Infligir (to inflict) conjugation

68 examples

Conjugation of infligir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I inflict
you inflict
he/she/it inflicts
we inflict
you all inflict
they inflict
Present perfect tense
he infligido
I have inflicted
has infligido
you have inflicted
ha infligido
he/she/it has inflicted
hemos infligido
we have inflicted
habéis infligido
you all have inflicted
han infligido
they have inflicted
Past preterite tense
I inflicted
you inflicted
he/she/it inflicted
we inflicted
you all inflicted
they inflicted
Future tense
I will inflict
you will inflict
he/she/it will inflict
we will inflict
you all will inflict
they will inflict
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would inflict
you would inflict
he/she/it would inflict
we would inflict
you all would inflict
they would inflict
Past imperfect tense
I used to inflict
you used to inflict
he/she/it used to inflict
we used to inflict
you all used to inflict
they used to inflict
Past perfect tense
había infligido
I had inflicted
habías infligido
you had inflicted
había infligido
he/she/it had inflicted
habíamos infligido
we had inflicted
habíais infligido
you all had inflicted
habían infligido
they had inflicted
Future perfect tense
habré infligido
I will have inflicted
habrás infligido
you will have inflicted
habrá infligido
he/she/it will have inflicted
habremos infligido
we will have inflicted
habréis infligido
you all will have inflicted
habrán infligido
they will have inflicted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I inflict
(if/so that) you inflict
(if/so that) he/she/it inflict
(if/so that) we inflict
(if/so that) you all inflict
(if/so that) they inflict
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya infligido
I have inflicted
hayas infligido
you have inflicted
haya infligido
he/she/it has inflicted
hayamos infligido
we have inflicted
hayáis infligido
you all have inflicted
hayan infligido
they have inflicted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have inflicted
(if/so that) you have inflicted
(if/so that) he/she/it have inflicted
(if/so that) we have inflicted
(if/so that) you all have inflicted
(if/so that) they have inflicted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have inflicted
(if/so that) you have inflicted
(if/so that) he/she/it have inflicted
(if/so that) we have inflicted
(if/so that) you all have inflicted
(if/so that) they have inflicted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera infligido
I had inflicted
hubieras infligido
you had inflicted
hubiera infligido
he/she/it had inflicted
hubiéramos infligido
we had inflicted
hubierais infligido
you all had inflicted
hubieran infligido
they had inflicted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese infligido
I had inflicted
hubieses infligido
you had inflicted
hubiese infligido
he/she/it had inflicted
hubiésemos infligido
we had inflicted
hubieseis infligido
you all had inflicted
hubiesen infligido
they had inflicted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have inflicted
(if/so that) you will have inflicted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have inflicted
(if/so that) we will have inflicted
(if/so that) you all will have inflicted
(if/so that) they will have inflicted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere infligido
I will have inflicted
hubieres infligido
you will have inflicted
hubiere infligido
he/she/it will have inflicted
hubiéremos infligido
we will have inflicted
hubiereis infligido
you all will have inflicted
hubieren infligido
they will have inflicted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's inflict!
Imperative negative mood
no inflijas
do not inflict!
no inflija
let him/her/it inflict!
no inflijamos
let us not inflict!
no inflijáis
do not inflict!
no inflijan
do not inflict!

Examples of infligir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Schinderdiv utilizar su fuerza brutal para clavar a su víctima, y los colmillos muy afilados para infligir daño"."Schinderdiv use their brutal force to pin their victim, and razor sharp tusks to inflict damage."
- Esas municiones que usamos nos permitieron infligir algunos daños importantes pero esas emboscadas se suponían que eran para contenerlos hasta recibir nuevas órdenes.Those munitions we lucked into allowed us to inflict some serious pain, but these ambushes were supposed to be a holding action till we got new orders.
- para infligir este tipo de lesión.- to inflict that kind of an injury.
- ¿Qué ocurriría? - Corea del Norte poseería los medios para infligir bajas a gran escala sobre cualquier país a tiro de misil.- North Korea would possess the means to inflict large-scale casualties and mayhem on any country in missile range.
...Y lo utilizan para infligir el mortífero de devastaciones....and using it to inflict the deadliest of devastations.
Yo la inflijo.I inflict it.
El único dolor que importa es el que infliges.The only pain that matters is the pain you inflict.
Ninguna cantidad de culpa merece el dolor que te infliges tú mismo.No amount of guilt deserves the pain you inflict on yourself.
Primero tu infliges el daño.First inflict hurt.
Si me hieren, cálmame con un bálsamo. Pronto amaré la herida que me infliges.If you wound me, soothe me with a balm l will soon love the wound you inflict
¿No te das cuenta de la tortura que infliges a alguien que te quiere cuando haces eso?Don't you realize the torture you inflict on someone who loves you when you do that?
"Dios quitará el sufrimiento que la inflige.""God will take away the suffering He inflicts."
"Es el único que inflige dolor por es simple placer de hacerlo."He is the only one that inflicts pain For the pleasure of doing it."
Catalina teme atribuirse el dolor que inflige.Catherine is fearless about taking credit for the pain she inflicts.
Creemos que esto es un homicidio por piedad después del terrible abuso que inflige.We think this is a mercy killing after the horrific abuse that he inflicts.
El virus de la rabia no puede sobrevivir en el agua así que inflige a su víctima con un miedo paralizante al agua.The rabies virus Can't survive in water. So it inflicts its host with a paralyzing fear of water.
Durante las batallas del año pasado infligimos daños muy graves a Godzilla...During the battles last year we inflicted serious damage on Godzilla as you well know.
Esa es la lección de Occidente que nosotros mismos no infligimos.That's the West's lesson that we inflict on ourselves.
Lo que ella quiere decir es que prefiere el dolor sin sentido que nos infligimos uno al otro al dolor que nos infligiríamos estando solos. Pero no tengo miedo de ese dolor solitario.What she means is she prefers the senseless pain we inflict on each other to the pain we would otherwise inflict on ourselves but I'm not afraid of that solitary pain.
Que infligimos a los animales!We inflict on animals!
Sin la capacidad de sufrir, no podemos sentir el daño que infligimos.Without the capacity for pain, we can't feel the hurt we inflict.
- Puede asegurarles similares en terrorista a los insectos, que infligen un gran daño en nosotros hoy.- It may reassure you the like in terrorist to insects, they inflict great damage on us today.
Al verte menearte y cantar, olvidan los horrores... que nos infligen sus soldados y sus armas.They see you prancing and singing and they can forget the terrors they've inflicted on our lands with their soldiers and weapons.
He visto los horrores que los hombres se infligen unos a otros y soportaría todo nuevamente si pudiera escuchar mi pedido.I have seen the horrors that men inflict upon each other and I would bear it all again if you might hear my plea.
Los que infligen atrocidadesThose who inflict atrocities on
Luego, los enviaremos a tierras donde los hipócritas y los infieles... infligen todo tipo de crueldad a los musulmanes.Then, we'll send you to lands where hypocrites and infidels inflict all kinds of cruelty on Muslims.
- perdóname el sufrimiento que infligí a tu hermoso corazón.- forgive me for the torment inflicted on your fair heart.
Lamento la crueldad que has sufrido, la que infligí en ti, pero... ¡No puedo deshacer el pasado!I'm sorry for the cruelty you endured that I inflicted upon you but I cannot unmake the past.
Parece que infligí una quemadura de bigote de 3º grado a la niña.Apparently, l inflicted a third- degree whisker burn on the girl.
Por ti, voy a deshacer todo lo que se ha hecho, te voy a dar una nueva vida, una sin una maldición vampírica que yo infligí sobre vosotros.For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life, one without the vampire curse I inflicted upon you.
Y hoy, mientras te recuperas de las heridas que yo te infligí, yo te mostraré el mío.And today, as you recover from the injuries that I inflicted upon you, I will show you mine.
Dolor de una enfermedad que tú se la infligiste.Pain from a disease which you inflicted upon her.
"Yo nunca me recobraré de las heridas que usted infligió en mí.I will never recover from the wounds that you inflicted on me.
- Y, ¿sabe quién las infligió?And you know who inflicted them?
Abandonaron la investigación al descubrir al Dr. Mott muerto de una herida de bala que él mismo infligió.The investigation was dropped when Dr Mott was found dead... from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Ahora crée que las heridas de Hayes se las infligió él mismo.He now believes Hayes' wounds were self-inflicted.
Aparte de mi breve tiempo ayudando a Oliver a recuperarse de las heridas que Ra's al Ghul le infligió, mi vida ha sido de... aislamiento.Apart from my brief time helping Oliver recover from the wounds Ra's al Ghul inflicted on him, my life has been one of...isolation.
50 años más tarde hice un cortometraje sobre los horrores que le infligieron a los judíos.Fifty years later I made a short film, about the horrors inflicted upon the Jews.
El patrón y el aspecto de la carbonización indican que estas quemaduras se infligieron tanto ante como perimortem.The pattern and carbon sheen indicate that these burn spots were inflicted both ante- and perimortem.
Las heridas no se infligieron de una sola vez.The wounds weren't inflicted all at once.
Los ataques infligieron graves daños en instalaciones y pistas.The attacks inflicted heavy damage on runways and installations.
Si, pero aún así los Dorandan infligieron daños masivos a la flota de los Espectros.Yeah, but the Dorandans still inflicted massive damage on the Wraith fleet.
Lo que le hicimos a Savonarola parecerá una fantasía comparado con lo que infligiré en ti.What we did to Savonarola will seem like the merest whimsy compared to what I will inflict on you.
Te infligiré dolor Tu me amarás!I will inflict pain on you. You will love me!
Debes ser muy clara, y apropiadamente consciente del dolor que infligirás.You must be very clear and properly conscious of the pain you will inflict.
Solo saltemonos el discurso, Al y ve directo al castigo que nos infligirás por ser tu familia?Can we just skip through the speech, Al and get to the punishment that you will inflict on us for being your family?
Cada vez que el Sr. Rivolí se equivoque... usted le infligirá un castigo.-Each time when Mr. Rivoli is wrong you will inflict a punishment.
Esa es que una chica infligirá a otra chica.That is a curse that a girl will inflict another girl.
¿No es esta la maldición que una chica infligirá a otra chica?Isn't this the curse that a girl will inflict to another girl?
No lo inflija a sus seres queridos.Do not inflict it upon your loved ones.
Si a eso aspira inflija su miseria en nombre de la decencia.If that's your ambition inflict your misery in the name of respectability.
Sufro por cualquier maltrato que ella le inflija a este cuerpo.I suffer every abuse she inflicts on this body.
¿Qué castigo quieres que inflija?What punishment would you have me inflict?
Cualquier daño que le inflijas será sanado por el sol.Any injury you inflict will be healed by the sun.
nunca inflijas temor.never inflict fear.
Las mismas lesiones se inflijan a Michael.The same injuries she inflicted on Michael.
Pero, para las heridas, no hay cura ... no para las que se inflijan uno de los tuyos.But for wounds, there are no cures... not for those inflicted upon you by ones who are your own
" por la presente es ordenado ser infligido,"Is hereby directed to be inflicted
"Evidencia probable de abuso auto-infligido, incluyendo pequeñas cicatrices en sus rodillas, muñecas y pecho."Evidence of probable self-inflicted abuse, including small crescent-shaped scars on her knees, wrists and chest.
"del espacio infligido al ave que lo niega..."by space inflicted on the stubborn bird
"ha infligido adelante la masculinidad tradicional."has inflicted on traditional masculinity.
Ahora, la posición concuerda con un disparo auto infligido pero podría haber sido fácilmente montado.Now,positioning is consistent with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but could easily have been staged.
A estas alturas ya sabrás, al igual que mis amigos, que disfruto infligiendo dolor.You know by now, along with my friends here, that I enjoy inflicting pain.
Ahora estamos infligiendo.Now we're inflicting.
Debido a su origen noble... la Srta. Renard tenía plena inmunidad para hacer eso precisamente... infligiendo dolor y placer con igual entusiasmo.Owing to her noble birth, Mademoiselle Renare was granted full immunity to do just that:; inflicting pain and pleasure with equal zest.
Demasiado ocupado infligiendo dolor al contestar.Too busy inflicting pain to answer.
Dime... si admirabas tanto a los humanos... ¿Por qué continuaste infligiendo tus fallos sobre ellos?Tell me... if you admired humans so much... why did you keep inflicting your failures upon them?
Es la característica que os define, la manera en la que todos infligís dolor entre sí, este impulso implacable de comer, matar y a alcanzar el orgasmo, como chimpancés calvos.It's your defining characteristic, the way you all inflict pain on each other, this relentless drive to eat, kill, and to orgasm, like hairless chimpanzees.

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