influenced
qu’ils/elles eussent influencé
that they had influenced
Conditional mood
I would influence
tu influencerais
you would influence
il/elle/on influencerait
he/she/it would influence
nous influencerions
we would influence
vous influenceriez
you all would influence
ils/elles influenceraient
they would influence
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais influencé
I would have influenced
tu aurais influencé
you would have influenced
il/elle/on aurait influencé
he/she/it would have influenced
nous aurions influencé
we would have influenced
vous auriez influencé
you all would have influenced
ils/elles auraient influencé
they would have influenced
Imperative mood
let's influence!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie influencé
have influenced
ayons influencé
let's have influenced
ayez influencé
have influenced

Examples of influencer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Comment dire des obscénités et influencer les autres" par Lenny Bruce."How to Talk Dirty and influence People"... by Lenny Bruce.
"Méthodes sournoises pour influencer les gens" ne sonne pas très bien.Uh, well, "sneaky ways to influence people" doesn't sound quite as catchy.
"Pour influencer les masses, viser d'abord le moins intelligent."Quote: "To influence the masses, aim first at the least intelligent". Unquote.
- Bien, si tu voulais influencer le marché, il y a tellement de centrales plus importantes que tu peux faire sauter.- Well, if you really wanted to influence utility prices, there are so many other substations to go after that would have greater impact.
- C'est illégal d'influencer le vote.It's illegal to influence the voting.
"Ecrire sur la personne dans votre vie qui vous a le plus influencé.""Write about the person in your life who has influenced you the most."
"Les officers donnent les ordres et ils ne peuvent pas être influencé"Officers give orders and they can't be influenced
"Nommez vos 3 livres préférés et dites en quoi ils ont influencé votre vie."Let's see: "List your three favorite books and how they've influenced your life. "
- C'est un groupe assimilé au Art-Punk, influencé par Flipper.- He was a punk-art influenced by Flipper.
- Comment ça, "influencé" ?- What do you mean, influenced?
" Et cette persécution contre-révolutionnaire... contraire aux idéaux de Mai... visait à exterminer les patriotes... qui tentaient d'étendre partout en Amérique ... l'influence de la libération du Rio de la Plata... là où un bras a porté le couteau qui a frappé le dos de Monteagudo... et tranché la langue de Castelli pour le réduire au silence."This counter-revolutionary persecution... contrary to the ideals of May... was aimed at exterminating the patriots... who tried to extend throughout America... the influence of the liberation of the Rio de la Plata... where an arm bore a knife that struck Monteagudo's back... and sliced Castelli's tongue to silence him.
" Pollock a subi l'influence de Miró... de Picasso, de la peinture mexicaine et de tout ce qui s'ensuit... et il en est ressorti quelqu'un qui peint... en gros avec son propre pinceau."" Pollock has gone through the influences of Miro... Picasso, Mexican painting and whatnot... and has come out on the other side... painting mostly with his own brush."
" et pensez vous que les paroles du rap ont une dangereuse influence sur la jeunesse américaine ? ""and do you feel rap lyrics are a dangerous influence on America's youth?"
" la personne qui a exercé le plus d'influence dans ma vie c'est moi. ""the person who has exercised the most influence in my life is me."
"..dans une tribu kanake non soumise à notre influence.".. A tribe Kanak not subject to influence.
- Vous les influencez.- Whom you will influence.
Ce que vous ne dirigez pas, vous le contrôlez ou vous l'influencez.What you don't manage, you control. What you don't control, you influence.
Vous influencez sa façon de penser?You influence his thinking?
Vous l'influencez beaucoup.You seem to have considerable influence over Miss MacKinnon.
Vous l'influencez, Drake.You're a bad influence, Drake.
4,000 miles à l'ouest de la Chine, un autre conte d'êtres célestes influençant la civilisation peut être trouvé, cette fois dans l'actuel Irak.4,000 miles west of China, another tale of celestial beings influencing civilization can be found, this time in what is now modern-day Iraq.
C'était le superprédateur influençant l'évolution de toutes les espèces.They were the top predator, influencing any animal to evolve since their inception.
De grands leaders surgirent... et la culture noire atteignit son sommet, influençant toutes les facettes de la vie américaine.Vibrant leaders emerged and black culture reached its high point, influencing all facets of American life.
Jamais vu, toujours présent, influençant le destin des galaxies.Never seen, always present, influencing the fate of the galaxies themselves.
que vous répandez de par le monde influençant toutes les cultures. Et touchant le cœur de millions de gens.Because you share your culture and resolutions with the whole world, spreading it to all other nations, influencing all other cultures... and touching the hearts of millions.

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